The card is designed to add a card to your hand that is not physically in the game but instead generated from other cards from any expansion. This includes things such as dream cards and death knight cards. Bananas, Imps, quest rewards, minions (from cards such as dragon soul or piranha launcher) This can also add things like the explore ungoro cards, Togwaggles ransom, coins, bombs ect. lots of low roll/high roll potential.
Don't know if you're aware, but when dealing with computers, no random number is 'actually' random, since computers are deterministic machines
Sadly, Treants are not an actual minion type, just a pseudo-mechanic, like Giants
It's correct
That's portuguese btw
Not a leak, it's the actual reveal. It reads:
Broodmother Aranasi
Whenever you draw this, restore 4 health to your hero.
17h. No link aqui do post ele mostra aos horários locais do Brasil. Tem esse site aqui também pra converter fuso-horários:
They can't just take his award away, people. If Blizzard failed to take action before the tournament they can't just come along and "invent" rules after the fact. Did Roger deserve to be prohibited from competing? Yes, but it's to late for that now.
Swampqueen looks kinda weird written that way, Swamp Queen looks nicer. Really cool card tho
They just messed up the indexing for the cards, because the new cards wheren`t in the game yet and you shouldn`t get the rewards until launch, so it just gave people random cards pointed instead of the new ones.
Apparently they linked to The Witch video but had thumbnails to the next reveal.