• 11

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    Great combo only 10 mana to cast too kappa.

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • 0

    posted a message on The Curator

    Lol. I really do hate Nourish. That and Mulch. Both cards are so far below the average card draw and removal for other classes. That I really think it is just those two things that are holding Druid back from being competitive in the Meta again. I guess token druid is competitive and runs Nourish so I could be wrong. It just seems much worse the Ancient of Lore card draw engine, and feels so bad to spend 5 mana and develop nothing that turn. 

    Posted in: The Curator
  • 0

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    Then don't. You don't have to be a bad person Wailor. You can allow other people to have fun around you. You can have friends. Only you can set yourself free from this obnoxious narcissistic need to correct peoples grammar. 

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • -3

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    I'm trying to convince people this card is poo. This card is WAY worse then Grim Patron. Grim Patron is a way more consistent combo. Grim Patron only requires you to run one card that sucks by itself. Grim Patrons are way harder to deal with. Grim Patron doesn't rely on your opponents board stat, which is something you have no control over, to be useful. Grim Patron is useful against all decks not just Zoo style decks. 

    When was the last time you saw a Grim Patron?

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • 1

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    This card is terrible. I agree. 

    The opponent has to have 4+ minions for this to be decent card. It is only playable against three decks in the meta. If you think the Bolster + Protect the Kings combo is going to be consistent enough to play your dreaming. 

    Also the dream scenario is what? Your playing against a really strong aggro zoo deck and on turn 5 they have 4+ minions for you to get value out of this card. Guess what? If your playing Zoo and they have 4 to 5 minions on the board on turn 5 your probably losing pretty badly. Getting 4 or 5 3/3 taunts on the board is pretty good. The Zoo deck is probably still going to blow through that get right back to crushing you pretty quickly though. 

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • 2

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    THANK YOU! I think this card is real bad, and almost no one agrees. 

    This is card is only playable against like three decks. You need 4+ minions to get value even with combo. So only Midrange Hunter, Zoo Warlock, and Midrange Shaman have consistently 4+ minions on the board. If those decks have 4+ minions on the board on turn 5 when you can play this and bolster that usually means you are losing badly to one of the strongest aggressive decks in the meta. 

    So this card is only playable if you are losing horribly to specifically one of the three decks and have bolster, another card that is not terribly useful most of the time, in your hand.

    This is a bad card what is everyone smoking and can I have some. 

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • 1

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    If think Protect the King + Bolster is really good I have got an op combo for you! Inner Fire + Divine Spirit!!! OP! OP! 
    The best part of Inner Fire + Divine Spirit as your running two trash cards combo of choice is that you do not have to be losing the game horribly to only specifically a zoo deck for the card to be useful! 


    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • 10

    posted a message on Prince Malchezaar

    Stop playing boring decks, that is totally a personal choice you made dude. I play decks I made all the time, I don't get past 10 usually and it takes a lot of tweaking and thought, but  I think it is more fun then net decking most the time, though I do that too when I want. 

    Control decks are not op.
    This card helps control against other control in fatigue matches does almost nothing to help against aggro.
    The top decks right now are. 
    1. Dragon Warrior - Aggro
    2. Aggro Shaman - Control....no wait, it is Aggro 
    3. Token Druid - Aggro
    4. Zoolock - Aggro
    5. Mid-Range Shaman - Mid Range, not control, Mid Range

    according to Tempo Storm, the people who do this as the thing they do, there are 0 op tier control decks right now. ZERO!

    Posted in: Prince Malchezaar
  • 2

    posted a message on Kindly Grandmother


    Posted in: Kindly Grandmother
  • 0

    posted a message on Enchanted Raven

    Your right, but it could still be pretty good
    The fact that is a beast is also a pretty big deal. 

    It does trade evenly or worse with most one drops in the meta, but it kills most two drops in the meta. 

