• 2

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Jade Idol

    Luckily Druid has a very limited removal suite, else they'd become the new control overlords. For now, I think this card will be insane versus other control decks, and generally too slow against most other decks - although the deckbuilding cost of including one is pretty low, especially if you run other Jade Golem makers.

    Meta-dependant, but potentially insane - just including one of these in your deck makes it impossible to lose to fatigue and threatens infinite value against slow decks ala Control Warrior.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Devolve

    Blizzard will have to work very hard to create a card that will dethrone this as my new favorite card. I don't know how actually powerful it will end up being, but it's fun and has potential. Nice answer to annoying Deathrattles, at the very least.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card - Raza the Chained

    Meh. It's a decent effect, but it's not gamebreaking enough to make me cut all duplicates from my priest decks. I feel this is way overhyped - it solves none of the priest problems, and encourages playing on curve to make the most out of it (if you were floating mana, there is no benefit), while actively sabotaging your deck's consistency by demanding you play highlander. Some kind of Reno Dragon Kazakus monstrosity might run it, but I really have little hope for the card in a control shell. (Meta-defining gets over 50% of the votes? Come on, people.)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Rat Pack

    Might be good enough to make hunters move away from secret-centric builds back to minion-heavy builds. Even without any other expansion card, the threat of Abusive Sergeant, Dire Wolf Alpha or Houndmaster makes the original body a must kill... that spawns tiny beasts. I like it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Dirty Rat

    I'm happy so many people think this is a good card. I'm eager for my free wins against people playing it on turn 2 - it doesn't need to pull out a Ragnaros, just a Thing from Below, or a Flamewaker, or a Cloaked Huntress, and it could cost you the game. 

    Deathlord this is not. You could buff and heal Deathlord to delay the effect. You could silence Deathlord to deny value. The opponent had to deal with Deathlord to get something out of it, which delayed board development, whereas this one accelerates it.

    At best, it's a tech card in heavy control lists to screw combo decks that rely on creatures. Too high a risk for too low a reward against most everything else - and for each game where it's good, there will be two games where you'll be stuck with it in your hand (or risk throwing away the game).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Thorium Knuckles

    I feel this card is better than what many people here feel it is. Tempo Warrior sometimes runs Arathi Weaponsmith, and this is a similar, often better card. Spreading the 3/3 stats on Charge or Taunt Minions makes it much more useful than a 3/3 body, and the 2 attack translates in 6 face damage against slow decks, and board control against totems, zoo, paladin flood decks, and is not necessarily awful in a world of Ravaging Ghouls, Executes, Blood to Ichors and Slams.

    I wouldn't call it meta-defining, and it is most likely not very good in control shells, but in a deck that can establish board control before turn 4 or 5, it is a nice tool to have. I'd try one in Dragon and Tempo Warrior to start, and then go from there.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Card - Worgen Greaser

    Not even good in arena. I like it when my opponent's two-drops can't trade up with my four-drops.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card - Kun the Forgotten King

    It's not just about Aviana combo potential! Just going Kun the Forgotten King into removing the oponent's board is brutal. The fact that you don't have to choose between developing your 7/7 and playing a taunt, a healing spell or removal makes it good. And it can even provide some other bonus if you've got nothing else to play? Very good card for sure.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Potion of Madness

    Obviously powerful against zoo and aggro decks, but NOT a dead card otherwise (at least with the current decks :

    Acolyte of Pain, Loot Hoarder, Kindly Grandmother, Tunnel Trogg, Mana Wyrm, Feral Spirit, Cruel Taskmaster, Bloodhoof Brave, Undercity Huckster, Secretkeeper, Leokk (Animal Companion), to name a few, offer targets, and see play.

    It's a useful card that sometimes is a 2-for-1. For 1 mana. As a spell, in a world of Priests of the Feast and Arcane Golem and Wild Pyromancer. At least one in every Priest deck, I'd wager.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - Kabal Courier (Mages, Priests, and Warlocks)

    I can see it in a Tempo Mage shell. Not the greatest card ever, but it can actually trade with some things on its own, and doesn't reduce the spell density - and some Priest and Warlock spells could end up deadly.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Card - Kabal Courier (Mages, Priests, and Warlocks)
    Quote from CO1933 >>

    Guys, I'm pretty sure this isn't a three-class card. If they can make a card that gives you a Paladin card when you play it and you aren't required to be a Paladin to use it (Grand Crusader), then this can be a common card. Still a really good card though.

     But it is. It's the card they used to show off three-class cards.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Kabal Talonpriest

    Top arena pick, should make it into constructed if some kind of priest midrange deck is to exist.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What's the one card you've never seen played
    Quote from Zence93 >>


    Ice Rager (I literally have seen people play Magma and Am'gam Rager, but not this one)

    Wilfred Fizzlebang (I really want to see him draw Jaraxxus)

    Bloodsail Cultist (was that an actual card cause I can never find it in my collection either lolol)

     That's weird about the Cultist, because he's pretty important in Pirate Warrior, which is a solid tier 2-3 deck. Not that it's a very common deck, but it's still more common than the other cards you listed ;)
    As for the general topic, it's hard to say... Heck, I even played against Eye for an Eye in ranked a while back. There are always people trying to make the crappiest cards work (see Purify decks) - my vote would go to cards that are just "meh". But then again, with the Arena, "meh" is sometimes good enough. So I'll go with the craptastic Poisoned Blade.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on BRM adventure question

    Emperor Thaurissan and Flamewaker would be my two choices for best cards of the set, as they essentially enable entire archetypes. You can get Thaurissan with the first wing, but Flamewaker is in the penultimate one, so it costs a lot to get there, although there are quite a few decent cards to pick up on the way.

    Posted in: Adventures
  • 0

    posted a message on Data Reaper Report 24. Shaman is around 25% of meta .

    I don't get how there are so many players who still consider Flamewreathed Faceless nerf worthy when it's no longer run in most Shaman lists. It should be clear now that this card is not the problem. Even outright removing it from the game would have zero effect on the current Shaman decks' strength.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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