Seems like a good idea but since it is highlander, why no elise?
- DenizenPrime
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eLsir posted a message on Highlander Token Druid [ULDUM]Posted in: Highlander Token Druid [ULDUM] -
Maurock posted a message on Here comes the BOOM!Posted in: Here comes the BOOM!I've been testing all kinds of Bomb Warrior lists, and this version feels imo the best I've found untill now. :)
I replaced Vicious Scraphound with an extra Augmented Elekk and changed the supercollider for Darius Crowley because of the uprise in weapon removal and because it sometimes hindered me from playing Wrenchcalibur bc of the remaining weapon charges.
Farming the Brawl atm, ty mate.
Inconspicuosaurus posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 6.11 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan CreationsMy entry is everyone's favourite palindrome. From the Pokemon TCG, it's Eevee!
Flavour Text: Eevee could even teach Galvadon a thing or two about adaptation.
Explanation: In case it is not self-explanatory, you pick from a random 3 of the possible 8. They are listed below. Each is a 1-mana spell that represents the in-game evolution method (Eevee's evolution isn't special in the TCG, but I wanted to use its whole character, not just that facet).
Evolution Methods:
NB: Most of these cards are not based primarily on their TCG equivalent, but on a blend of how the Pokemon function in the video-games, TCG and anime. I did however use the card art for each one's first appearance in the TCG, to fit with the theme and show some fun progression.
ToxicUSer posted a message on S58 [EZ Rank 5] Egg Salad WarlockPosted in: S58 [EZ Rank 5] Egg Salad Warlock36% WINRATE
Xanthious posted a message on Battle for Gadgetzan Tournament!Posted in: NewsExactly! I know when I played Magic there were tournaments all over. I could play in them on most weekends at various places. It seems that in Hearthstone if you don't have a Twitch channel with a few hundred thousand/million viewers or you don't have the time to grind your way into the top1% of the top 1% your shot of getting into an actual tournament is nil.
irthewinner posted a message on Battle for Gadgetzan Tournament!Posted in: NewsWhat about our tournament, when it will be?
I'd like to see a giant tournament for Hearthpwn users, not the same "legendary faces" that we see everytime :)
People will /roll for tournament and the highest numbers will be chosen (players for the tournament), at the end of each week [fridays]
(it's just an idea to make this game more fun and to make the site much more active) - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Sorry, 1000 win portraits are not for noobs or filthy casuals :)
He literally called himself "THE ARENA MASTER" in this video with "some tips", you'd think he had more to say than "schemes are good." (I'm not convinced.)
Kripp's video said nothing. No reminder of old good cards, no combos with cards from different sets, no comments on which the best classes are, no synergy commentary at all. Just pointed out three cards that are fresh in people's minds because they were JUST released and "hey guys, you should wait until your opponent plays their big guys before you cast Hagatha's Scheme." really, Kripp? Thanks for letting me know, I was about to play it on curve on an empty board.
Uh no, they are rotating, not getting nerfed or moved to the hall of fame. Just like every other card rotating, you don't get anything.
Sarcasm, not irony.
Wow so you can watch Kripp videos and take his valid points out of context to post them on this ARENA post to try to look original.
Did you forget all about the Ungoro release? The Adventures with Professor Ahbed or whatever? Shit was lame as hell and extremely childish.
It's lame. Even when they got a real actor (Journey to Ungoro) it was lame. This feels the same. At least it looks like we'll only have to sit through one of these.
These guys are game designers and programmers, not actors. It seems like they went for a (OG) "Bill Nye" style with the sound effects and goofiness but none of the charisma or humor of Bill Nye. None of these people can act, and it hurts. They have voice actors and animators: this whole thing could have been a cartoon and it would have been so much better.
uh 25 turns is like 3 games
Houndmaster Shaw + Stonetusk Boar, as a simple example. The boar would be able to hit face. Rush is not "Charge" (minus) "can hit face", it's just "can hit minions".