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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
i feel like this is a little different, it use to be that the only way to get the cards was through the adventure. now the rewards are packs.
kind of fun, still not playing again
Glad to see tolarian winds make its way into hearthstone. This card is nuts. If it doesn't see play now some wild combo deck will differently want to play it in the future.
hey tolarian winds made it into hearthstone. im sure this will be fair
if only mass disenchant costed one less mana
Quote from Berserker_00 >> Okay but what am I going to do with the Kingsbane that I crafted yesterday ?
Okay but what am I going to do with the Kingsbane that I crafted yesterday ?
get punished for becoming part of the kingsbane cancer
Am i the only one who sees cheaty anklebiter and thinks to there self "Ima just target myself and drop happy ghouls for free!"
its pre built got you fam
hate it when you cant make your own deck
if the rulings for this was the same as molten giant, then this will deal 25 damage no matter how many spells you cast.
he means nethersoul buster is a warlock card
well cards like loatheb can stall this as well. Also i think combos in a game where you can't interact on your opponents turn also doesn't fit.
They couldnt have done something like giving all minions the murloc tag, and make all tribal affects murloc. would have been far more interesting
decided to craft prof. because he seems like the hardest to replace. have a second mad scientist in replace of subject 9
i only have enough dust to craft one, so what do you think is more important. subject 9 on the prof.?
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i feel like this is a little different, it use to be that the only way to get the cards was through the adventure. now the rewards are packs.
kind of fun, still not playing again
Glad to see tolarian winds make its way into hearthstone. This card is nuts. If it doesn't see play now some wild combo deck will differently want to play it in the future.
hey tolarian winds made it into hearthstone. im sure this will be fair
if only mass disenchant costed one less mana
get punished for becoming part of the kingsbane cancer
Am i the only one who sees cheaty anklebiter and thinks to there self "Ima just target myself and drop happy ghouls for free!"
its pre built got you fam
hate it when you cant make your own deck
if the rulings for this was the same as molten giant, then this will deal 25 damage no matter how many spells you cast.
he means nethersoul buster is a warlock card
well cards like loatheb can stall this as well. Also i think combos in a game where you can't interact on your opponents turn also doesn't fit.
They couldnt have done something like giving all minions the murloc tag, and make all tribal affects murloc. would have been far more interesting
decided to craft prof. because he seems like the hardest to replace. have a second mad scientist in replace of subject 9
i only have enough dust to craft one, so what do you think is more important. subject 9 on the prof.?