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    posted a message on Double Decker - Festival of Legends Multitype Wild Decks

    I've been having a lot of fun with Aluneth Secret Mage with the weapon tutor and Tony. Added Ignites+Ellek for infinite draw. Not exactly a dual archetype deck, but a fun rework on an old classic with some under-optimization in exchange for meme potential, a trade I am wont to make. Still somehow managed to make D5 thanks to playing against slower decks.

    I've been countering Kingsbane Rogue in all decks with ETC tech (Steamcleaner + Kobold pirate), but I'd be curious to see if Starlight Groove and Divine Shields can also counter.

    Looking forward to trying out Lightshow Mage as well!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Patch 26.0 Unannounced Changes, New Skins, Textures, Voice Lines, Improvements & More!

    Being able to buy golden packs with gold is an exciting change

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Druid Cards Revealed - 2 Cards

    Less dust to refund when it is nerfed

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Demon Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Halveria Darkraven

    I hope not to unpack this one.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary Card Revealed - DJ Manastorm

    Yes, otherwise Turtle Mage would still exist. But they did change Skulking Gheist...

    Edit: forgot about the Tortillan Pilgrim nerf. Would take a lot to bring Turtle Mage back, although that 9 mana legendary that recasts spells is sort of a poor man's Turtle mage

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - Blackrock 'n' Roll

    No other Warrior cards have been revealed yet, so postponing judgment. I do find build-around high risk high reward cards to be fun though.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Patch 25.6 Unannounced Changes & Data Mining

    Would a refund for immune related cards be too much to ask for?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Pozzik, Audio Engineer

    So the bots will be summoned from the opponent's hand onto the player's if the minion dies with both bots in the opponent's hand?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on E.T.C., Band Manager

    You can't access them other than through ETC's battlecry, so the only way you access multiple cards is through repeating the battlecry.

    Posted in: E.T.C., Band Manager
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    posted a message on E.T.C., Band Manager

    Most interesting card in many expansions in my opinion. I would think that anyone who loves deckbuilding would be interested in this card. Seems to be an auto-include in any non-aggro deck. I'm assuming the card count limit still applies for cards chosen for the band as if it is extension of the deck (could be wrong). I'm also assuming you could put Renethal in the band and still get the effect. Worth noting that the cards chosen can be any card, including hero cards, weapons, locations, spells, and of course, minions. Decent cost for the effect. Curious how this would work in Arena, if not banned. I can see myself using it often to store 2 tech cards and one card that's more versatile. The Battlecry could also be abused to get multiple copies of legendary cards or combo pieces.

    Posted in: E.T.C., Band Manager
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