• 2

    posted a message on The Demon Seed

    This feels absolutely terrible to play against. Like, I know it's far from the best deck this expansion, but it's still a valid complaint when half my opponents are using it and it's just this awful. It's not fun to play against a deck with enough healing to fully restore their hp three times over.

    And it just feels like terrible design to be able to force your opponent to fatigue the way it does, regardless of how strong the deck is.

    I don't really see how it could be nerfed, and in fact it probably shouldn't and won't be, much like Tickatus, but god do i hate that I'm going to have to deal with this in standard for the next year and half.

    Posted in: The Demon Seed
  • 1

    posted a message on Spell Damage Mage (Meta Breaker?)

    Loving this deck so far... 6-0 from diamond 5 to diamond 3 at the moment. I made a few changes (since I don't have Jandice Barov or Keywarden Ivory), but it's mostly the same deck. I've beaten a token druid, face hunter, aggro secret paladin, and 2 control warlocks so far among the 6 games, so it can do well against seemingly most of the decks seeing a lot of play right now.

    Posted in: Spell Damage Mage (Meta Breaker?)
  • 5

    posted a message on Bug With Queueing For Games - Golden Core Cards To Blame

    Apparently, you still get Wrath of Air Totem when using a hero portrait that isn't the basic Thrall.

    I'm not joking. It might be one of the stupidest bugs in the history of Hearthstone.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on Forged in the Barrens Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!

    I know there's always server hiccups when a new expansion launches, but this easily the worst it's ever been.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Anyone else unable to join a game?

    It's not the servers. You can't start a game if you have core cards in your deck, I think.

    Edit: Just tested, seems like there are different errors, so it's both the servers and the core set causing issues.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Reward Track Update Coming Soon

    Okay, that change for the > level 50 rewards is probably the most important one... i remember saying before that they need to spread the rewards out more, which is exactly what they did. I mean, the game is still way too expensive in every way, but this is better than nothing.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Remove Tickatus from the game already.

    So I've been seeing a lot of posts about Tickatus recently (even made one myself on it's card page) but after having then gotten the card from level 25 in the tavern pass and played with it myself, it kind of feels like people are actually being a bit too dramatic? Or at least, we have a very vocal minority here.

    It's reasonable to say that a majority of my games i haven't even been able to play tickatus - including a lot of my wins - and i still lose just as many games after playing him as i win. In this pretty aggro meta we seem to have forming, he's not anything insane.

    Again, this is just my experience, but it really don't feel like the game breaking card everyone says it is.

    That doesn't change the fact that it's effect really isn't a healthy one for the game, but still, it shouldn't be outright nerfed, because then it would just be bad - some kind of rework would be perfectly fine. Or just leave it like it is, which is honestly what I'm expecting Blizzard to do.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Grand Totem Eys'or

    The fact that this is actually not a bad card at all is honestly really funny to me.

    ◥█̆◤ TOTEMIC YOUR MIGHT ◥█̆◤

    Posted in: Grand Totem Eys'or
  • 2

    posted a message on Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate

    Still crashes the game when you get the 0 cost spells option, even though this was known to happen a little while before the expansion launched. I get that coding isn't easy, but still. How did this not come up before?

    Posted in: Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
  • 9

    posted a message on Tickatus

    Man screw this card. Remember when devs removed coldlight oracle because it wasn't fun when players didn't get to play their deck? Yeah me neither.

    Literally a quote from when they hall of famed coldlight: 'Its “downside” can destroy opponent's cards and prevent opponents from playing the deck they built'

    GG Blizzard.

    Posted in: Tickatus
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