Your anecdotal evidence doesn't really matter when the statistics speak for themselves. I climbed to Legend with a shitty demonlock deck in Badlands because I got lucky, it means nothing. It's not a good deck as the stats prove it has sub 50% winrate. Also "how can you not draw flash of lightning" lol, is your answer to the fact that RNG exists seriously "hOw Do YoU nOt JuSt DrAw WhAt YoU wAnT"?
It is an extremely inconsistent deck, just like naga DH was, just worse in every way.
"you easily control the board for 4-5 turns"
Okay you're just trolling at this point, sure, your 2 mana 1-2s and 2-2s which were already terrible a decade ago are going to compete with hunter's 7 5/5s, lock's 4 8/8s etc. by turn 4-5. Very reasonable.
The deck has sub 48% winrate in top 1k, it is not an "extremely good deck" in any sense of the word. Blizzard as usual is nerfing it because people whined about it despite it being a C tier deck.
I wish these pirate decks were any good but they're unplayable into 90% of the current matchups. Playing and drawing perfectly to get off a combo where you get to hit face for 10 damage with your weapon on turn 8 is fun and all but does nothing when the enemy's board is 4 8/8s by turn 5 or they have 60 armour or they just kill you before turn 5. Or they just play taunt. Variations of this deck hover at around 34% winrate.
It's a casino deck with a 49% winrate, it rolls over slow decks that do nothing but vs hunter, warrior, even pala half the time you auto lose, not to mention if you don't draw flash of lightning you auto lose, if you can't OTK by about turn 6 you auto lose since even the slow decks will kill you since you have 0 board presence.
It's basically a much, much worse naga dh from badlands. You need perfect draw, your opponent to not do anything, but your "go-s" don't replenish any cards so if you don't kill you lose too.
Sometimes you absolutely dumpster your opponent but an equal amount of times you will get dumpstered. It's 99% up to luck.
After 5 tries every single one of my opponents' eggs hatched into 3+ cost minions and I've yet to get anything that isn't a plain 1 mana minion with no text
Went 0-9 at d5, would not recommend. Not sure what the idea is around this deck to begin with, it's filled with trash minions that would've been playable maybe a decade ago. Weapons are your only source of damage but they're not nearly good enough to get through pretty much any of the control decks' many many taunts and the aggro and midrange decks massively outpace your 2014 classic hearthstone minions.
Edit: Deck has 38% winrate in Legend according to
Honestly I feel like the longer time goes on this deck is just gonna remove sharpshooter for generic DH aggro cards lol. This variation feels perhaps better than the casino OTK version but at the same time sharpshooter feels like a brick in most matches.
Edit: Went 4-11 with it at dia 2-5, maybe it isn't better after all lmao. Aggro minions don't seem to be good enough vs any of the meta decks, plague & blood dk, every paladin list including highlander, warlock, druid, warrior all dumpster it without breaking a sweat. Combo will still probably be better.
Have you considered Caricature Artist to target draw boom/dummy?
That's literally how every OTK deck works, and I don't see Sif or Owlonius getting nerfed
Your anecdotal evidence doesn't really matter when the statistics speak for themselves. I climbed to Legend with a shitty demonlock deck in Badlands because I got lucky, it means nothing. It's not a good deck as the stats prove it has sub 50% winrate. Also "how can you not draw flash of lightning" lol, is your answer to the fact that RNG exists seriously "hOw Do YoU nOt JuSt DrAw WhAt YoU wAnT"?
It is an extremely inconsistent deck, just like naga DH was, just worse in every way.
"you easily control the board for 4-5 turns"
Okay you're just trolling at this point, sure, your 2 mana 1-2s and 2-2s which were already terrible a decade ago are going to compete with hunter's 7 5/5s, lock's 4 8/8s etc. by turn 4-5. Very reasonable.
The deck has sub 48% winrate in top 1k, it is not an "extremely good deck" in any sense of the word. Blizzard as usual is nerfing it because people whined about it despite it being a C tier deck.
I wish these pirate decks were any good but they're unplayable into 90% of the current matchups. Playing and drawing perfectly to get off a combo where you get to hit face for 10 damage with your weapon on turn 8 is fun and all but does nothing when the enemy's board is 4 8/8s by turn 5 or they have 60 armour or they just kill you before turn 5. Or they just play taunt. Variations of this deck hover at around 34% winrate.
Not sure if you know this but paladin isn't the only class on ladder
It's a casino deck with a 49% winrate, it rolls over slow decks that do nothing but vs hunter, warrior, even pala half the time you auto lose, not to mention if you don't draw flash of lightning you auto lose, if you can't OTK by about turn 6 you auto lose since even the slow decks will kill you since you have 0 board presence.
It's basically a much, much worse naga dh from badlands. You need perfect draw, your opponent to not do anything, but your "go-s" don't replenish any cards so if you don't kill you lose too.
Sometimes you absolutely dumpster your opponent but an equal amount of times you will get dumpstered. It's 99% up to luck.
After 5 tries every single one of my opponents' eggs hatched into 3+ cost minions and I've yet to get anything that isn't a plain 1 mana minion with no text
Went 0-9 at d5, would not recommend. Not sure what the idea is around this deck to begin with, it's filled with trash minions that would've been playable maybe a decade ago. Weapons are your only source of damage but they're not nearly good enough to get through pretty much any of the control decks' many many taunts and the aggro and midrange decks massively outpace your 2014 classic hearthstone minions.
Edit: Deck has 38% winrate in Legend according to
You already don't have enough space in your hand 90% of the time, you don't need more generation
It's literally at a more convenient time for Europe, what are you on about?
Yeah we all know how much play Pit Lord saw
Introducing big demon synergy to finally make Voidcaller good and rotating voidcaller out at the same time, simply incredible
"Sketch Artist is the best Warlock card in the set already"
Yes, already, when all the warlock cards have been revealed lol
Honestly I feel like the longer time goes on this deck is just gonna remove sharpshooter for generic DH aggro cards lol. This variation feels perhaps better than the casino OTK version but at the same time sharpshooter feels like a brick in most matches.
Edit: Went 4-11 with it at dia 2-5, maybe it isn't better after all lmao. Aggro minions don't seem to be good enough vs any of the meta decks, plague & blood dk, every paladin list including highlander, warlock, druid, warrior all dumpster it without breaking a sweat. Combo will still probably be better.