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    posted a message on Need some help deciding on my 3rd deck to bring to a local tournament.
    Quote from Exacerberus >>
    Quote from DonnieMcKarlo >>

    Control priest seems generally like a terrible idea

    Based on which irrefutable evidence?
     Due to it's nature of being very reactive, even for a control deck, requiring specific card combinations and/or board states to have any plays at most stages of a game. More than anything it needs your opponent to play into your cards, and in a tournament setting that is a very unwelcome condition.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Need some help deciding on my 3rd deck to bring to a local tournament.

    Control priest seems generally like a terrible idea, but since it's your favorite class, you are probably set on that.

    Out of your proposed options I would suggest renolock.

    In general I would for an aggro deck opt for zoolock however.

    For your lineup specifically I would round out with midrange druid.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Charged Hammer Shaman (control)

    What other choices do you disagree with besides the one you pointed out. I have been considering kodoriders, but haven't had the courage to put them in just yet. I might for one thunderbluff though.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Charged Control Shaman

    I can relate honestly, but(no offense) the way you describe it - it feels like you are making errors in the early game, maybe with the mulligan for example - I always hard mulligan for 1 drops/totem golem if it's an aggressive matchup, though I always keep hammer if I have at least a 1 drop already.

    Also sounds to me like you are too bent on holding the tb or flametongue, these things need consideration too. I have no qualms about dropping tb on turn 5 If I see that it'll be tough to remove(exclusion mage) or using a flametongue on 1 minion just to trade up and relieve board pressure a tiny bit.

    As for the changes you suggest - go for it, and do report how it worked out for you. In my experience, having enough early game and board control options alleviates the need for healing, yet, it's always welcome as far as I'm concerned. I'm just really greedy with my slots =P

    Again, these are just assumptions but something I struggled with as well, I'm just going to say, without arrogance, that I believe the skill ceiling for this deck to be quite high.

    Posted in: Charged Control Shaman
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    posted a message on Charged Control Shaman

    For me currently it's midrange druid and zoolock.

    Basically any innervate play can render you susceptible to a savage roar force combo - since a druid of the claw doesn't care much for you value troggs or totem golems. Unless you have a hex ready, it's really rough. Since there are no natural taunts or heals in the deck, these innervated minions can set you up for combo with impunity, and since I struggle to finish the game early - it's gonna get to that point.

    As for zoo, it's a similar thing, your early game basically trades to the battlecries of their cheaper minions and or a power overwhelming. You need a lighntning storm, and not only that, you need to be able to hold it until like turn 6/7. And then there's random burst. It's a mess really.

    Haven't had too much trouble with hunter myself. I can usually race them thanks to valiants and early game can tackle the early pressure.

    Posted in: Charged Control Shaman
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    posted a message on Charged Control Shaman

    Thanks, you are too kind.

    I hope you can find some success with it.

    If you are struggling, I am streaming the deck right now - for reference www.twitch.tv/donniemckarlo

    Posted in: Charged Control Shaman
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    posted a message on Charged Control Shaman

    He is pretty big in the deck. I would suggest a big inspire heavy minion like Kodorider to fit the space he leaves behind. Alternatively you can go for a little bit of healing in Antique Healbot, Loatheb, Sylvanas Windrunner is also an option.

    Posted in: Charged Control Shaman
  • 0

    posted a message on Charged Hammer Shaman (control)

    Wanted to give this deck some exposure, I think I've stumbled upon something here and maybe I can get some suggestions from you folks. Small incomplete writeup as of now, will update if there's any interest.

    Charged Control Shaman
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    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Your worst DERP move?

    Sometimes I use targeting spells on my own minions, by some fucked up thought process.

    The most hilarious instance of this occasion was in arena where I managed to naturalise my freshly innervated ironbark protector. Even more hilarious was that I still managed to win that game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts and opinions on OTK Murloc Paladin
    Quote from needmoredesu >>
    Quote from DonnieMcKarlo >>
    avianna druid, those can be performed on empty board and those classes don't lack stalling tools either.
     Druid control tools are absolute garbage. Compare the only full AoE in druid: Poison Seeds + Starfall vs Wild Pyromancer + Equality, Eadric the Pure. No direct full-removals either(except for Naturalize), while paladin can FOLLOW THE RULES. No weapons either. Starfire is way worse than Hammer of Wrath.
    Aviana druid is good, competitive and ladder-viable deck, tho. Not because of control, but because of ramp. It brings both tempo and value.
    Quote from DonnieMcKarlo >>
    Still those decks aren't played much simply because they are inferior to other decks of respective class.
    Winning faster is almost always better.
     That is true, because to be viable for ladder deck should win insanely fast. Control deck (like this OTK/control deck) play single round too long, even if winrate is higher - time spent is more than x3 times higher than you could do with aggro deck.
    But this has nothing to do with the actual strength of the deck.
     Adressing each point.
    Comparing paladin and druid board control options. If the goal is to stall, druid might as well play pyro itself, it's not restricted to just paladin only because of obvious synergy with equality, which, by the way, is miles above anything else paladin has. Without it your board control options become much weaker. Swipe in addition to statfall is a 2nd board clear which works excellently with Azure drake unlike pallie's single consecration. Against aggro, which is the main concern for this type of deck, keeper>aldor. 
    When I mentioned avianna druid I expected it to be apparent, due to the context of the discussion, that I wasn't talking about ramp druid but rather the avianna malygos double faceless moonfire otk deck.
    Lastly, longer games, do not equate to a higher winrate. Currently hearthstone is in a state where you win when you play a relevant minion on curve several turns in a row, see secret paladin, midrange hunter/paladin, tempo mage. Combo decks that rely on having 10 mana are just not gonna do that.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts and opinions on OTK Murloc Paladin
    Quote from TruePoindexter >>
    Quote from Notorious_BLT >>

