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    posted a message on Idea for Adventure heroic rewards system
    Quote from Kerdinand >>

    I don´t like this idea. If there is a card played or on the field, I recognize it by art, not by text or name. Simply because the art is the only thing you see when a minion is on the field and the only thing you can see quickly when you opponentn plays a spell, it should be unique for each card.

     Ok i feel that. So what are some more ideas for additional Heroic rewards? As an mtg player and league player I personally enjoy getting reward skins and event skins because there's an exclusivity to it that I didn't buy but I earned, similar to the legend cardback and the heroic cardbacks. 
    Daily quests to beat heroic bosses could work but it'd just take away from regular quests. I'm talking additional content. I'm not sure what a good reward would be, my mind just goes to skins because that's what I'm familiar with. I would love a reason to play the heroic adventures but I don't because cardbacks aren't enough of a reason for me to do it. I'd like a more fleshy reward if you know what i'm saying.
    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Help me

    @OP You seem to have a bunch of different decks you're trying to craft at once. I'd say prioritize which deck you want to finish off first then dust and craft accordingly. Doing it all at once can lead to remorse. Personally, I'd say dust every golden you ever get because it's a pointless and dark road to go down financially if you start getting addicted to golden decks. 

    As far as what to craft for zoo, sea giants are a big yes. Gormok isn't necessary but he's very good. Try playing budget lists first and once you get a feel for the deck finish them off with expensive legends.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Idea for Adventure heroic rewards system
    Quote from Minh_85 >>

    Well, they took forever to add deck slots because it's confusing, so adding more arts for cards that have the same effect is confusing for new players.


    I hear this argument way too often when anyone talks about something new for the game. Why is blizzard's assumption that new players are automatically stupid? If a "new" player is confused by card art then they won't be able to beat heroic bosses anyway. If you can read you know what the card does. The effect will look exactly the same just the art will be different. It wouldn't be like another golden the art wouldn't be animated unless you crafted golds of the alters. 
    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Idea for Adventure heroic rewards system

    Blizzard could introduce a new reward system to entice players to complete heroic Adventures: Alternate art for the cards from each wing. It would require an investment in art but that's not a lot for 16 cards or so. I think this would be a reward players actually care about because it is very clear in gameplay. Cardbacks are boring and they aren't very hard to get. Alternate art on cards is cool. MTG has this as a reward for attending certain events and achievements for judges and FNM promos etc. 

    This would be a good investment for blizzard to look into because players need certain cards to beat certain bosses on heroic, thus requiring more packs bought and opened. This would also give them a reason to make the adventures more difficult and possibly larger. It's a chance for players to customize their decks further as well. Would be totally optional not a requirement to get the cards just a different art. 

    Just an idea, could be fun.

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Any control decks you can suggest?

    Rogue is a very good control deck if you are good at the game. There's multiple strats and none of them handle things like shaman or warrior very well but I think the best is the one running cold blood + faceless combo and vancleef. If you really enjoy playing the game and thinking every time you play then rogue is the only class. 

    Also freeze mage is difficult and fun to play. Control warrior may be the strongest but it is very straight forward all you do is gain armor and kill whatever you see. This is fun for me but may not be much fun for you. Spec some games or watch some streamers. Reckful plays both rogue and freeze mage most of the time. Forsen plays control warrior and reno mage. Reynad plays rogue. Amaz plays priest. I'd peep those a bunch before you commit to anything.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Tempo or Control Warrior?
    Quote from Maukiepaukie >>

    I think tempo is both stronger and faster to climb, plus it's easier (not much though)

    As said before Grommash Hellscream is basically an autoinclude in any warrior deck.

     And yet pirates doesn't run him. If the goal is to kill them fast, Grom is still 8 mana. In any other strat he's auto-include but puting him in a face deck is wrong imo.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Any control decks you can suggest?

    I dont run it but my list is tight cuz of the resurrect rng. For control priest you probably need Justicar. I'd ay dont play control though. It's much easier to buidl toward winning the game rather than not losing. So many decks beat up control right now it just makes better sense to try and win the board or go face.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Any control decks you can suggest?

     I made this and it actually works. Lots of fun to play, seems to beat most decks. Try it out.

    priest thing
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (3) Ability (27)
    Loading Collection

    Reread op and I see you dont own these legends. Guess you can't build it :(

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on C'Thun Warrior Control (give suggestions please)
    Quote from peggy2391 >>

