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    posted a message on Protoss Druid

    My take:

    Druids greatest strength (ramp) is also its greatest weakness. As you correctly point out, having ramp as a class identity leads to the repeat of the same strategy and reliance on high cost swing cards. If the swing turn is too late, ineffective against the opponents board-centric strategy, or countered by tech cards, the. Druid is often left with nothing but a deck of ramp and draw cards. Blizzards idea of ‘class identity’ sees Druid as weak against swam (wide) boards and big stat (tall) boards, with minimal hard removal or AoE. Thus, due to ‘class identity’, Druid decks are destined to be packed with neutral removal tools and ramp/swing class cards—in the hope of producing imbalanced power plays (and abusive combos in wild) or face being overpowered by most other classes.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on 31.4 Patch Notes - Mini-Set, Kerrigan Mythic Skin, Balance Changes, In-Game Event, Game Updates & More

    A shame that they are not adding Wayward Probe to constructed too, since this is the last time any Starship support will ever be printed. A card like that would have been a fun addition to the Starship mechanic and what I would have expected to see in a miniset. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Patch 31.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Many Constructed Buffs and Nerfs!

    Great adjustments—on the surface. Hopefully they bring some positive change. Cannot believe that Questline Lock dodges it again… The evergreen, omnipotent, ‘pain’-in-my-ass, meta-dominant ball-ache of a deck. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Why do players blame the devs when they print broken cards?

    Simple fact: devs are to blame. If OP rubbish was not printed, or filtered out correctly during the design phase, then there wouldn't be an issue. 

    However, your argument has some truth--if you give a hopeless fool some OP rubbish they are likely to abuse it until they reach the "promised land" because they find it fun(ny) and don't care about other people's gameplay experience.

    Give a killer a gun and he is going to kill; but make guns illegal and at least it's harder for him to aquire a gun to kill.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 31.0.2 Patch Notes - Bug Fixes - Starship, Discover & Spore Empress Moldara

    Holy Wrath needs to be changed. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on How do you like the new expansion so far?

    Wild--I should have specified. The Pala OTK nukes anything other than agro and some midrange.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you like the new expansion so far?

    Starships are underwhelming, which is shame.

    getting Holy Wrathed for 100 face damage sucks.

    The card art is the better than the playability of this expansion. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bots on Hearthpwn?

    People make purchasing decisions based off comments online ALL THE TIME. That's why Amazon has a feedback section.

    Why would companies like Blizzard rely solely on streamers, etc, to generate sales when they have entire communities on forums that can do it for them? It's like asking why Burger King would advertise online as well as on roadside billboards - they do both to generate maximum attention.

    If enough people comment on a card release saying "wow OP totally broken, nerf day one" it's already generating insane interest for people who urgently need to have a 'meta defining' edge, and of those with the resources to aquire it (buy it with money) will.

    Also, no point waiting for VS reports, etc, when the pre-launch bundle (whale bait) is sold BEFORE any of these meta reports are produced.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bots on Hearthpwn?

    Bad comments = negative opinion and perspective of products that are intended to sell; good = positive opinions, strong promotional, value and a genuinely 'good vibe' increasing likelihood of sharing and further promoting the product.

    Just as politicians use social media to win votes... , companies sell games off good vibes and internet hype.

    That's the point of the extra step.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bots on Hearthpwn?

    Well spotted. Looks like it could even be an undercover Blizz bot trying to hype up their new cards.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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