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    posted a message on (Budget) Salty Rogue

    Salty Rogue
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    Murlocs, pirates and tons of value!  What's not to love? 

    Feel free to try it out or make your own take on it!  I'm sure History Buff would be a very worthwhile inclusion for example!  Feel free to replace Myra too if you don't have her!

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Need feedback on Tempo Rogue

    Trading THAT many cards in hand and stats on board for a 3-power weapon and a hand of potentially useless cards is terrible; the Rogue quest just isn't worth it right now. 

    Rogue has a shot against Control Warrior with Elekk plus Academic Espionage but that's the only way of Rogue winning that MU that I can think of.

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    posted a message on Is malygos Druid gonna last in the current set?

    TBH: No.  Gonk might as he's cheaper and doesn't require holding back Swipes. 

    I have no idea why people think Maly will work at all when they must draw specific cards WHILE completing a quest against the likes of Big Mage and control Warrior.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Nerfs Suggestions for the Current Meta

    Omega Devastator needs to cost 5 to bring it in line with Warlock's Omega; as is it's a yeti that is immune to Dyn-O-Matic and simultaneously one of the best 10-drops in the game and yet can be discovered in multiple cheap ways and have Rush AND be Magnetized.

    Conjurer's needs to cost 4 as it is completely broken at 3.

    Luna's needs to cost 6 or even 7 again as it is completely broken at 5.

    Mad Genius deserves one form of nerf, either removing Blast Shield or only the first mech(s) each turn get Rush.

    Aggro Priest is crushing it right now; some form of nerf to assertive Priest cards would be pretty well-deserved.  A good number of their broken cards are simply class cards, however, and it's surprising to me that the team didn't start with those when they started nerfing class cards.  Then again it's surprising to me that they buffed a Priest card to become a better Blessing of Kings.


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    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Sahket Sapper

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    posted a message on Is Rogue quest too easy?

    I've tried a lot of variations on Quest Rogue and it's terrible.  It's not good early, it's possibly good mid, it's possibly completely useless late.  Rogue as a class is in a very bad spot right now.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on They should not nerf Control warrior because...

    ResidentSleeper Warrior does deserve nerfs but only to the cards that truly deserve it.

    Devastator and Mad Genius are a bit out of line.  Devastator should cost 5 like Warlock's Agent, and Mad Genius should only give the first mechs summoned in a turn rush, not literally every single mech they pull out of their ass.


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on What is your favorite expansion now?

    Any expansion with singleton decks.

    That unironically includes GvG.  I get the hate but it's hard to think Pirate Warrior was the bane of existence when Reno could just heal all their damage back or other decks could just brick-wall them like Dragon Priest.  Jade Druid/other Jade decks were linear but were still somewhat interesting as they presented  a lethal puzzle for opponents, and Naturalize was risky and Swipe only did so much which means matches always involved a ton of minions on the board at once - they were largely a "how hard does your deck pop off" test.  Granted Innervate, Wild Growth and Nourish were all significantly better cards so Druids could still randomly have the best curve ever.

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    posted a message on Why nobody is playing mage quest?

    Galaxy is braindead

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    posted a message on Never have there been this many game-warping legendaries in a single set.

    And they all still cost 1600 dust.  Blizzard, please.  I get that this set's commons helped make aggro decks good again but holy crud throw brand new players and everyone that has earned nothing but useless-in-comparison legendaries from previous expansions a bone.

    From 55 packs so far I've only pulled Armagedillo and the Rogue quest.  I would like to play with Zephrys the Great but cannot afford the 5+ additional legendaries any given Zephrys deck needs to work, despite having spent $30+ on each expansion up until this point.  Worth noting that for each singleton deck 3 of said legendaries are Zephrys himself, Siamat and the respective class singleton card, all of which are from this expansion.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Midrange Warrior theorycrafting!

    Hey!  I decided to add Leeroy and Warpaths to my decklist since they give it a crazy amount of reach alongside Frothing Berserker, Grommash and the bombs.  About to attempt the Brawlesium with it!

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    posted a message on Uldum Treants

    The Woodland Realm (Uldum Treants)
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    It's been working pretty well so far!  Garden Gnome is definitely the new MVP and BEEEES!!! is amazing as well.  Also worth noting is that Wild Pyro is a broken removal tool in here haha.  

    Anyone else have brews for Treant decks?

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    posted a message on Midrange Warrior theorycrafting!

