I always feel embarassed when someone so blatantly gobbles PR statements like this.
"Hey guys this card I made was totally OP before the changes I proposed, trust me and my video! ...Oh and don't mind all the fuckups, lies and mistakes I made in the past about similar subjects. Believe me!"
And the shocking thing is... some do.
It would not surprise me if Novice Engineer were really OP. The community consistently underestimates card advantage such as with the Discover mechanic, Cabalist's Tome, Babbling Book, and Swashburglar. It happens every time.
Blizzard is definitely going to print another 1 mana +1 card to your hand card in the future and then people are going to jump on it saying it is trash. Just watch.
My attacks on Team Five stem from observations of a successful physical card game, Magic the Gathering. Please consult the Banned List for Standard, Modern, Vintage, and Legacy. Thousands upon thousands of cards have been printed in the history of Magic the Gathering, MTG. Of the 1,000 to 1,500 in Standard not a single card is banned. In Modern which has over 9,000 cards only 33 cards are currently banned and this list was last revised in April, our nerf list was revised in October and another one is in the horizon. Vintage has only 3 real outright bans at this point and this format has a card pool larger than Modern and is MTG's "Wild" format with 20 years behind it. Hearthstone has experienced the equivalent of banning, that is nerfering to 19/900 cards compared to 0/1,500 in Standard and 33/9,000 in Modern for MTG. This of course doesn't include the several pre Standard nerfs either
No matter what Blizzard does, someone will be unhappy. How often have you read "Blizzard should be more attentive of our needs! We should have more frequent patches to adjust cards!" ?
I actually would not mind if we didn't have a Classic or Core Set. There is nothing wrong with that. The Classic Set as is is poorly balanced and designed. Some players like the idea of a set of cards that never rotate out; but, that is just the nature of TCGs and CCGs. Have always been like that and being digital doesn't change anything.
Except that before this card literally no one was playing paladin secrets - unlike hunter and and mage, paladin secrets were considered too much of a waste of space in a deck to be worth taking up slots - even with mad scientist. If it bothers you that much play mid-hunter with flares.
Why are people so set against helping new players? Look, if HS declines thanks to being intimidating to new players (and f2p games need many new players every single day to survive) your money or time invested becomes worthless.
There are so many real world examples of this problem that this is not surprisising, human nature is to be so greedy and defensive of 'what's yours' that you can't see past the end of your own nose.
New players: Having to buy 5 sets at any given time instead of everything that has ever been released is definitely a step in the right direction. We are not currently standing on a lot of sets, but a few more expansions would make the game completely inaccessibe to anyone not wishing to spend a month's wages on digital cards.
Old players: If you consider Wild to be irrelevant, then great! You can disenchant a bunch of cards and be ready to craft everything useful from the next expansion without spending a single $ on card packs, win-win!
All players: The Standard format brings advantages for everyone. The format will be shifting more than it is right now with cards rotating out, continuing to feel like a living organism, as it is now. If sets never rotated, then when we got to the 10th, 15th, 20th set of cards, how many decks would be moved out of the meta with every release? one? none? Power creep will not need to be a thing. In the current form of Hearhstone, if you want people to replace the "best X-drop" you have to either nerf it regardless of it being or not being OP, or create something even stronger. Power creep would make old cards obsolete in a much more problematic way than a rotation does. Cost! If you're only interested in the Standard format, you can just dust all the rotating cards constantly! That means you can't keep your favorite card forever, but it also means you'll have some thousands extra dust to use with every new set release. Right now, whenever a new set comes i usually have around 8k gold saved and it still aint enough to get every card i want, but if i also had 10-15k dust from disenchating the previous set then you bet i'd be ready to go on day 1!
I understand the pessimism, since it's in human nature to fear change but i'm absolutely certain that the format seperation's positive effects will greatly outweigh any disadvantages.
One of the most hated, and number 1 wanted for nerf cards I've seen is Call to Arms. Now, I fully aggree, that the tempo in that card is huge, without any real downside. That card in it self on curve, can win any tempo match up. And of course, it feels infuriating and unfair to play against it.
