Aren't you judging it objectively by making this post?
- Drlol
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Nov 20, 2024MintMurderMedia posted a message on Nobody judges this game objectivelyPosted in: General Discussion
vronco22 posted a message on Warcraft Anniversary Announcements - Hearthstone x Starcraft Miniset - Year of the Raptor Coming - Arena Update!Posted in: Newswhy they leak whole year of expansion + minisets ? :D rip announcements of annoucements , totally killed "hype" if there is any left
RendInFriend posted a message on Control Priest is not okayPosted in: General DiscussionWould it make you feel better to know that statistically, he lost the three games before you? Control priest sucks and has for sometime, but every so often it can steal a win. Better luck next time.
sPacEtiMe19 posted a message on Control Priest is not okayPosted in: General DiscussionFirst of all, calm down.
Second, he wasn’t insulting the name for it. He’s saying control (or slow/attition) priest has not been a meta deck in a long time, because it hasn’t.
b1ak1ce posted a message on Control Priest is not okayPosted in: General Discussionof all the decks to complain about, its the slowest, worst one.
yeah they got a lot of value, but no burst, no pressure, no anything.
your opponent is more likely to die from old age rather than taking in-game damage. -
evelil posted a message on Control Priest is not okayPosted in: General Discussionwhat are you talking about? I don't remember when control priest was in meta last time lol
LightKnight posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Card Revealed - TalgathPosted in: NewsThis is the most unlegendary effect, like how is this okay ? maybe as a 2mana 3/2 it will see some play but that doesn't take from the fact that its just a boring card.
Chewmass posted a message on New Demon Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Dirdra, Rebel CaptainPosted in: NewsHallelujah! Never have I been so wrong!
DatMageDoe posted a message on 30.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes in Constructed and BG - Bug Fixes & MorePosted in: NewsLamplighter Rogue was definitely not "barely touched." It's taking a big hit from its best matchup (Warrior) getting nuked, and it'll feel the +1 mana on Lamplighter much more than other Elemental classes because it's actively aiming to bounce and play Lamplighter multiple times a turn, and that adds up quickly - Lamplighter -> Shadowstep -> Lamplighter now costs 6, from 4. You cannot use Shadowstep to get more copies of Lamplighter with Sonya Waterdancer, you must use Sandbox Scoundrel for that, which most lists aren't running. This is in addition to the fact this deck struggles against rival aggro decks, as it's otherwise just a pile of Neutral Elementals and bounce effects.
KingHarry posted a message on 30.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes in Constructed and BG - Bug Fixes & MorePosted in: NewsWhy Tsunami has been nerfed?
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