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    posted a message on 29.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes - Shroomscavate Loses Windfury - Event Quest Fixed

    Ah yes paladin which has been the top cancer for more than a year is deleted because two blatantly overpowered cards were nerfed, such a tragedy.

    Posted in: News
  • -1

    posted a message on 18-3 OTK Burst Shaman

    It's a casino deck with a 49% winrate, it rolls over slow decks that do nothing but vs hunter, warrior, even pala half the time you auto lose, not to mention if you don't draw flash of lightning you auto lose, if you can't OTK by about turn 6 you auto lose since even the slow decks will kill you since you have 0 board presence.

    It's basically a much, much worse naga dh from badlands. You need perfect draw, your opponent to not do anything, but your "go-s" don't replenish any cards so if you don't kill you lose too.

    Sometimes you absolutely dumpster your opponent but an equal amount of times you will get dumpstered. It's 99% up to luck.

    Posted in: 18-3 OTK Burst Shaman
  • 0

    posted a message on Everybunny Get In Here is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    After 5 tries every single one of my opponents' eggs hatched into 3+ cost minions and I've yet to get anything that isn't a plain 1 mana minion with no text

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Free Packs, Twice! - Watch Hearthstone on their Anniversary and Theorycrafting Streams!

    It's literally at a more convenient time for Europe, what are you on about?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Multiple New Warlock Cards Revealed

    Introducing big demon synergy to finally make Voidcaller good and rotating voidcaller out at the same time, simply incredible

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Patch 28.0.3 Balance Changes Preview

    Because everybody and their mother is playing aggro paladin at that level and that counters it, but shaman's great against pretty much every other matchup.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Aggro-Naga DH [ukrainian video]

    Honestly I feel like the longer time goes on this deck is just gonna remove sharpshooter for generic DH aggro cards lol. This variation feels perhaps better than the casino OTK version but at the same time sharpshooter feels like a brick in most matches.

    Edit: Went 4-11 with it at dia 2-5, maybe it isn't better after all lmao. Aggro minions don't seem to be good enough vs any of the meta decks, plague & blood dk, every paladin list including highlander, warlock, druid, warrior all dumpster it without breaking a sweat. Combo will still probably be better.

    Posted in: Aggro-Naga DH [ukrainian video]
  • 2

    posted a message on 28.0.2 Patch Notes - Azerite Snake Temporary Change, Modes Changes & Bug Fixes

    "so long" - they have it by turn 5-6 almost every game

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Remaining Cards Revealed!

    As cool as the card is I just don't see Slagmaw working. The execute excavate card is incredibly awful and against a number of decks isn't even feasibly playable on the board, so that leaves you with the armour and the neutrals. Problem is, both the kobold miner and the armour card cost less than Slagmaw, which means if you draw them before you draw Slagmaw then either you're holding a hand of bricks or Slagmaw is going to be useless. Similarly if you do not play Slagmaw on turn 4 the longer the game goes on the less impressive his effect will be. You can theoretically awaken him on turn 6 but you have to draw both him and all 4 low cost excavate cards, and also not use them to do anything until that turn.

    tl;dr the Azerite Ox seems good enough to build excavate around but Slagmaw doesn't

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Introducing Catch-Up Packs!
    Quote from TheArcanist236 >>

    As a very active player who also spends a ton of money each expansion, I feel slapped in the face. I am well aware of the fact that new/returning players are more profitable than active ones, but getting FIVE TIMES MORE cards just because your HAVE NOT been playing and paying for the game feels... wrong.

     Well, why would they bother giving you more stuff when by your own admission you spend a ton of money each expansion anyway? : ^)

    The whales are always the least catered to because they'll buy everything they throw at them anyways.

    Posted in: News
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