Where are you struggling? Like is it vs aggro? I have been using quest priest for a little while now and got legend with it this season too...just need to see what is giving u the most trouble
Am I the only one who is experiencing this or can nobody see the new cards as golden? When I hover over them they simply disappear and I cannot see any animation. Curious if this is something on my end or if others are seeing this too
In case anyone cared....just played against a player who ran Bolf. We went to fatigue and a new glitch has happened where the hero does not take damage (which is shouldn't because of bolf) but bolf also took no damage. He won by killing my last minion with bolf and simply won because he took no fatigue and bolf did not take any damage either (from the fatigue). Just a heads up though fatigue is basically a unicorn now lol.
No it is not true as you explain it, but it is true for legendary cards....so do not craft golden legends but as for the rest nothing will be changing.
I agree chillmaw is a great card with n'zoth decks but this deck only has 1 dragon with deathwing (the original had none) so simply playing a 7 mana 6/6 that the deathrattle will not trigger to have another spawn seems like a waste of resources. Especially because when you play matchups where n'zoth is important its control matchups and having a 6/6 taunt is not all that great
Don Han Cho actually isnt a bad sub for prince, I use elise instead but im not against Don Han Cho and i run acolyte instead of infested tauren because the 3 body taunt does little and I would rather have the card cycle with acolyte or to pair with whirlwind or ghoul when i desperately need a draw? Have you noticed Don Han Cho helping a lot or is he kinda hit or miss?
I like prince a lot more than elise, but prince tends to be a killer in aggro matchups when u need your armor, reno, etc. plus elise vs jade tends to win because they cannot keep up with the constant legends and the battlecries or deathrattles they have......deathwing though is the biggest winner in this deck IMO
I am currently trying dirty rat instead of armorsmith because she rarely gets me much armor and i feel he could give jade decks as well as othe control decks a big problem
Also why did you remove cleave? I find that to be one of my biggest cards especially vs pirate as well as sleeping with the fishes....the card has won me many games on its own
I run a deck very similar to this with a few changes and it handles priest and druid pretty well too....so far out of 20 games it is 17-3 and the 3 were just because great draws by opponent. My changes are I replaced battle rage with elise (really helpful vs druid and priest who cannot stop it once the golden monkey is played), loot hoarder with acolyte (In games where n'zoth was played it was control matchups and I did not want to draw more cards); and infested tauren with deathwing (the deathwing battlecry destroys jade and a lot of the dragon priests as well as any deck like zoo if you can make it to turn 10 which is not that hard as a warrior, plus the 3 health taunt did not do much even when brought back with n'zoth). I have always been a warrior player, basically all I have ever played and I have reached legend a lot with it and can say reno/control warrior is as strong as it has been in this meta.
I hear what people are saying, but there aren't actually any CWs around on upper ranks. Or their numbers are at the very least so low as to make them one of the most unpopular decks there at the moment.
So I stand by my initital MSOG prediction as being confirmed for now, CW is dead and buried. Perhaps it will make a comeback, but then someone show me that comeback and don't speak in general platitudes.
people not playing a deck does not make it dead, they may not enjoy it vs the other decks or they simply do not understand how to play it properly vs the newer meta yet. That is why people who played CW most of the time still tend to where as others are simply using what is popular...When I hear dead I think that it is a bad deck and has no chance of winning.
Fibonacci just reached legend with his control warrior list, so I would not say it is dead :)
Pros can climb to legend with bad decks. It's not fair to say a deck is good because a good player made it work. Rather, I think that ladder statistics on how many people reach legend with control warrior vs. other decks would be more fair.
I don¨t think it'd be really fair, people play different decks when climbing and then after reaching legend ranks. Mostly plowing with fast aggro and midrange decks towards legend and then switching to more "interesting" decks since most people are just happy with reaching legend and don't really wanna climb to high ranks. Then again don't take me saying this is true for every single player, but only few would climb with decks where games can take up to 20 minutes when you can play something that ends a game around turn 6-7.
I understand this logic, but for some players we really enjoy long games....I play while at work so i really enjoy playing slow games that take a lot of planning and thinking over a deck that is quick to finish. Even if they can play 3 or 4 games by the time i finish 1, I would rather play my 1 game and have a chess match as every card matters and when it is played matters (for the most part)
I have used control warrior/reno warrior every season and this is no different and am doing just fine...it is all about understanding the deck and thinking 3 or 4 turns ahead. CW really is like chess when it comes to having to plan ahead the next few turns and trying to predict opponents moves. It is an easy deck to play but a very difficult one to master IMO. Have never had a problem vs any of the meta decks and this season is no different. Also a big thing with CW is you need to make adjustments to fit your style.....simply net decking a warrior will not mean it is good or bad, but understanding the purpose of each card, possible alternatives to deal with the meta, and truly understanding the classes strengths and weaknesses are the best ways to do well with CW and not simply finding a deck and playing it.
