• 10

    posted a message on Ostkaka and Powder Leave Alliance, Rethinking Their Hearthstone Involvement

    I get where you are coming from, but things like drawing lackey after Voidlord is simply normal card game draw rng affecting tutor-like minions. You would get that in any card game. It is just a standard drawback of using tutors to draw (no pun intended) a more powerful thing out.

    Same thing goes things like Anduin & Antonidas. Getting them late and losing is something typical of any combo or OTK/TTK deck. I don't really view it as something that HS suddenly stumbled upon the last expansion or two.

     It's fine when it's a couple decks, but every deck right now has cards that have massive spikes in power based on order or timing of draw. That's what essentially devolves it into a goldfishing game. 
    More so, it's not just the fact that it exists, but also that the power spike is so massive. Not to mention the number of potential dead draws with things like Darkpact and Voidlord being the draw as opposed to Lackey and Darkpact. It just all stacks upon itself over tons of tiny factors that more or less change whether you're doing something broken, or doing kind of nothing in almost every single deck. Like it's fine if combo exists, but when every deck feels like an awkward combo deck, even the aggro decks, it's not good. 
    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Ostkaka and Powder Leave Alliance, Rethinking Their Hearthstone Involvement
    Quote from jacktheknife1180 >>

    I would absolutely love to see a non evergreen mode.  I know this is not for new players at all since it doesn’t include the basic cards you get for free but it would be a separate player pool like standard and wild and brawl etc.  

    Also if they plan to keep the evergreen set in play forever they need to give an option to buy a bulk of it. