I also decided to try Dispose of Evidence instead of Sigil of Alacrity, because it often happens that all the cards that would be better in the deck fall into the hand. Yes, and an exchange of 3 attacks will not hurt, which also looks good with Aldrachi Warblades. I'm sorry that I write so much :D
- EleMint
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GranVerm0 posted a message on Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0Posted in: Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0 -
GranVerm0 posted a message on Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0Posted in: Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0At least with All Fel Breaks Loose it's very annoying to revive Xhilag of the Abyss
GranVerm0 posted a message on Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0Posted in: Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0Thank you! Understood. So far I'm going 6-2 on platinum 5, but I decided to replace Xhilag of the Abyss with Taelan Fordring so that Sire Denathrius can start accumulating earlier, otherwise it looks rather pointless here
GranVerm0 posted a message on Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0<pre class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Перевод">Why is Vanndar here? It can only be played if Renathal is obtained before it.</pre>Posted in: Big Deathrattle Relic Demons Demon Hunter 2.0 -
Deck_Fiend posted a message on Control Disrupt ShamanPosted in: Control Disrupt Shamanif you plan on playing quest priest, card is still useful though for completing quest and playing reward on same turn. it's actually great for quest priest now.
Shekelzard posted a message on Big Deathrattle Relic Demon HunterPosted in: Big Deathrattle Relic Demon HunterThanks man, fun deck to play in current meta, even tho DH is underpowered still
snacksize posted a message on Jade Questwock ShamanPosted in: Jade Questwock ShamanPlayed a mirror of this deck, but my mutanusthedevourer ate their Shudderwock. Quick concede after that, fun deck.
zeroxz posted a message on Reno Questwock ShamanPosted in: Reno Questwock ShamanNice deck :-)
AntonydusWurm posted a message on Free vectus!Posted in: Card Discussionit clearly says "from your minions", plural!
sure they could be redundant and add "from different deathrattle minions" to that, but it should be clear as is
MaliciousFalcon posted a message on Quest Mage In Wild Might Get Another Nerf in the FuturePosted in: NewsSorcerer's Apprentice should cost 3.
Cards that can discount multiple other cards should cost 1 more in exchange.
The same change should be made to Mechwarper and Radiant Elemental, for the same reasons.As for Flamewaker, reducing the damage from 2 to 1 should balance things out without completely neutering the card.
Then, it becomes sort of like a Knife Juggler for Spells. - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Thank you for the recommendation re: Xhilag v. Taelan (both have good synergy with the revelers too, but taelan does give the added bonus of not diluting the All Fel Breaks Loose res pool, while the only upside of not running him would be the very few times you already drew Sire and then taelan would pull a big demon from the deck which could be both good or bad depending on the match, but I think the Sire tutor plus not diluting the AFBS res pool is definitely a good reason for the switch!
I played with Mutanus, i recently took it out for more card draw but i agree, it fits fine in this style of deck, but it also interferes with a clean pick up of firemancer and toxfin through ice fishing so I decided to take it out
Yea eating a key combo piece with hero power + mutanus is always a great feeling. I've been running an OTK version of Shudderwock recently with Grumble/Bog Sloshers and the rare times where you can bounce mutanus for even more disrupt and then follow up with even more through Shudder is just a blast
bold of you to speak for an entire community. hey everyone look at this guy! apparently he knows exactly what you do and dont like! just one guy! wow!
Thanks! Best of luck on your climb!
To be fair there are several decks in wild that can crush big priest handily.
Off the top of my head: Kingsbane Pirate Rogue, Control Rogue, Tempo Mage, Even Shaman, Reno Priest and Renolock/Evenlock all have great chances of smashing big priests.
I dont think BP is nearly oppressive as people make it out to be, especially in Wild. I farm Big Priests and Warlocks with my Control Rogue, i welcome seeing them.
Thank you for the advice and additions!
Heyy all, I recently found a variation of this deck list online/through the occasional match up, and its been a blast to learn and play. I'm sure I'm not the first one to call this Infinite Nzoth Rogue, but I was hoping for some feedback to improve the pretty signficant match ups against Even Shaman and Odd Rogue. The deck seems to perform pretty well across the board, but when it loses board control it can really struggle to get back into it. I've messed around with the thought of adding a Vanish and I've swapped Vilespine Slayers for Walk the Plank for mixed success. But the board control problem definitely seems to be its biggest trouble spot. Any advice on how this could be improved?
Thanks in advance for any and all insights!
EDIT: Credit goes to HackFin for putting together what is probably the best guide for this style of deck. Linked below for reference:
Infinite Nzoth Mill Rogue Decklist:
Backstab × 2
Shadowstep × 2
Eviscerate × 2
Gang Up × 2
Lab Recruiter × 2
Sap × 2
Fan of Knives × 2
Sonya Shadowdancer × 1
Walk the Plank × 2
Valeera the Hollow × 1
Neutral Cards (12)
Brann Bronzebeard × 1
Coldlight Oracle × 2
Deathlord × 2
Spiritsinger Umbra × 1
Antique Healbot × 1
Rotten Applebaum × 1
Sludge Belcher × 2
Sylvanas Windrunner × 1
N'Zoth, the Corruptor × 1
Speaking as a Big Priest player, I can say that the deck can be absolutely wrecked by aggro and early mid range. It is meant to beat other control decks, that's the whole reason for it. That's how the game is, certain decks are designed to beat others, while others are meant to beat those decks.
Add to that the chances of not drawing Barnes and even other control decks can get ahead of it if it doesn't Shadow Essence by turn 6. Not to mention the deck gets absolutely destroyed by kingsbane rogue.
The deck absolutely has its weaknesses, and there are other decks in tier 1 wild that can absolutely run rampant on big priest if it gets the chance. Heres just a few. Odd Rogue, Kingsbane Rogue, Even Shaman,Shuderwock Shaman, Combo Druid, Maly Druid, Evenlock, and Cube/Controllock all have an honest match up against the deck and can take Big Priest down, I have seen it happen to myself even in matches where i turn 4'd the Barnes.
In a meta where Shudderwock, Bloodreaver Guldan, Kingsbane, and other very powerful single card effects exist, Big Priest and its high roll nature is just another deck where a single copy of a card defines the deck. If Blizz wants to nerf Shudderwock, Bloodreaver, Kingsbane and the others, I would be all for a Barnes nerf. As it is, the high roll nature and its weakness to aggro/midrange and other "OP" control cards is enough to keep it in check.
Also, this quote "when no one ever talks about Barnes getting resurrected, pulled out of the deck with ysharaj, or shadow essenced - all much more likely to happen than turn 4 Barnes!!!!"
Thanks for checking out the deck! I've recently tried adding 2nd versions of the battlecry effects to try and double the chances of pulling off the combo and other battlecry effects altogether. Having 2nd verisons of the combo effects in a Reno deck feels really nice but yeah the whole deck does still revolve around getting the 3 card combo AND Shudderwock
Saronite Chain Gang/ Doppelgangster for copies
Lifedrinker/Cthun for damage
Glacial Shard/Brrloc for freeze effects