    Funny enough I got to legend with a ping brew as well last expansion!  Security Rover was bonkers haha.  Security Rover is now effectively replaced by Mercenary though, meaning the deck can afford to be a bit more assertive - note the Mad Genius in that decklist you posted carrying its lategame.  My bet is that this expansion will be a bit faster than the Mad Genius can handle with all these quests running around, meaning more assertive cards are better than relying on the hero in non-control lists.

    Bomb cards I think will remain relevant as there still isn't a lot of healing in Standard - they just won't be worth stuffing a deck full of anymore.  Removing them definitely gives access to other good synergies however so feel free in y'all's own midrange lists!  Maybe I just realy like bomb cards lol.


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Midrange Warrior theorycrafting!
    Quote from TardisGreen >>

    Since your trying to kill your opponent, might as well get rid of all the taunts.  SMOrc decks don't play taunts.

    You forgot to put Leeroy Jenkins.  Lethal combos are good tempo.

    Two Town Criers are mandatory.  Your rush minions are key.  I think Militia Commander is better than the Mummy.  Supercollider doesn't belong here.  You are trying to kill the other guy, it can only hit face for 1 at a time.  Get rid of Elekk, you only need to put a bomb or two in the deck to make Boom good.  Rover still goes into this list, the card is just bonkers.  Cruel Taskmaster is probably better than Improve Morale.

    See, to me Frightened Flunky is THE quintessential midrange card and if there ever were taunts that should remain in a deck like this they should be it and Zilliax.  Supercollider is part removal for when there isn't a weapon out and part meta call in that conjurer giants and developing wide boards in a single turn are still going to be very prevalent and popular.  Leeroy is good as well as the 1-drops but they require enough SMOrc alongside themselves that the deck inevitably becomes tempo, not midrange.  My hangup with Militia is that it isn't as versatile as Restless in decks like this that are neither full-on tempo nor control.

    I'm definitely not bashing Cruel Taskmaster as an inclusion but a random lackey that one can opt to play whenever may be worth more than the immediate 2/2 body although that really is nitpicking haha.  Another nitpick is the second Town Crier - there are 2 Acolytes and a Battle Rage + ping effects in here already and a 1/2 vanilla body isn't worth that much.  

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    posted a message on Midrange Warrior theorycrafting!

    With all these new mechanics and amazing cards I'm thinking that a midrange Warrior deck might actually become a thing!  I'm convinced at least most of the bomb cards are worth holding onto despite the meta becoming much more fast-paced.  The deck will also acquire some incredible new minions!

    Frightened Flunky, Temple Berserker and Bloodsworn Mercenary are all incredibly powerful minions in their own right - midrange decks deserve all three of them!  The new taunt cards however don't seem like they will have much traction - Flunky stands far above them as he discovers any of them while simultaneously helping create an early game board presence.  Restless Mummy is a very good addition as well but IMO isn't consistently solid enough to warrant running two copies.    

    Thanks to these new cheap minions, Frothing Berserker gets to make an appearance as there are finally enough good, cheap minions for a Warrior deck to run it!  The card can take down huge threats or end games very prematurely by virtue of having virtually infinite attack so long as minions are taking damage.   The Frothings plus SN1P-SN4P, bomb cards and Mercenaries is what will enable the deck to out-race control and combo decks.

    The rest of the deck isn't as exciting as the aforementioned cards, but since the deck is midrange it doesn't have to be haha.  Acolyte plus IR is a solid way to cycle through a deck and find its other synergies.  The singleton removal cards help add variety to the ways the deck can efficiently get over obstacles mid-to lategame.  Redband Wasp is a solid 2-drop here as it can help get rid of 1/1's and with the help of a ping go face or remove large threats, and just helping buff Frothing Berserker can be worthwile as well.  The number of different ping effects together create lines that can kick-start synergies or  efficient removal.

    Bombs Over Uldum
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    My Warrior brew is midrange as it focuses on playing out minions in a very assertive manner despite there being virtually no 1-drops or buff cards.  Tempo Warrior decks will look to Magic Carpet, 1-drops, Rampage and History Buff for their deck to pop off (and possibly play the new quest as well) whereas midrange decks will focus on a longer-term gameplan that blends board presence and value.  Refrain from posting Tempo lists here - there's another thread talking about that right now actually - but feel free to post midrange Warrior decklists and brews here and discuss them!



    Posted in: General Deck Building
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