I will test this deck out and see....I have made legend with my reno warrior every season but was looking for a lil change....I will be back with results after about 10 games...btw read the description lol it talks about mech shaman, etc. so prob old deck
finished up the night at 12-3 losing to 2 warriors and a mage that had prayed today lol....its end of season though and its nice to get to legend with this deck but ill see how it really is tomorrow at start of season.
great deck.....rank 2 currently 7-1 with it (only loss came to warrior with elise who got monkey on turn 7)...i made a few changes though, took out finley for pyromancer and also removed chrommagus for deathwing, the deathlord because not only is he broken if barnes pulls him, when he dies u get at least 2 dragons on board and he comes back from nzoth....overall though nice deck,
Where are you struggling? Like is it vs aggro? I have been using quest priest for a little while now and got legend with it this season too...just need to see what is giving u the most trouble
Am I the only one who is experiencing this or can nobody see the new cards as golden? When I hover over them they simply disappear and I cannot see any animation. Curious if this is something on my end or if others are seeing this too
In case anyone cared....just played against a player who ran Bolf. We went to fatigue and a new glitch has happened where the hero does not take damage (which is shouldn't because of bolf) but bolf also took no damage. He won by killing my last minion with bolf and simply won because he took no fatigue and bolf did not take any damage either (from the fatigue). Just a heads up though fatigue is basically a unicorn now lol.
No it is not true as you explain it, but it is true for legendary cards....so do not craft golden legends but as for the rest nothing will be changing.
I agree chillmaw is a great card with n'zoth decks but this deck only has 1 dragon with deathwing (the original had none) so simply playing a 7 mana 6/6 that the deathrattle will not trigger to have another spawn seems like a waste of resources. Especially because when you play matchups where n'zoth is important its control matchups and having a 6/6 taunt is not all that great
Don Han Cho actually isnt a bad sub for prince, I use elise instead but im not against Don Han Cho and i run acolyte instead of infested tauren because the 3 body taunt does little and I would rather have the card cycle with acolyte or to pair with whirlwind or ghoul when i desperately need a draw? Have you noticed Don Han Cho helping a lot or is he kinda hit or miss?
I like prince a lot more than elise, but prince tends to be a killer in aggro matchups when u need your armor, reno, etc. plus elise vs jade tends to win because they cannot keep up with the constant legends and the battlecries or deathrattles they have......deathwing though is the biggest winner in this deck IMO
I am currently trying dirty rat instead of armorsmith because she rarely gets me much armor and i feel he could give jade decks as well as othe control decks a big problem
Also why did you remove cleave? I find that to be one of my biggest cards especially vs pirate as well as sleeping with the fishes....the card has won me many games on its own
I run a deck very similar to this with a few changes and it handles priest and druid pretty well too....so far out of 20 games it is 17-3 and the 3 were just because great draws by opponent. My changes are I replaced battle rage with elise (really helpful vs druid and priest who cannot stop it once the golden monkey is played), loot hoarder with acolyte (In games where n'zoth was played it was control matchups and I did not want to draw more cards); and infested tauren with deathwing (the deathwing battlecry destroys jade and a lot of the dragon priests as well as any deck like zoo if you can make it to turn 10 which is not that hard as a warrior, plus the 3 health taunt did not do much even when brought back with n'zoth). I have always been a warrior player, basically all I have ever played and I have reached legend a lot with it and can say reno/control warrior is as strong as it has been in this meta.
I have used control warrior/reno warrior every season and this is no different and am doing just fine...it is all about understanding the deck and thinking 3 or 4 turns ahead. CW really is like chess when it comes to having to plan ahead the next few turns and trying to predict opponents moves. It is an easy deck to play but a very difficult one to master IMO. Have never had a problem vs any of the meta decks and this season is no different. Also a big thing with CW is you need to make adjustments to fit your style.....simply net decking a warrior will not mean it is good or bad, but understanding the purpose of each card, possible alternatives to deal with the meta, and truly understanding the classes strengths and weaknesses are the best ways to do well with CW and not simply finding a deck and playing it.
deck went 2-6
I will test this deck out and see....I have made legend with my reno warrior every season but was looking for a lil change....I will be back with results after about 10 games...btw read the description lol it talks about mech shaman, etc. so prob old deck
finished up the night at 12-3 losing to 2 warriors and a mage that had prayed today lol....its end of season though and its nice to get to legend with this deck but ill see how it really is tomorrow at start of season.
great deck.....rank 2 currently 7-1 with it (only loss came to warrior with elise who got monkey on turn 7)...i made a few changes though, took out finley for pyromancer and also removed chrommagus for deathwing, the deathlord because not only is he broken if barnes pulls him, when he dies u get at least 2 dragons on board and he comes back from nzoth....overall though nice deck,
hunter 2-0
Mage 1-0
zoo 2-0
shaman 2-0
warrior 0-1