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    posted a message on How much gold do you have?

    I have ~1k but I plan to play arena so it doesn't really matter.

    Farmed 30 packs since last week when I started with 400 gold. I've only been playing arena and quests. Plus the free pack from tavern brawl of course.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Tol'vir Stoneshaper

    Why would anyone want that? Aggro doesn't need help it's already super strong. 

    Doesn't matter how many strong taunts there are in the game fast decks will always exist.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Hs balance and meta.

    HS got worse and worse with every expansion. More RNG swing cards that can decide the game on their own or just as the combination of random effects. Making draw RNG even worse (Finja, Reno, Kazakus, having to draw perfect if you want to survive against pirates, wether you or the opponent has patches in hand or not).
    The only good expansion was blackrock because it introduced a very skill dependant deck, Patron Warrior.

    I feel like I had so much more fun in even early beta then I am now in the game. Ladder feels like a grind. It's not fun to lose to pirates because I had no answers or even if I do it's not because I did anything right but I just happened to have the right cards in the first 3-5 turns.
    Jade is boring, dragon priest boring. 

    There are cards that can decide game outcomes just by themselves, take finja for example. If you play it on curve, you are almsot guaranteed to win the game. If you draw it too late, well it's useless. Same with patches, if you have it in your opening hand you're chance of winning the game is instantly halved or worse. All these things add up too and create an entire RNG fiesta on ladder. 

    These decks that involved so much RNG used to be for playing on casual mode for fun like Randuin or Casino mage.

    Maybe in terms of overall winrates decks are balanced I don't know but I feel like we're having less and less influence on the outcomes of games especially on constructed.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Gwent is Absolutely Amazing

    Casuals killed HS with their constant need for super swingy RNG cards being top tier for them to be able to win. It's really said that 90% of games are decided by stupid win or lose swing cards.
    Maybe it's time to try something new.

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 1

    posted a message on Should I DE Ragnaros to craft a Golden Ragnaros for the upcoming Hall of Fame?

    Someone did a really good guide on what to do with rotating cards. Look it up.

    If you don't want to I'll save you some time. It's not worth it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [FAN CREATION] New Rogue Quest - Undercity Pact
    Quote from lastwolf8128 >>
    Quote from KawsmikW >>
    Quote from Sneeds >>

    rogues will never be happy as long as leeroy costs more than 4 and auctioneer costs 6

    water rogue can be one of the best decks in the game and still they will complain

     Out of fear of being called "salty" - what other meta deck has been comprised of more neutral cards then class cards? Wow 2 playable class cards!
     Every Paladin deck ever.
     The current only viable paladin deck Anyfin paladin runs 60-80% class cards? What are you talking about. Paladin class cards are amazing. Equality, Truesilver Champion all nuts. Tyrion is one of the best or maybe the single best legendary in the game. Lightlord also sick. 

    Rogue has a solid base set with evis, prep etc, that has good synergy with auctioneer but keeps getting shadow ragers and corpse flowers worse pandas other shitty combo cards etc.

    The new paladin quest reward is sick too. 5/5 that you can adapt 5 times. That's insane. You can pick plus damage shield stealth windfury and plus something else and it's insane that's 16 damage next turn and it has stealth.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Really crummy interaction between fandral and starfall, maybe should be looked at.

    A better example would be maybe Baron Geddon, that having a legendary on board is not and should not always be a good thing for you.

    The game mechanics are so simply and you have ~2 minutes to think about what you want to do, instead of whining here about something that doesn't work you want it to try to think through what consequences your plays might have on future turns or just accapted that you are at a disadvantage because of a mistake.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Really crummy interaction between fandral and starfall, maybe should be looked at.
    Quote from famfam0 >>

    I understand that is it working as intended. What I'm saying is that it seems silly that without Fandral I would be able to kill this concealed minion (which is good for me), but with my minion, I am at a disadvantage and had to kill my own minion with this "better" effect. I don't think it makes sense. I chose not to use starfall and still won the game, but it's just crappy for my legendary being on the board to hurt my chances of winning.

     Exactly, you would be able to play it without fandral. You made a mistake by playing him. Live with it. 
    People like you are why HS is being dumbed down to so stupid levels. You don't understand that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. There should be opportunities for mistakes in the game so bad players can't get to higher ranks.

    It's the same thing as saying that you play Reno on turn 6 and heal for 4 then later need the heal but the legendary is on the board why am I not winning anyways.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Your Questions for Hearthstone Game Designer Dean Ayala!

    Because he is not an elemental. Why should it?

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Is this latest expansion going to slow down the meta?

    Aggro will always be a thing. The SMOrc always finds a way. It was hunter once, then shaman, then warrior.

    They will probably always keep easy and fast decks around for those filthy casuals.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on New Shaman Quest - Unite the Murlocs

    Sounds interesting. I was expecting elemental quest for shaman though. Maybe mage gets that then. So either elemental mage ot secret mage will replace the existing decks there because neither reno nor tempo will exist.

    As for shaman they might go for elementals anyways because they have access to some of the better ones (earth, fire, unbound).

    At least if you have this and even if it's not viable you can complete the 75 murloc quest on casual mode.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Dissenchant golden King Krush?

    I don't see him being a useful card any time soon or probably ever. 

    There would have to be massive changes to the hunter class and the game in general. 

    High cost cards simply cannot be played in a fast meta except if you are playing heavy control and the card is impactful enough. Honestly Crush has nothing to offer but mediocre stats for so much mana and some burst, but there are so many better burst damage options for Hunter.

    The only reason for keeping it would be if you simply like the card and maybe use it in fun decks vs friends. I own a golden Yogg still even though it got nerfed and is no longer constructed viable but it was my favourite card so I kept it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card - Clutchmother Zavas
    Quote from Nicholasjh >>
    Quote from ApyoGk >>

    Yep. So forced.

     You're right, let's just completely eliminate planned synergies and hope everything "just works". I wish the mod's had never introduced the concept of "forced synergy" so we wouldn't have all these misplaced salty comments.
     But it is forced. Warlock will be discard zoo and that's it for the next expansion.

    Black rock mountain was a very good example of a great expansion.

    Nothing was forced. The community came up with Patron warrior the best and most skillful deck of all time.

    Vanilla cards are good. Nobody forced deck ideas on us, still Miracle Rogue, Control Warrior, Freeze Mage were born. 

    A great expansion would be when we can play more then one type of deck per class not just one that blizzard have told us we can. 
    In Gadgetzan, we have Reno Lock, Jade Druid, Pirate Warrior, Reno Mage, Murloc Paladin, these classes cannot play anything but those decks if you don't wanna be a rank 25 roleplayer who plays offmeta garbage.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Ozruk
    Quote from Amensia_s >>

    Silence control priest might be a thing , with all that elemental buff, Kabal SongstealerMass Dispel

     At rank 25 every deck is viable. Other then that, no, silence priest will never be viable. Not even close.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Ozruk

    9 mana battlecry gain 400 dust.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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