Seems awful, but a great arena card. The only way this could see standard play would be if you need even more armor gain to beat some popular burn/OTK deck.
- Dofeedtheemu
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DatMageDoe posted a message on What Questline should I craft?Posted in: General DiscussionPer class, for Standard:
- Druid: It's gimmicky but gaining some traction. At this point, hard to tell if it's just a fad deck or if there are some actual legs to it.
- Hunter: It's currently one of the top decks and one of the Quests currently seeing play. If you're looking to climb Ladder, this is a great choice.
- Mage: Irrelevant now that all its best cards rotated to Wild. You can try to build it, but good luck making it work without Cram Session, Incanter's Flow or Primordial Studies
- Paladin: Most of the good 1-drops and Silver Hand support rotated, leaving this one largely stranded.
- Priest: Mostly seen in a gimmick Reno Jackson deck as the win condition. Not super good, but it's pretty fun.
- Warlock: Another more gimmicky one. Like Mage, it's largely stranded as the good self-damage cards rotated, but it's got the makings of a potential deck or two, and could be built many different ways. Worth mentioning it's currently Banned in Wild.
- Warrior: Most popular quest on Ladder, but mostly at low ranks. Easy to pilot, curves out easily, but it's a really vanilla tribal deck. Was recently nerfed so you can try it if you want.
TheArcanist236 posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General DiscussionNaga Mage, took me to Legend with a 17:3 winrate. Consistently cheating out 10-20 mana on turns 4-5 and feels absolutely disgusting.
Played much more of this in Legend as well as Token DH, Mech Paladin, Curselock (that was a horrible idea lmao) and Big Beast Hunter (surprising almost 60% winrate, Hydralodon is one of my favorite cards of the expansion). Also played a bit of Pirate Rogue but I guess I suck at piloting that deck since I went 6:12 with it.
Little_X_dav posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General DiscussionPlaying a Phylactery Mine deck. It's not good but feel satisfying when I can pull up an OTK.
Currently Platinum 3 and grinding slowly toward Diamond.
Phylactery Mine Deathrattle Warlock Deck by Little_X_dav - Apr 17, 2022Minion (10) - 1x Auctioneer Jaxon
- 1x Bloodmage Thalnos
- 1x Mankrik
- 1x Tamsin Roame
- 2x Guild Trader
- 2x Naval Mine
- 2x Plated Beetle
Ability (17) Weapon (2) Playable Hero (1) Loading Collection -
Lydian posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General DiscussionI've been focusing a lot on pirate and burgle rogue builds as well as shadow priest. Regarding rogue, Faelin + Tess replaying colossals is sick. I had a lot of success with Reno pirate burgle rogue as a result, as I ended up just running a lot of single copies of cards anyway and, with Reno to restore health after stabilizing, the deck can hold its own against most decks.
Priest has been interesting. We got one shadow spell this expansion and it works very well with some of the deathrattle shadow spells we've gotten in prior expansions. With 4 different minions that can generate spells, working around the shadow spell restriction is easier and allows for a solid midrange deck that can beat most control decks as well as stabilize against aggro. I think it still needs just a little more support to be super consistent (or, you know, a 2 mana importer so that I can actually have a play on turn two), but it's quite fun.
RaraRacing77 posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General Discussion- Naga Mage - had quests, fun deck for my least favourite class. Did well too, my deck needs refinement, as too many quest cards (arcane damage) in it.
- Midrange Naga Hunter - first deck, fun stuff, has secret package in it which has some cool, unexpected interactions in it (esp. the new secret and colossal minions).
- Murloc Shaman - fine, needs refinement once the meta settles.
- Zoolock - generally good minions to test them out ... fine. No one expects the deck so have no idea what minions are coming, wins come because people don't know the cards. This will probably become my main deck to ladder, though I really did enjoy the Hunter deck.
Too early days to say anything, people are trying out lots of things, I've basically been trying to figure out answers my opponents have to my board etc. and how I can counter their expected stuff.
My least favourite opponents so far have been Quest Warrior, Freeze Shaman and Quest Hunter (yawn), oh and a Warrior who played zero minions it felt like, no idea what their deck was trying to do ... I've not lost once to any form of Rogue or Druid.
Overall I've had fun but I've got a feeling that with quests around the kinds of decks I enjoy will fade out soon. -
SirJohn13 posted a message on Potential Sunken City NerfsPosted in: General DiscussionWhy not just buff Chillwind Yeti instead?
Xauriel posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General DiscussionI can give you my curselock list if you want.
It's a pretty straight forward list, funnily enough it wrecks druids and is good against shamy but struggles against all that board heavy aggro decks, even though its heavy control.
It seems control (warlock) hasnt enough tools to deal with that massive board refills of the current aggro decks.
P.s. it's great to roll over druids though :)
ShadowAldrius posted a message on What Decks did you try in SC?Posted in: General Discussion- Silence Priest. I was eager to try this, after someone beat me handily with it earlier. It wasn't quite as effective when I played it, but there were some fun tricks and versatility. Whispers of the Deep is a FUN card. My main issue with the deck was card draw. I ended up with few cards in hand several times, where I wasn't really sure how I could have prevented the situation. That's the downside from having to use 2 cards to make 1 or more minions to attack with, instead of just 1 card, I guess.
