We're all just gonna ignore Goody Two-Shields being the best Curvestone 3-drop in the game and Argent Braggart being the strongest minion on the board for 2 mana. Okay Hearthpwn.
Lightning Bloom, not because nerfed versions of Innervate can't exist but because of how they assumed Overload X matters at all on instant mana spells.
Bloodlust and Hex should be cards that are good for most styles of Shaman decks, plus a couple other iconic Shaman spells shouldn't be so inflexible and unusable. They could use a solid 1-drop as well, be it a spell or a minion or both.
Sunstrider's 3rd spell cost could be 3 mana; it'd make for some trifecta flavor. Overgrowth is so incredibly pushed that it might warrant some kind of nerf or rework itself. Secret Passage is an insane card but Rogue decks themselves haven't been overly oppressive yet. Paladin is definitely an issue because no amount of deck refinement can beat curvestone; some cards are going to get nerfed so long as Libram Pure is an archetype.
Honestly Team 5 has done a great job with SA but they could've done better with balancing, as per usual.
Pala has too many no-brainer plays aside from their Libram package. Goody Two-Shields and Argent Braggart are nearly always extremely good cards. Pupil and Abbess are good, but are also Priest cards so those should probably stay how they are until Priest abuses them as well.
Druid is just a coin-flip class thanks to Overgrowth + Bloom and will definitely, surely get fixed by Team 5.
As annoying and uninteractive Druid is I have yet to come across a deck so laughably monstrous as Libram Paladin. I wasn't expecting it to be the bee's knees but boy howdy it is.
Bump just to say this is the best version I've come up with after playing it for a few days! I unfortunately had to cut Grommash - after 50 ranked games he did not hit the board once! Kel'Thuzad and the Troublemakers crowd up the top end too much already and are just that good.
Athletic Studies is an amazing card. Getting to play a discounted rush and discovering another absolutely saves the deck's curve and then some. Often times playing a Restless Mummy on t3 (t2 w/coin!) is more than worth it. On top of that it allows Rush minions to be played very assertively, to the point where they're an actual board presence. The Initiates and Gan'args are good and situationally great, but Athletic Studies is by far the most valuable 1-drop in here. I've had games where a Taunt/Rush has saved my skin and others where the 3/12 with extra attacks on kills clapped serious cheeks and won me the game.
I love the new 1-drops, Ogremancer, Reaper's Scythe, Lord Barov, Kel'Thuzad and Troublemaker and I'm hoping I'll end up with a brew that includes all or most of them like this one. Super stoked to play this expansion!
So far no single deck jumps out to me as bRoKeN, despite some cards obviously being so. I'm pretty sure removal will be geared more towards bigger stuff rather than Zoo decks. Most decks will play lots of other reactive cards as well while still being fast themselves.
With the top-end and overload Voracious Reader could potentially have trouble finding time to shine. The biggest deal I see here is that having two Sorcerous Substitutes in hand will feel clunky (although it's obviously powerful). Definitely cut it for a Molten Blast - in fact I don't see reason for the deck not to be running two of them; you could take out a Serpentshrine Portal as well for a second copy.
I think the Frost Shock should stay just for versatility's sake - freezing something can be a huge deal in some MU's. Devolving Missiles might be a good 1-of as well if there winds up being a lot of buffs or synergy-heavy minions in the meta.
Ogremancer will definitely see play if this is at all a spellslinging meta, which it's looking like it will be.
I've seen the new weapon cards in a few popular Rogue theorycraft lists but I'm also pretty sure tempo Pirate Warrior WITHOUT Risky Skippers will use them really well. There will be a LOT of Warrior variants regarding decklists; the class has a ton of different good cards to choose from right now.
Everyone has a hard-on for Risky Skipper as well as Bladestorm but having a board presence and more weapon synergy is going to be far more important for most weapon classes in this super-swingy meta. Risky Skipper especially will have trouble fitting into SA's synergistic and burst-laden decks that don't care about a WW or two or a Rampage/Shield of Honor or Battle Rage in the process. Aggro decks will earn lethal purely off of reach, and slower decks will play really, really big stuff that will shrug off AoE.
Fantastic review! Finally someone that thinks most of the Studies are amazing which they are! The legendary reviews are spot-on as well.
Stelina will get cast for its Outcast value often in fast decks and can remove win cons, combo cards and board clears so of course it's good. Fireheart will only see play in decks that are very geared toward her as the turn after playing a bunch of Shaman spells will likely be gimped by overload, which by turn 7+ is backbreaking. Polkelt is a 4 mana 4/5 that ensures players they won't draw Zephrys and most classes that they won't draw removal for the rest of the game, which is extremely bad in slower decks. Kreen - while insane with a huge board - only really shines in that scenario; if nothing else it's very flexible as it can help DH save health while attacking big minions.
We're all just gonna ignore Goody Two-Shields being the best Curvestone 3-drop in the game and Argent Braggart being the strongest minion on the board for 2 mana. Okay Hearthpwn.
