I want Rhok'delar for a few reasons despite how disgustingly bad it is. I main hunter and have every standard card for the class, so it means less crafting. I’m also interested in spell hunter even though I am a firm, and salty, believer that Blizzard just straight up hates hunter, but gotta know if it stands a chance in the meta. (It doesn’t by the way)
Seriously I feel like we get one of these threads every expansion. Every single meta has had a best class. In ungoro mage was the best class so people go upset and made threads about mages being Op and needing a nerf. What people don't understand though is that no matter what their will still be a dominant class and if blizzard nerfs Druid than someone else will just take Druid's place. So what I would advise you to do is just look at countering Druid which is defiantly possible (if you need help look online at teir lists and such) and please stop making these threads. Good luck
That's not how it went with Quest Rogue. People were complaining about it from day 1, and when Blizzard finally saw the light and nerfed it, the meta was much better. Nothing replaced it.
If you don't think Druid is a problem, I invite you to pop over to metastats.net and just let that sea of orange sink in for a minute. Four out of the top ten most successful archetypes as of this post.
Personally I'm not a fan of brawls which don't have any sort of meaningful twist to them.
I can see this slipping through the cracks of a poor indie development company like blizzard. Very reasonable.
I love the Thaw design
Thanks for this!
This seems like a lot of hassle for the company over something kind of meaningless.
Why did my thread get locked?
It was from a card reveal email from blizzard! Thought I'd share