I like the content... It is interesting. But rating system here can motivate inexperienced players to disenchant 0-1 star cards with quite high potential like:
The Voraxx All that this card needs is broken enough spells that can target your minions. It can very well jump from unplayable to one that will give dust because of being nerfed. Also, plants is a likely tribe that can be added in the future.
Lilian Voss Thief rogue will get more, more, more and more goods. At some point turning your spells into random crap may actually become a good idea. Also, more and more "add barely useful spells (like bananas)" cards will get into the game.
Rummaging Kobold Is already a quite useful card in a wild jade shaman. Can go broken every time when there are a weapon that really needs to be equipped more that 2(1) times
Drakkari Enchanter Who can know what broken end of turn effect(s) will be printed in future?
1 copy of Rummaging Kobold is a useful tool for Thief rogue against some control match-ups which has two weapon removal, but if you don't use your hero power. You should know that if you are using the kobold in your deck. :D
The only card that exteremely and instantly needs to be dusted is Cursed Blade and it is not nowadays topic. lol
And I never dust Open the Waygate, that card is more effective in wild thanks to Ice Block, I would not dust any of legendaries any time after what I've done for gvg... anyways, I've just wanted to mention that quest :D
Cursed Blade is actually not bad in Pirate Warrior (although the deck itself is not the gratest at the moment), it removes a lot of early game minions, giving you a chance to develop a board.
They just messed up the indexing for the cards, because the new cards wheren`t in the game yet and you shouldn`t get the rewards until launch, so it just gave people random cards pointed instead of the new ones.
Wait, with possessed villager in the art...i wonder if this is indicating that some older expansions will for this year see standard play? If that is the case....that would be pretty cool...and make me have a tiny bit of regret of dusting cards from year of the mammoth to store some dust...netherless, hype is real!
That is the thumbnail of an old hs video on IGN, probably just got put there by the site as a placeholder
If OP's search bar keeps "teleporting" to the top of the page whenever he searches, try to click on in when it is on the top and then try to search (everytime you want to search something). Apparently it is cause by some bug with touchscreens on Windows 10 (even if your screen is not actually a touchscreen).
I think they already said that Loa and Spirit are meant to be synergistic on the same deck. Spirits are like "mini-Loas" if you can't afford them (the Loa) but want to play something like that deck.
I think that's a new feature on the deck editor. You should also be able to put more than 30 cards (but not play with it unless it has 30)
Don't know if you're aware, but when dealing with computers, no random number is 'actually' random, since computers are deterministic machines
It's correct
That's portuguese btw
Not a leak, it's the actual reveal. It reads:
Broodmother Aranasi
Whenever you draw this, restore 4 health to your hero.
And in no way resembles a fountain either
Cursed Blade is actually not bad in Pirate Warrior (although the deck itself is not the gratest at the moment), it removes a lot of early game minions, giving you a chance to develop a board.
17h. No link aqui do post ele mostra aos horários locais do Brasil. Tem esse site aqui também pra converter fuso-horários: thetimezoneconverter.com
They just messed up the indexing for the cards, because the new cards wheren`t in the game yet and you shouldn`t get the rewards until launch, so it just gave people random cards pointed instead of the new ones.
That is the thumbnail of an old hs video on IGN, probably just got put there by the site as a placeholder
If OP's search bar keeps "teleporting" to the top of the page whenever he searches, try to click on in when it is on the top and then try to search (everytime you want to search something). Apparently it is cause by some bug with touchscreens on Windows 10 (even if your screen is not actually a touchscreen).
Apparently they linked to The Witch video but had thumbnails to the next reveal.
Bunnyhoppor gave me an Undatakah, so I'm pretty happy =D
I think they already said that Loa and Spirit are meant to be synergistic on the same deck. Spirits are like "mini-Loas" if you can't afford them (the Loa) but want to play something like that deck.
The Reaper got reaped