The China theme seems a little concerning with recent events and all.
- Dingding123
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Generic_Pro posted a message on New Three Kingdoms Bundle Skins [Valeera, Uther, Garrosh, Anduin] - Basic Voice LinesPosted in: News -
YoHabloEspanol posted a message on Nerf PredictionsPosted in: General DiscussionMindrender Illucia.
This card is too op at 2 mana . Some pros are complaining about it. Might not get nerfed now but maybe in the future.
Aww, pros are mad? Thats a shame, would hate to make them mad
Lanko posted a message on Why are they waiting so much?Posted in: General DiscussionDruid is problematic, in the sense the matches are so feast or famine. They ramp and get the Kael going, as early as turn 4, with Guardians, Overflows and Survival and it's game over no matter what you're playing. In others they sit by turn 10 doing nothing. Or are pretty much dead against DH, Rogue, Warlock or Paladin on turn 4 and doing nothing but hero power.
Paladin is too linear, and historically while these decks can be strong, they drop a lot in power once people understand how it plays, he power plays and the matchup. The higher you go in Legend, you see less and less Paladins. The gameplay of the deck for some can get boring really fast.
Druid/Paladin are the current boogeymans due to being more popular, but IMO, Priest and Rogue is where the real power actually is. Maybe Mage. Warlock already looks really good, though it needs reifnement.
Hooghout posted a message on Meta Already Settled?Posted in: General DiscussionQuote from Sherman1986 >>What is 'reality'?
Pizzacats posted a message on Is secret passage really a problem?Posted in: Card DiscussionSecret Passage will be a part of every single rogue deck for the next 2 years
Potentially, but that's not the point. The point is that will Rogue be good enough that it matters? I don't think so. Maybe it will matter in future expansions, but I don't see it mattering right now.
csguba posted a message on SA Sleeper Card?Posted in: General DiscussionSpeaker Gidra for sure, I'm amazed from the comments on this card that people don't see it's power. It's going to be in the vast majority of druid decks and even with a 2 or 3 mana spell it's a huge swing that had to be dealt with after it's probably cleared two of your minions. If you get a bigger spell then it becomes truly terrifying. It's got too much hp and I can see a 1 mana or 1 hp nerf coming later down the line.
Quinnmare_Heartskirts posted a message on SA Sleeper Card?Posted in: General DiscussionPen flinger is my pick, Warlock zoo has several cheep spells to cycle it, so does demon hunter. Most Face deck list run a few spells and it would allow you to constantly sneak in that extra one damage for a lot of turns, Plus epic knife juggler synergy.
Also if someone could hook me up with that cool thing you do to get the cards to show up when you hover that would be sweet.
TheNameForgotten posted a message on SA Sleeper Card?Posted in: General DiscussionGuardian Animals is a recruit card. I think recruit is easy to overlook. I practice is will probably be very strong
Crakka_Jaxx posted a message on SA Sleeper Card?Posted in: General DiscussionFocus is usually on Legendaries and Janky effects in pre-release. While a few of these are always OP and end up getting nerfed(looking at you Forest Warden Omu), it's the low cost high value cards that end up having the bigger effect on the meta. Intrepid Initiate and Tour Guide are both 1 cost Neutrals that are going to see a ton of play.
user-100394506 posted a message on The Exhaustive Scholomance Academy Card PreviewPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from user-31021151 >>Some of these are obviously very wrong and you should be able to tell.
Overwhelm: 4 Stars – Strong removal card
Professor Slate: 2 Stars – This card is absolutely insane with Rapid Fire, but unfortunately Hunter is not really a removal class
You're contradicting yourself right there in the very next sentence. Both of these obviously cannot be correct.
It is not a contradiction. Overwhelm can be played in tempo beast and it is strong in many decks. For Professor Slate you need to use bad cards for most of the hunter decks. Professor Slate is playable only in dragon hunter were rapid fire can combo also with Malygos. I agree with HoraceStapleton. Professor Slate is not impressive.
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Lightning Bloom, not because nerfed versions of Innervate can't exist but because of how they assumed Overload X matters at all on instant mana spells.
Bloodlust and Hex should be cards that are good for most styles of Shaman decks, plus a couple other iconic Shaman spells shouldn't be so inflexible and unusable. They could use a solid 1-drop as well, be it a spell or a minion or both.
Conservative Warrior
Of all things I expect to lose to Devout Pupil and get unreasonably upset over it.
Ogremancer will definitely see play if this is at all a spellslinging meta, which it's looking like it will be.
I've seen the new weapon cards in a few popular Rogue theorycraft lists but I'm also pretty sure tempo Pirate Warrior WITHOUT Risky Skippers will use them really well. There will be a LOT of Warrior variants regarding decklists; the class has a ton of different good cards to choose from right now.
Everyone has a hard-on for Risky Skipper as well as Bladestorm but having a board presence and more weapon synergy is going to be far more important for most weapon classes in this super-swingy meta. Risky Skipper especially will have trouble fitting into SA's synergistic and burst-laden decks that don't care about a WW or two or a Rampage/Shield of Honor or Battle Rage in the process. Aggro decks will earn lethal purely off of reach, and slower decks will play really, really big stuff that will shrug off AoE.
Fantastic review! Finally someone that thinks most of the Studies are amazing which they are! The legendary reviews are spot-on as well.
Stelina will get cast for its Outcast value often in fast decks and can remove win cons, combo cards and board clears so of course it's good. Fireheart will only see play in decks that are very geared toward her as the turn after playing a bunch of Shaman spells will likely be gimped by overload, which by turn 7+ is backbreaking. Polkelt is a 4 mana 4/5 that ensures players they won't draw Zephrys and most classes that they won't draw removal for the rest of the game, which is extremely bad in slower decks. Kreen - while insane with a huge board - only really shines in that scenario; if nothing else it's very flexible as it can help DH save health while attacking big minions.
There are so many insane 1-drops that Aggro, Tempo and Midrange are all going to have a field day and leave Control in the dust on ladder. The sheer volume of powerful 1-drops is even more impactful than Secret Passage, Glide and Voracious Reader, granted they vastly improve these cards as well. Keep in mind just how powerful Divine Favor was in comparison to these.
I'll do me one better: Control decks will see fringe play in tournaments.
Edit: regarding nerfs, Secret Passage will likely get nerfed to 2 mana, granted that just gives Rogues incentive to run Preps for it (which is brilliant as Prep is a strong thematic card). Voracious Reader will either become a 1/1 or cost 1 more. Nothing will happen to Glide; it's a somewhat clunky card that only really hurts control decks. The 1-drops are still insane but at this point the cat's out of the bag; they're not about to nerf half a dozen 1-drops.
The fact that you potentially get to pick between a clutch lackey and a big dragon is a really big deal. Some games will demand more tempo, others more midrangey-control. Triggers spellburst as well!
I'm so happy they're finally giving Warrior good midrange cards. It's been so long. I will play this card into the ground, even if it gets nerfed to 9 mana.
Warrior's got some nice 1-and 2-drop spells.
Is the pen mightier than the sword?