    Just genuinely curious as to how many of these haters have actually tried the deck. Since a lot of the statements here are not very believable.

    Me too. I don't have a massive success rate for the deck myself, although it is viable and admittedly I am missing a few key cards from my collection that would really help a control Paladin deck. I have also hardly encountered anyone else playing with it. I certainly haven't been OTK'd from it and, indeed, don't think I've lost to any of the decks with Anyfin that I've encountered. I'm on the EU server and up to rank 12 so far this season. 

    It would be interesting for me to know what rank all these people who are getting destroyed by the deck are playing at and how frequently they're seeing it? 

     I have - it works reasonably well but feels imho weaker than just a normal midrange Paladin overall. That's not the point though - the point is that the ability to kill a full HP player from an empty board is something that time and time again Blizzard has come out against. Here it is again and it will hopefully soon be taken care of as it doesn't make for interesting play. 
    Quote from TruePoindexter >>
    Quote from Notorious_BLT >>

    Just genuinely curious as to how many of these haters have actually tried the deck. Since a lot of the statements here are not very believable.

    Me too. I don't have a massive success rate for the deck myself, although it is viable and admittedly I am missing a few key cards from my collection that would really help a control Paladin deck. I have also hardly encountered anyone else playing with it. I certainly haven't been OTK'd from it and, indeed, don't think I've lost to any of the decks with Anyfin that I've encountered. I'm on the EU server and up to rank 12 so far this season. 

    It would be interesting for me to know what rank all these people who are getting destroyed by the deck are playing at and how frequently they're seeing it? 

     I have - it works reasonably well but feels imho weaker than just a normal midrange Paladin overall. That's not the point though - the point is that the ability to kill a full HP player from an empty board is something that time and time again Blizzard has come out against. Here it is again and it will hopefully soon be taken care of as it doesn't make for interesting play. 
     On my phone, sorry, I would have tidied up the quotes for readability purposes. 
    There are already existing precedents that work currently like velen otk priests or avianna druid, those can be performed on empty board and those classes don't lack stalling tools either. Still those decks aren't played much simply because they are inferior to other decks of respective class. This has mostly to do with tempo being the most important aspect in Hearthstone currently. Keeping cards in your hand and spending turns cycling does nothing in that respect. These decks offer little variety in terms of win conditions and that is a fair tradeoff considering these otks hit as early as t10.
    It's absolutely incomparable to patron and freezemage since they have a lot of different ways to win and are very adaptive based on a variety of matchups. 
    I think the existence of these decks is a nice addition since the introduction of reno, but I find the regular arsenal of tempo decks more compelling. Winning faster is almost always better.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts and opinions on OTK Murloc Paladin

    Just genuinely curious as to how many of these haters have actually tried the deck. Since a lot of the statements here are not very believable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts and opinions on OTK Murloc Paladin

    Giving the deck a fair loving with a list that is different enough from the 2 in the op. Main notable difference is probably the lack of consecration  and the double cult master. It looked like using spells to clear is hugely disadvantageous in that deck so I tried to focus board control solely based on minion combat.

    Am currently 7-3 with the deck. I think it has some good matchups but generally inferior to secret or even midrange paladin in my opinion.

    The deck can only finish you as early as turn 10 and that is pretty unlikely even. Unlike patron or miracle or even regular midrange paladin you have absolutely no chance of overwhelming your opponent with tempo or burst. Anyfin is the only card that enables you killing your opponent.

    With the current lists available I think it's a t3 deck at most.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Brann Reno Control Mage!

    The most interesting thing I noticed about Brann is that it actually does not need a deck built around it. I myself am running it in my control hunter with only like 5 menial battlecries. But if you treat it like a Faceless Manipulator on your battlecries, it mostly is worth it as far as I can tell.

    Anyway, I'm glad you're having success with this. I might give this list a shot. I've been working on the idea of this concept, and I was leaning more towards the massive lategame approach, but since I don't have a Rhonin ready, I'm incentivized to go in this direction more.

    Posted in: Brann Reno Control Mage!
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    posted a message on Brann Reno Control Mage!

    Had the opportunity to play against a similar build to yours on ladder just now. The most notable changes probably are a thicker concentration of late game minions in contrast to your midgamey approach. Not that I mind, but in particular I think I would favour a non-symmetric effect like acolyte's instead of oracle.

    Just my thoughts. Nice deck.

    Posted in: Brann Reno Control Mage!
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