• 3

    posted a message on The problem with Hearthstone right now.

    Mercynary9, that is a very clever response, I thought about it and you are right. It's true, not every expansion can bring totally new and fresh cards. Thank you for answering!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on The problem with Hearthstone right now.

    I said I love hearthstone, what is wrong with you?

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  • 10

    posted a message on The problem with Hearthstone right now.

    Well, here is the main problem with the current state of hearthstone: the lack of fresh mechanics and interactions.

    Don't get me wrong, I love to see some the cards being printed in a different form, more polished or anything that has to do with older mechanics, but the problem is the number of cards that are being created on ideas from the past.

    The warrior quest for example, I am not saying this one is bad or anything( even though dr.boom hero power is waaaay better), but didn't quest rewards used to be more exciting? For ex the ungoro war quest, we got Sulfuras!!! and once the sulfuras ran out of durability we got ragnaros as as our hero power! Or the amara the warden of hope, the priest one, it was so unique and my favorite quest. Each one of the previous quest did something amazing, mostly never seen before. But the problem is how uninteresting some quests are, the paladin quest reward is a decent/powerful one, much depends of the meta and the upcoming cards, but just the ability to summon a 2/2 copy of a minion is not even that amazing or flashy, is just value. The warrior quest reward, attack with your weapon 5 times....get a worse Jaraxxus hero power...but that does not mean the quest is a bad one, is just dull, it has no flavor. You just attack, press a button and a minion appears on the board... now compare that to wielding sulfuras and shooting huge fireballs to the enemy...

    The highlander deck, if this ever becomes popular, bomb warrior will just kill it. If you draw the bombs your dead, if you don't draw em the card you build your deck around is useless, and than you most probably lose. True there are some decks that destroy bomb war but does that even matter when the meta is about no duplicates decks?

    Reborn, yea cool keyword but again is not something that stands out of the crowd, we saw that a lot of times before, redemption.

    The neutral legendary minion, 10 mana 10/10 reborn and divine shield, yea that is a cool big minion, but we had old gods for 10 mana, remember n'zoth summoning all deathrattles and being all flashy, our lord Yogg-Sarron? Or C'thun? We payed 10 mana for something insane, something that could win us games or make the enemy concede. But now we pay 10 mana for a minion that is just big, and does nothing the turn is played, isn't that a common rarity?

    I love hearthstone, but I think that we deserve something fresh,something totally new that was never been seen before. If you like the new cards, that is amazing I like them too( some of them), but I don't fell excited about em. And I am very very sad about that.

    P.S: Sry for grammar. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hunter OTK!!!!!

    =))), it's fine, some of us don't understand how some mechanics work, whatch the last video that Hysteria posted on YouTube, and you will see that Hunting Party does indeed copy the manacost. Nice try ;).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed - Hunter's Pack

    Well, for many years I played classes that were not as good as others, because I was crafting cards that I thought will be good and fun, and mostly I got bamboozled, I did not want to play odd paladin, cube warlock or other cancerous decks. I only had cards for hunter, paladin(not the ones required for odd paly) and warrior. Last expansion, I felt amazing, I finally was available to play some cancer decks that were also fun, bomb warrior. After that I made a bet, that hunter will be amazing( long time ago mech hunter-(the curent version) was a thing), I have plenty of epics, oblivitron, zul'jin and bunch of epics. I fell good that after such a long time I can also have fun in ranked and win, hunters will be amazing, also warrior will counter highlander and some of the aggro decks.

    I know some of you think I am a noob, and never learned that I have to wait after the xpac is released, but the problem is, I never wanted to play decks that everybody did, my originality and my own decks were punished because of that. I don't  fell happy when I play an aggro deck and kill my opponent by turn 4 or when I just repeat a combo every single game ( druid we are looking at you). I fell happy when my own ideas are winning me games and not others. Yes, I am a noob but I love the fact that I can have fun playing a game that let's me build my own decks, playing since whisper of the old gods and this expansion is the first one I will be playing a deck made by others, cuz I think it will be fun. Highlander Hunter, let's goooo. Midrange hunter, oohh yeees. Bomb warrior? Blow em um, the heroes and their combos ahaha. Love ya all!

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - EVIL-Recruiter

    Yea, let's just play zoo again.... so fun can't wait....

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  • 1

    posted a message on Card "Revealed" after Bazaar Mugger nowhere to be found?

    *TOXIC comment, please be aware.

    Do I look like I care if that company forgot to reveal? I just want to see that god damn card once, it's like a moment of relief when I talk to my mate about the new card, so blizzard move your god damn rabbit hole you lazy mother lovers.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Hunter OTK!!!!!
    Quote from Noyzz >>

    rank 15

     That can be a milestone for some players. ;) (and that is totally fine)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hunter OTK!!!!!

    Scarlet Webweaver your King Krush twice, after you've done that, your 8/8 charge will be 0 mana.

    Hunting Partyx2 and you got 4 king krush in your hand that costs 0 mana, 32 damage ez.

    To be safe, we can also use direfrenzy to have more Webweaver to make sure we hit king krush.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed - Wild Bloodstinger


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