Said it once, I'll say it again
See you all on the other side!
For this last competition, because of my own sense of humour, my votes are for linkblade91, JhamelReborn, DestroyerR, and, of course, me.
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Oh, so when Yogg-Saron casts random spells, he’s ‘almighty’ and ‘incomprehensible to mere mortals’, but when HE does it, he’s ‘disturbing’ and ‘banned from the public library’!
WHAT. No way. I'm gonna go vote
edit: there. mine won't even have a chance, but at least there will be a contest
Flavor text:
“ Corporate needs you to find the differences between this plant and this plant.”
Razorpeel Mutant: “They’re the same plant.”
Entrance quote: This isn’t real... none of you are real...
Greetings - I’m all alone... all alone here...
Well Played - *giggles* that’s a great move, great move...
Thanks - Thank the stranger Karl... don’t want to be rude... no we don’t...
Wow - That’s... that’s NUTS! *Cackles*
Oops - NO! THAT’S BAD, really... bad...
Threaten - *giggle* Get out... get OUT OF MY HEAD!
Attacking: Die die die die DIE DIE DIE!
Concede - Now it’s just you and me, pal... just like old times...
(1) - I’m thinking... let me THINK...
(2) - What do I do Karl? What do you say friend?
(3) - Talk to me Karl... you’re creeping me out...
Rope- What time is it Karl? I don’t have a watch...
“One fowl to cluck them all,
One egg to catch them,
One hen to lay them all,
and in the hen-house hatch them.”
Flavor text: “I... am... speed.”
“Millhouse is starting to understand that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY will just wait until he has 10 Mana.”
Flavor text: Never tell him that ‘parasite’ isn’t an animal. He does not like it.
On play: “Let the feast of thousand maws begin.”
Attacking: “The rot runs through your veins!”
Death: “The contagion... has already taken root...”
You can hardly say something a YouTuber posted publicly over 3 years ago would count as plagiarism, especially on an intuitive and relatively simple effect such as this