Perfect deck! I was playing the old Anyfin deck and ran into this one and it made me realize that we do have tribal minion which perform that much better.
Well from the comments we can see that the true skill in this card is to know in which deck to use it, and when to play it, and when not to play it.
I like it in more aggressive decks, it's a 'Get maybe out of jail'-card. When the opponent is almost stabilizing and you are running out of gaz, you point this location at their face and hope for burn, board clear, card draw etc.
If you want to play this in a control deck, I don't think you can expect to do well with this card. It can be just another form of clear, but at seven mana, I feel there are better clears for cheaper, and you are better off to get some draw or discover cards to get to those draws more consistently.
Control is less about variance, while face is not too scared of variance, in me beliefs on this game at least.
I don't even own a copy of the Korrak the Bloodrager but I replaced it with the Bonecaller and this also has some great synergy with the Shadowed Spirit. I just kept resurecting those.
Perfect deck!
I was playing the old Anyfin deck and ran into this one and it made me realize that we do have tribal minion which perform that much better.
Yes, you won't need to craft any cards for this deck, but you also picked one of the worse DK Archetypes: handbuff.
Yet you don't run any of the good corpse generator cards in this list, a missed opportunity.
First turn win by Yogg-Saron.
All praise Yogg!
I really like the Mana Addict They help to explode on a turn and are a lot quicker than those giants.
I didn't have the Mana Giant, and the Arcane Giants are that much worse.
I think you are better of with faster cards, so you can burst with the synergistic cards. So yeah maybe some cheap troggs!
Not a bad deck, I added the following for more consistency. All on-offs to keep enough Shadow Reflection to bank on mana cheat.
I don't have the solarium, so I switched it for the Draw card. And I got the win on te first try.
Flesh Giants are a good call.
Battletag: ElJairo#2666
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first!
Battletag: ElJairo#2666
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first!
Well from the comments we can see that the true skill in this card is to know in which deck to use it, and when to play it, and when not to play it.
I like it in more aggressive decks, it's a 'Get maybe out of jail'-card. When the opponent is almost stabilizing and you are running out of gaz, you point this location at their face and hope for burn, board clear, card draw etc.
If you want to play this in a control deck, I don't think you can expect to do well with this card. It can be just another form of clear, but at seven mana, I feel there are better clears for cheaper, and you are better off to get some draw or discover cards to get to those draws more consistently.
Control is less about variance, while face is not too scared of variance, in me beliefs on this game at least.
13/12/2023: Giving this deck a try, but I'm afraid that there are newer iterations that do better than this.
Like the one my opponent is playing. EVIL Genius is one of those better cards.
Battletag: ElJairo#2666
Region: EU
Trade. I'll show my quest, then you go first
Thank you @Djok#2457
Smooth sailing with all the freeze and draw.
I got it on the first try vs a Warrior with purple worms. That's why my boy Big Game Hunter really shines in this brawl.
I got it first try.
I don't even own a copy of the Korrak the Bloodrager but I replaced it with the Bonecaller and this also has some great synergy with the Shadowed Spirit. I just kept resurecting those.
I needed to cut some cards but still got the first try win vs casino mage, EZ.