Holy god is baking soda strong. It’s probably the best board clear for control ever printed. “4” mana clear the enemy board heal 10 is about as pushed a card as we’ve seen.
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Problem is it doesnt help the meta right now, and alot of people think the wrong way when it comes to nerfs a nerf should never be about killing a deck it should be about tuning it to allow for a wider meta. For example nerfing Brood Queen from 2/5 to 2/4 wouldn't kill the deck but would make it slightly easier to contest it.
There are ways to tune without killing something and I do think they need to do some of that for this metas sake because right now the meta will be like Zerg DH and Druid.
Anyone else that agree that Kerrigans normal/gold card owns her Signature card big time?
Fun card but feels missplaced, wish they would have released it outside of the set so many good characters still to take from Starcraft universe.
But the card design looks like it can be abit different and fun, we havent had any card quite like it before so I'm excited for it even if I would prefered a lore character from Starcraft instead and have this released on its own at released just to spicy the set up further.
As someone that loves Starcraft this miniset is something I look forward to how it turns out remains to be seen but just to be able to play with Starcraft cards will be awesome. Hopefully the meta will be better than what we have now because right now I hate the meta. The meta even if there is alot of decks present feels like it all plays the same its either combo or puke minions on board. Some decks combines the two like Handbuff Paladin that pukes minions for 8 turns than have a 25+ damage combo from hand.
Minisets is always worth buying, its so much value for just 2500 gold.
Why didnt they target Fizzle and Zola interaction into making infinite cycle, I really don't think its fun gameplay at all with the potential they can bring even if its not the strongest decks its for sure not good for the game with decks like that. There are so much copying in the game as it is we don't need more.
And how did Hunter/Paladin avoid nerfs completely when the decks around them got hit. Even if it was just minor hits.
Don't see this patch make that much at all if anything I think it will hurt DH but change very little other than that. I feel like the DH deck is the least consistent out of the top decks right now.
I feel like a nerf on Tainted Remnant is very likely. For starters its a common card and the impact while also being a strong minion is quite alot of value for 5 mana. I feel 7 attack and a 7 damage battlecry is just to strong for it. And Elemental Mage is at the top and this is the card I would probably nerf first. Followed by Flame Remnant.
Nerf on Flame Remnant is easy push it up to three mana the nerf on Tainted Remnant should be to push it down to 6 attack/6 dmg battlecry to begin with even at that level it would see play in Elemental decks. Shaman will probably have a card nerfed aswell other than that I expect several nerfs we don't really see coming of cards that is just really strong but not overpowered.
Because I feel its very likely they will try to make way for the latest expansion and I feel that atm it hasnt had the biggest impact yet, alot of the stuff they've added hasnt really taken off.
I think the card pool is pretty uninspired tbh and boring.
Celebrating 30 years but doesnt have a single legendary character from the very first game and the cards that is added is mainly cards we've seen too much of already and several of them is even in standard as we speak.
And when adding something like this I think the idea should be to create intresting combinations not to create problems re adding Brann to the current game for everyone to play for one mana is just asking for problems at least Warriors need to pay 8 mana and have a one of deck to get the effect but this lets everyone get it. Can't see that as a good thing for the meta.
Not liking this one bit it screams OTK, the die part is for sure added to counter bounce potential of the card.
Don't think Elemental Shaman needs a bigger power spike in their OTK potential its already there to some extend and performing well as it is.
Not really just have to step back two months and we had Rogue at a pretty good spot with not only one but two decks at masters tour and both performed well only beaten really by Priest in that tournament in total wins compared to losses.