    It plays the same as the current Elise Warrior :P

     peggy you freak, don't play Tentacles for Arms. I know you like hentai but jesus man think of the children! Seriously though that card is AIDS. When you have that turn 5 instead of an arcanite you will deeply regret it. Even in a "control meta" a 2 damage weapon isn't going to make an impact at any stage of the game. By the time you're in a fatigue war mirror you'll have converted it to a legend already there's no point in having it in your deck it just takes up space.
    The 2 match ups it is really good in is shaman and paladin but again only in a slow grind situation. odds are you'll need to answer a threat from shaman every turn and if you survive you will win the game. Paladin takes longer to kill you and relies more heavily on hero power to get position on you so it is good there. If paladin control/tempo becomes a thing I will strongly consider running 1 tentacles in my own list. 
    EDIT: If we're going to talk about C'thun warrior for OP, I have this to say: I just don't see it. I get that shieldbearer is not a bad card and c'thun would be amazing as an alt win con for warrior, but there just isn't enough support we can afford to run between Disciple and turn 7. Crazed Worshipper is a Fen Creeper. We can't run fen creeper anymore. Turn 6 needs to be The Black Knight and Justicar or we'll just lose to druids and other control decks.
    Warrior also can't afford to play braindead minions that only buff c'thun for the first 5 turns of the game either. Our hero power is just worse than every other class if we are actively trying to kill our opponent or win the board. peggy's list needs refining and I posted something today that I think is more streamlined (still needs more work). if we are not going to play reno warrior then the deck needs to be stripped down to essentials. Goofy crap like Yogg-Saron, Hope's End is a waste of time and Blood To Ichor is too light a card. 
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Possible CW C'thun deck
    Quote from Ihmo >>
     Well get used to still be kicked by shaman, zoo and midrange hunter then. You'll be glad to have shieldbearer against these, I'm sure. Plus, 10 armor has amazing synergy with shield slam, where you might not be able to pool armor the whole game against midrange/aggro. Trust me, there will be no such thing as a control heavy meta.
     I don't argue that shaman, zoo and hunter will still beat us up for the early part of the game but they don't have the reach they used to have and can't afford to go full face race because it won't work against certain classes. If control is not a thing after this expansion then it will never happen. This set screams control/tempo meta. 
    I don't see how shieldbearer helps you beat shaman, druid or priest and definitely not zoo. Right now Shieldmaiden fends off direct damage but she doesn't do anything to stop zoo from crushing you on board. She also doesn't stop shaman from winning board or hunter from destroying you with highmane. The only reason to run her is to get the shieldslam value later and prevent face decks from killing you. 
    The aggro meta should not come back unless cthun decks turn out to be too slow. I don't see it with all the healing in priest and taunts in druid. Hell warrior can run enough taunts to stop face decks. That problem is going to be stopping tempo board dominance decks. They don't kill you quickly but they kill you before you're ever in a position to kill them. 
    Also, I don't think the way to counter c'thun priest and druid is to run a weaker c'thun deck with fewer c'thun buffs. Getting him to 10 is easy sure, then how do you win the game? You need to be running things that will buy you enough time to get to monkey or swing the board in your favor somehow. Going to fatigue isn't a plan vs c'thun he'll kill you before that happens. I don't see a weaker c'thun as the answer to that. This is why i recommended rogue for control c'thun. You run Blade of C'Thun to kill his c'thun and then yours is gigantic and you win the turn after, assuming you didn't die already. 
    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Dissapointing Legendaries
    Quote from furiousferret >>

    I'm not sure why some think Hogger, Doom of Elwynn is bad.  Its a bigger Imp Gang Boss that spits out 2/2's.   

     It spits out ONE 2/2 because my po'd 2/1 killed it in one shot. Then I used the rest of my mana to play good cards
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Possible CW C'thun deck

    For reference, something like this or better is what we're all up against. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/484903-rough-cthun-druid

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Possible CW C'thun deck

    @OP: I'd lose the c'thun strat altogether but if you really want to keep it then I'd say yea Arcanite will get you a lot more action and Malkorok is probably good assuming you don't have my RNG. Crazed Worshipper is also very poor in stats tbh fam. Other 5 drops are going to run that over in one or two hits you don't have deathsbite to get multiple pings and even if you did, you wouldn't run Fen Creeper, right? Like the difference between warrior c'thun and druid/priest is that you HAVE to get c'thun in order to win. Those other classes have such high stat minions that they can just body you for the win they don't even need to draw the bomb. 

    Like look at your combos with Brann. You have shieldbearer and c'thun and emperor. Odds are very good you won't ever brann + cthun so you have at best turn 10 brann + emperor or brann + shieldbearer. 3 4/6 taunts is good but its not insane on the same turn as Deathwing and Cthun for your opponent who's running a dedicated cthun strat. Disciple is a great card but even with brann, 4 damage to one target and 4/5 in stats for 2 cards at 6 mana? Doesn't seem like its doing enough when shaman gets a fucking 7/7 for 4.

    Trust me, I fell in love with warrior and I'm desperate to find a solid cw list for standard, but based on the available cards I'd say if you want a control deck that uses cthun as a finisher try rogue. Again not trying to shit on your deck idea just trying to help you avoid crafting shit you will find out sucks after :/

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Possible CW C'thun deck

    Forsen reviewed the cards again yesterday on stream. One thing he said about Ancient Shieldbearer stuck with me. "In a control meta, your health pool doesn't matter that much, the stats on minions and effects do. This is a 6/6 for 7 that essentially does nothing when you aren't under threat of being killed. It's not good." 

    Assuming agro is dead and the meta shifts to control I agree with him. This isn't a strong enough card for 7 mana. Gaining 10 looks great now because we're used to having our shit kicked in for the first half of the game. Vs druid c'thun and priest c'thun decks this minion is way understatted, she'll just die for free and you'll end up losing the 10 armor you gained trying to get the board back. It sucks because I'd love to run emperor in cw but it just doesn't look strong enough.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Just going to leave this here
    Quote from KitsuneRTC >>
    i'm basically stating that i feel dragonhawk charge will just be a new meta tool
     I think it's a sleeper because the stat line is bad so it doesn't have obvious synergy with anything. The main issue is in order to run Dragonhawk you need to be running charge. I still think the combo is solid since its 14 for 2 cards, which is better than Grom + Cruel. Those two cards are bad on their own though while grom and cruel are strong alone. 
    If reno warrior becomes a thing then this combo should be in it somewhere. So in that regard it could become a meta tool.
    Posted in: Warrior
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