But that card keeps the only "on board" archetype in the meta which has some success. Control options have gotten so good of late, that it is impossible for any deck which plays on the board to have any success. Mid range is dead. And the only card which allows a midrange-ish (some people call it aggro, I've seen some very good midrange builds of even Paladinwith Lich King, Tirion, etc...) deck to be Tier 1 at the moment, is Call to Arms. With that card gone, expect Even Paladin to be worst than Odd Paladin, a deck that once the hype was gone we realized was actually rubbish (Tier 3).
There are only TWO (out of 7) archetypes which are Tier 1 and play on board a fair game of Hearthstone. Murloc and Even Paladin. Both decks are only there because of one card. Call to Arms. When that card is nerfed, say goodbye to any board decks. Yes, the card is bonkers. But we need bonkers cards that reward you for playing minions on curve, or else those decks will never keep up with the amazing control tools there exist now.
There was once a card nerfed like this, Bonemare which felt like cheating and unfair. Well, that card was the only reason ever for decks to try to be Mid-range. Rogues were playing 6 drops to curve out to that card. Now there is no incentive ever to play a card with more than 5 mana cost if you are not a control deck. Now that we have gotten rid of Midrange, let us not do the same to aggro, and just give up tempo minions forever.
In Legend only 30% of decks are Aggro. More than 50% of those decks exist because Call to Arms exist. Maybe it does need a nerf. But not today, and not in this meta. Tempoing out should be a good strategy in Hearthstone, and not just crazy power turns.
I think people will play Spellbreaker even if it goes to 3/2. Silence is much needed as a Neutral card. Not all Classes have a way of reliably overcoming the many deathrattles and all other crazy effects. Yeah you do have Hex and Polymorph and maybe-ish Sap (Im probably missing something Standard but I hope you get my point). You cant have so many cards with awesome effects and think that removing Silence as an effect will make the game better. I also love the fact that Silence Minions are Common cards - this allows every new player to craft at least 1 when entering Play Mode without sufficient Collection and experience.
The only reason silence is being played right now is because of cube lock period. Prior to blizzard horrible choice to add lacey AND void lord at the same time. Prior to that expansion you almost never saw anyone playing silence cards as they were not worth it. What I do not like about this is there are so many decks that are unplayable because of warlocks. Any deck that runs buffs is almost useless unless they are agro. I wish we could go back in time and remove lacey or void lord and things would be so much better.
This forum is constantly whining for nerfs. If Blizzard was actually listening to those, the game would be in a pretty bad shape.
Nerf Shudderwock? Why? It's not like it's the first OTK combo ever, is it? It's not even technically ONE Turn Kill.
Nerf Baku Paladin/Hunter? Why? It's not the first extremely aggro oriented deck either, is it?
Nerf Cubelock? Why? They sure as hell get stomped by some aggro decks too, don't they?
Okay, I agree with you on both the fact that people are whining and on Shudderwock (actually think that deck terrible) and Baku Pala/Hunter - But Cubelock losing to aggro is nothing but a fantasy, unless you play extremly terrible the only Aggro deck that should ever be able to kill you should be Hunter and that would even require you drawing quite badly...
I think it's one of the funnest metas so far for Arena.
Maybe that's because I've done fairly well since the new set came out. I've already gotten two 12-win runs.
It feels less oppressive than previous metas. In KFT you had Deathknights, in JTU you had Mages with endless spells and rogues with endless poison effects. Last meta, you either got a god-draft with 3 Bonemares + Scalebane + DK or you didn't.
Now it feels like drafting matters, and it feels like game play really matters. I rotate through all the classes, and all them are fun to play, even Warrior.
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I have no idea what GFVG and CFVG stand for. Also, I've played multiple different TCGs. Everything costs more than Hearthstone... even Candy Crush.
I actually would not mind if we didn't have a Classic or Core Set. There is nothing wrong with that. The Classic Set as is is poorly balanced and designed. Some players like the idea of a set of cards that never rotate out; but, that is just the nature of TCGs and CCGs. Have always been like that and being digital doesn't change anything.