Switcheroo and Handmaiden definitely fit nicely into Silence Priest.
I've been playing Naga Mage and Naga Priest, both are a lot of fun. Curselock is fun too. -
TMRobinson posted a message on Potential Card NerfsPosted in: General DiscussionSome of these I feel are overdue especially for Warrior and Druid. I'm not saying all of these nerfs need to happen but I would be happy with any combination of these
Quest Warrior:
Raid the Docks final stage of quest requires 3 pirates
Defias Canoneer change to 2/2 3 mana or 3/3 4 mana
Mr. Smite Your Pirates have Rush
Wildheart Guff costs 6 mana up from 5
Kazakusan At the Start of the Game: if you have at least 5 dragons in your deck, Battlecry: craft a custom deck of treasures (I know this nerf is very unlikely because they don't usually change cards this drastically)
Quest Hunter:
Defend the Dwarven District All stages of the quest require dealing damage with 3 spells instead of two OR the second stage only reduces the cost of the hero power to 1 mana
Mech Mage:
Mecha-Shark Reduce or remove from discoverable cards Deeprun Engineer, Amalgam of the Deep, and Gorillabot A-3 OR remove Mecha-Shark from mech tribe so Mage only gets 2 copies.
Seafloor Gateway costs 4 mana instead of 3
Mech Paladin:
Azsharan Mooncatcher / Sunken Mooncatcher make sunken mooncatcher summon another sunken mooncatcher and not a copy. This prevents Lightforged Cariel from being able to drop two heavily buffed minions for the price of one. Hearthstone has had a history of changing cards to operate this way.
Switcheroo Priest:
Switcheroo costs 4 mana up from 3
Twin-fin Fin Twin summon another Twin-fin instead of a copy. Same reasoning as the paladin card.
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The problem today is discovering Mr. Smite, next expansion it might be a problematic epic or rare. The problem is overpowered cards that are a win condition in themselves.
Turns out Elemental Shaman just beats every deck in the meta right now
If you curve you win board against the other aggro decks
You aggro down Priest and Druid and have Hex on a 5/6 if you need it
A lot of decks are board based right now so if you can roll a freeze you auto a win
I've started playing x2 Big Game Hunter's. I got the Priest in my sites!
That seems more un fun than usual for wild, they will probably fix it. Wild is always a mode I have to play when I wanna go brain ded, if you try to win, the constant ridiculous junk that kills you out of nowhere will drive you insane.
I was thinking today a good thing about Azsharan Scroll is that it puts the sunken scroll on the bottom of the deck. I used to always dredge it up quickly, but it's a value card, it's best at the bottom of the deck when you're running out of steam, and you dredge the tempo cards around it unless you're really gassing.
no, I didn't have any luck with that list. I like Feno's list.
I'm 10-1 now, Diamond 5 and I just beat another pirate warrior. lol.
Shaman. My favorite Shaman deck is Topdecks "Battlecry Shaman." Navigating the early game is all about mitigatiing dmg, setting up Freezepaws and Dredging your Snowfalls. If you get a chain freeze like all board based decks they will just get rolled.
This deck uses a lot of spells and battlecry synergies with School Teacher to finish out games. You get Biolume on one of the Nagaling students and can repeat the battlecry with Brann or Bolner. I hit someone for 28 with one lightning bolt!
I don't have my full stats cus I dont always have a tracker on, but I got 7-1 recorded and 3-0 vs Warrior, but I think I've beat more of them than that.
What tier do you think Shaman will be? What decks look promising?
I think Shaman could hold tier 2 on the back on of Snowfall Guardian and Maccaw especially if the meta shifts board focused like they say they want it to. There are new ways to abuse that combo as well (Brann/Zola)
I think Naga looks interesting since Shaman has multiple ways to double Ancient Relics, and the Relics synergize well with a burn shaman game plan.
Quest still existing means it's always a contender, although Lightning Bloom, Guidance, and Instructor Fireheart are big losses and there are not any overload cards in the new expansion.
Bioluminescence looked bad until I thought about it more. If you can use Maccaw copy Coral Keeper and fill the board in one turn, you can play 2 Bioluminescence + 2 Lightning Bolts or Scalding Geysers (with one mana reduction or coin which you can get on the spell from the naga, or on the Maccaw with a weapon easily enough) for a pretty flexable 5 card OTK that donesn't force you to put bad cards in your deck (meaning you can easily flex into other win conditions as needed) and can 14+ over leathal with one additional spell and reduction if needed.
I agree. You would definitely play it after you've exhausted you're good tempo cards.
What makes me excited about it is that in Shaman it is NEVER a dead card.
Maybe you play some 1 mana cards and hero power and this guy towards the end, you're opponent is hopefully low, and if they dont clear you can flametongue leathal, or you're taking anchor totem and pumping those one drops for a reload.
You have Bolner in most Shaman decks maybe a Brann, maybe you're abusing some other battlecries most of the Nagas and Murlocs are battlecrys now you also have this for some solid reload. It's just another added bonus that it gives you two of the better cards in aggro Shaman (Anchor or Flametogue) of off a hero power.
It can also snag extra Snowfall Guardians, and Maccaws