    1-drops it trades evenly with = Argent Squire, Possessed Villager, Living Roots, Flame Imp, Abusive Sergeant, Fiery Bat, Selfless Hero
    1-drops it kills = N'Zoth's First Mate (kind of),
    1-drops this plus hero power kills = Tunnel Trogg, Mana Wrym, Northshire, Void Walker

    2-drops it kills = Hero power minions, Knife Juggler, Flame Tongue Totem, Druid of the Sabre, Undercity Huckster, Elekk, Tempo Mage girls
    2-drops it gets killed by = Darnassus, Totem Golem

    Posted in: Enchanted Raven
  • 0

    posted a message on Prince Malchezaar

    This card will not be everywhere unless Control decks are everywhere, and that is probably not going to happen. Which is why fatigue is not viable. Fatigue is not viable because every time you que into an aggro deck, which is more then half the decks on ladder and you play cold light oracle they cum a little...who am I kidding? They cum a lot! 

    What region are you playing in that 50% of the ladder was Renolock and how do I get to there? That sounds why more interesting the slog of Aggro Warrior, Aggro Shaman, and Aggro Warlock that I am wading through. 

    Posted in: Prince Malchezaar
  • 0

    posted a message on Prince Malchezaar

    Theory Craft. 
    C'Thun Druid

    Pros: One of the issues with C'Thun is that it relies too much on one big minion. Some have added Rag or Sylvannas to help this, but can't add more because there is little room after C'Thun acolytes, clears, draw, and good Druid cards. This can add 5 additional threats/utility to your C'thun deck. 

    Cons: Possibly Inconsistent. You could also get bad legendaries but we have used Elise enough to know if you get 5 legendaries one or two are going to be pretty good. It also puts your C'Thun further down your deck, so you may want more draw if you add this card, but if you add this card you may have more space to run more draw. 

    Is it good enough? Will it consistently add strong threats to make C'Thun Druid less reliant on one card?

    Posted in: Prince Malchezaar
  • 0

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    Still seems terrible. 

    It is only playable against 3 decks. Sure they are three decks that see a lot of play but I don't mean good, I mean PLAYABLE. I mean any other deck then Zoolock, Midrange Shaman, or Midrange Hunter you can not play this card. Even with combo. Even then we are talking about a two card combo that requires you to put two cards that completely dead or completely terrible most of the time and have them in your hand while your losing badly enough for you get value out of this turd sandwich combo with a side of hot piss. 

    Lets look at it. 
    (1) By its self  (2) with combo (Bolster)
    Opponents minion count - Deck you are playing against most the time, on average, I get that it fluctuates.
    (1) 0 = 3 mana does nothing. Unplayable. (2) 5 mana does nothing. Unplayable.  - Freeze Mage, Control Priest
    (1) 1= 3 mana 1/1 taunt. Game losing trash. (2) 5 mana 1 3/3 taunt. Game losing trash -Any Control Deck
    (1) 2 = 3 mana 2 1/1 taunts. Game losing trash. (2) 5 mana 2 3/3 taunts. Fair-Playable Worse Spirit Wolves. -Most Aggro decks
    (1) 3 = 3 mana 3 1/1 taunts. Bad - worse Ironfur Grizzly. (2) 5 mana 3 3/3 taunts. Good. Zoo, Mid Hunter/Shaman, Some Aggro
    (1) 4 = 3 mana 4 1/1 taunts. Fair to bad worse Sen'Jin. (2) 5 mana 4 3/3 taunts. Very Good. Zoo, Mid Hunter/Shaman - Only sometimes
    (1) 5+ = 3 mana 5 to 7 1/1 taunts. Card is now good enough to play by itself. (2) 5 mana 5 3/3 taunts. Worth playing this shit. Zoo, Mid Hunter/Shaman - rarely 

    Actually pay attention to your games and ask yourself how often your opponent really have 4 or more minions and how often playing this card even in that best case scenario would save you. If your playing against Zoo or Midrange Hunter, or Midrange Shaman and they have 4+ minions on the board on Turn 5 you probably have less 15 health and are pretty much fucked. 

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • -2

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    Realized this is worse then I thought, because it is totally worse then Cyclopian Horror, and Cult Apothecary. 
    Also I realized that spawning a bunch of 1/1s in Warrior is horrible. 
    You would prolly cut your whirlwinds if this card is good. 
    Don't cut your whirlwinds. 

    Posted in: Protect the King!
  • -7

    posted a message on Protect the King!

    This will never ever see play. 
    let me put it this way. 
    This is exactly as good as Cult Apothecary, and Cyclops gain +1 health for each enemy minion. 
    With Bolster synergy I suppose, but Bolster will never ever ever see play


    Posted in: Protect the King!
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