Lightning Bloom, not because nerfed versions of Innervate can't exist but because of how they assumed Overload X matters at all on instant mana spells.
1.) Lightning Bloom: Gain 2 mana until end of turn. Cannot cast spells that cost (3) or less this turn. Overload (2)
2.) Buffed Shaman Classic card.
3.) New Paladin card nerfed (likely Braggart).
Bloodlust and Hex should be cards that are good for most styles of Shaman decks, plus a couple other iconic Shaman spells shouldn't be so inflexible and unusable. They could use a solid 1-drop as well, be it a spell or a minion or both.
Sunstrider's 3rd spell cost could be 3 mana; it'd make for some trifecta flavor. Overgrowth is so incredibly pushed that it might warrant some kind of nerf or rework itself. Secret Passage is an insane card but Rogue decks themselves haven't been overly oppressive yet. Paladin is definitely an issue because no amount of deck refinement can beat curvestone; some cards are going to get nerfed so long as Libram Pure is an archetype.
Honestly Team 5 has done a great job with SA but they could've done better with balancing, as per usual.
Pala has too many no-brainer plays aside from their Libram package. Goody Two-Shields and Argent Braggart are nearly always extremely good cards. Pupil and Abbess are good, but are also Priest cards so those should probably stay how they are until Priest abuses them as well.
Druid is just a coin-flip class thanks to Overgrowth + Bloom and will definitely, surely get fixed by Team 5.
As annoying and uninteractive Druid is I have yet to come across a deck so laughably monstrous as Libram Paladin. I wasn't expecting it to be the bee's knees but boy howdy it is.
Bump just to say this is the best version I've come up with after playing it for a few days! I unfortunately had to cut Grommash - after 50 ranked games he did not hit the board once! Kel'Thuzad and the Troublemakers crowd up the top end too much already and are just that good.
Athletic Studies is an amazing card. Getting to play a discounted rush and discovering another absolutely saves the deck's curve and then some. Often times playing a Restless Mummy on t3 (t2 w/coin!) is more than worth it. On top of that it allows Rush minions to be played very assertively, to the point where they're an actual board presence. The Initiates and Gan'args are good and situationally great, but Athletic Studies is by far the most valuable 1-drop in here. I've had games where a Taunt/Rush has saved my skin and others where the 3/12 with extra attacks on kills clapped serious cheeks and won me the game.
Conservative Warrior
I love the new 1-drops, Ogremancer, Reaper's Scythe, Lord Barov, Kel'Thuzad and Troublemaker and I'm hoping I'll end up with a brew that includes all or most of them like this one. Super stoked to play this expansion!
Of all things I expect to lose to Devout Pupil and get unreasonably upset over it.
So far no single deck jumps out to me as bRoKeN, despite some cards obviously being so. I'm pretty sure removal will be geared more towards bigger stuff rather than Zoo decks. Most decks will play lots of other reactive cards as well while still being fast themselves.
With the top-end and overload Voracious Reader could potentially have trouble finding time to shine. The biggest deal I see here is that having two Sorcerous Substitutes in hand will feel clunky (although it's obviously powerful). Definitely cut it for a Molten Blast - in fact I don't see reason for the deck not to be running two of them; you could take out a Serpentshrine Portal as well for a second copy.
I think the Frost Shock should stay just for versatility's sake - freezing something can be a huge deal in some MU's. Devolving Missiles might be a good 1-of as well if there winds up being a lot of buffs or synergy-heavy minions in the meta.
Ogremancer will definitely see play if this is at all a spellslinging meta, which it's looking like it will be.
I've seen the new weapon cards in a few popular Rogue theorycraft lists but I'm also pretty sure tempo Pirate Warrior WITHOUT Risky Skippers will use them really well. There will be a LOT of Warrior variants regarding decklists; the class has a ton of different good cards to choose from right now.
Everyone has a hard-on for Risky Skipper as well as Bladestorm but having a board presence and more weapon synergy is going to be far more important for most weapon classes in this super-swingy meta. Risky Skipper especially will have trouble fitting into SA's synergistic and burst-laden decks that don't care about a WW or two or a Rampage/Shield of Honor or Battle Rage in the process. Aggro decks will earn lethal purely off of reach, and slower decks will play really, really big stuff that will shrug off AoE.
Fantastic review! Finally someone that thinks most of the Studies are amazing which they are! The legendary reviews are spot-on as well.
Stelina will get cast for its Outcast value often in fast decks and can remove win cons, combo cards and board clears so of course it's good. Fireheart will only see play in decks that are very geared toward her as the turn after playing a bunch of Shaman spells will likely be gimped by overload, which by turn 7+ is backbreaking. Polkelt is a 4 mana 4/5 that ensures players they won't draw Zephrys and most classes that they won't draw removal for the rest of the game, which is extremely bad in slower decks. Kreen - while insane with a huge board - only really shines in that scenario; if nothing else it's very flexible as it can help DH save health while attacking big minions.