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    posted a message on Dragon mage OP...easy climb

    I don't know if Chromaggus will solve the draw problem but it does make sense to sub him in because Nefarian and Dr. Balanace  are the only BGH target in this deck currently. But I would guess on max 1x BGH in the opposing deck.

    I only played this deck just twice but it rocks and I was able to recall Nefarian to my hand (with Ysera Dream) and next turn make a boardclear of Sylvanas Shadowlfame. Which stole ony Egg Spider.

    Real fun deck, I found it just in time since I have the impression that meta is shifting to control and tempo Mage has more difficulties.

    Posted in: Dragon mage OP...easy climb
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    posted a message on [Legend] Get Legend Now! Tempo Mage

    Thank you for sharing the deck, it works great so far.
    I'm considering Kezan and Harrison as tech cards to swap in.

    Posted in: [Legend] Get Legend Now! Tempo Mage
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    posted a message on TempoMage #1 Legend S15 - TheEnclase

    It looks a lot like the temp mage I used to play, so I'm going to try this out laterz.
    My current tempo deck is too slow.

    Posted in: TempoMage #1 Legend S15 - TheEnclase
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    posted a message on EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*

    I don't know if this deck has enough low cost spells or spare parts to get reliable results with Antonidas. Because you never want to put him onto the board without a spell to generate a Fireball off.
    If your opponent can't deal with him he does wins games but I would try Kel'Thuzad, as he was originally in this deck.

    Posted in: EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*
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    posted a message on EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*

    Getting a decent opening draw is crucial for most decks in current meta. Only face-hunter runs so many cheap minions that their draw has little impact. On the other hand, they more rely on their opponent not drawing into too many answers.

    At first I also struggled to understand this deck but once you know you meta and the answers that are in this deck you should start winning. So far overall winning rate with this deck hasn't dropped below 60% and I climbed from rank 20 to 10 with this deck.

    Posted in: EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*
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    posted a message on EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*

    Against Face Hunter you need some luck to draw into 1-2 drop minion or Portal.
    Keep clearing their minions with ping or trading. Keep Fireballs for the face and try to pop their Explosive traps asap.
    Flamewaker can always be great to clear the board.

    Another thing is to go for popping you Mad Scientist asap, as getting more minions on the board is ideal to clear their board more effectively. Face-hunters will rarely trade (unless you got a good Portal and the recognise the threat) and just keep going face until your dead.

    I'm having quite good results vs Hunter: currently at 50%.

    Posted in: EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*
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    posted a message on (TGT) Combo Druid

    Since I can't vote anymore (using Chrome) I reply.

    I tried this deck for Daily on ladder and I found it to be too slow for current meta if you don't get any Innervate or Wild Growth. Your opponent will control the board and you lack enough damage spells or comeback cards to really stand a chance.

    I did replace Shadow by Druid of the Flame as I read in another Ramp Druid Deck that Shade is a little slow and a perfect target for Random damage spells.

    Maybe it's just me and I need to learn to play this deck but I can only recall playing against 1 Druid tonight on the ladder. I'm currently at 12-10 Rank.

    Posted in: (TGT) Combo Druid
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    posted a message on EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*

    I switched out the Sorcerer's Apprentice for Acolyte of Pain because of Grim Reaper and Midrange Hunter meta. As I found that my hand was dry when I needed to deliver. I feel it's also better to pick up minions from the board and even low damage spell so more threatening minions will go unchecked on the board.

    I'm starting to get the feeling for this deck, thanks for sharing.

    Posted in: EU Legend #1 Tempo Mage *UPDATED*
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    posted a message on Fast Legend Mage

    What would you use the Bloodmage Thalnos for? For the one-off Spellpower, maybe and ok you do get the card draw.

    + Flamestrike I could understand but Unstable Portal is too much fun to remove IMHO, so would opt to take the Flamecannon out.

    Posted in: Fast Legend Mage
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    posted a message on Fast Legend Mage

    Looks like a fun deck but I can understand that the Control Warrior and (maybe) Grim Warrior will be a difficult matchup because they will drag the game and let you run out of steam. If you can't maintain board control I think this deck lacks any real come-back cards, aside from FlamewakerArcane Missiles combo.
    Sure I had my fun with Flamewaker insane burst with Sorcerer's Apprentice and bouncing off 1-drop spells. But after that you typically are relying on top-decking after that turn.

    But since you're Dutch and I'm Belgian I am willing to give your deck a try. I just reworked my Tempo Mage to include new Dragon cards and it's looking like to improve the tempo build.
    In my opinion you can't rely on just one trick, like Flamewaker, so you have got to have something allround. I don't like the Loot Hoarders as in worst case an Ironbeak Owl

     silences it and gone any value....

    Posted in: Fast Legend Mage
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    posted a message on Flamewaker Tempo Mage (Mid-Range Cost)

    Ok, I understand now why this card is so important for Midrange. If you're not planning on doing any face early game, why not include him?


    Posted in: Flamewaker Tempo Mage (Mid-Range Cost)
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    posted a message on [BRM] A-Mage-Ing!

    I like the idea behind the deck but I must agree that it is difficult to make this deck work if you need to wait for you flamewakers. So yes, I would say this deck isn't really reliable to climb the ladder.

    I tried to play this deck and sometimes you win big and sometimes you never had a chance because your Flamewakers weren't there.

    Apparently Zoo-lock just brings too much health boxes for you to remove, unless they miss their start and you don't miss yours.

    Looking at my current stats I'm 11-10 with this deck and not many losses are due to miss-play. I'm now trying a version with duplication to get more Flamewakers out there, which is great in a way but than you rather not want to use your Mad Scientists, in my opinion it's difficult to use Mad Scientist for delivering your secrets, because if you can't play Flamewaker, that you don't really want to play another minion...

    Maybe I'm too focussed on the Flamewakers as multiple copies of Mana Wyrms tend to win games too.

    Posted in: [BRM] A-Mage-Ing!
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    posted a message on Flamewaker Tempo Mage (Mid-Range Cost)

    I like your Write-up and your style of analysis, FrothyOmen.

    you reminded me of the potential of the Sorcerer's Apprentice but don't be fooled by comparing mana-cost and body weight. As apprentice can be killed by most 1-drop minions, you see so often in Face-hunter and  Zoo-Locks.

    Could you explain me why Zombie Chowis such a good card? I get it when you can play this card early in the game but after turn 6 the card, only supports a 2-drop body for 1 mana and giving back 5 life to your opponent? While I'm struggling to get lethal on the opponent?

    Posted in: Flamewaker Tempo Mage (Mid-Range Cost)
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    posted a message on the perfect Mage Tempo Deck?
    Quote from DarkInvader »

    Flamewaker seems to be completely useless for a Tempo Mage deck :/

    Like mike said, Flamewaker gain tremendous tempo, but only if you can remove enough minions when you play it.
    I play it preferably after I have set a taunt up like Belcher or Annoy-o-tron.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on 16 Win Steak Anti-Meta Face Mage

    I tried your deck and it worked perfectly nice, grabbing the board and landing on the opponents face but only as long as you draw Flamewaker. Ik had a couple games in a row where they stayed in the deck and then I saw that this deck is lacking some classic rush elements, like Dire Wolf Alpha

    There is no AoE in this deck at all, so coming back on the board can only be done by removal or Arcane Missiles combined with Flamewalker.

    So, no thanks, this deck isn't consistent enough. I believe you had 80% win rate, because you were lucky to have your Flamewalkers when you needed them ;)

    Posted in: Mage
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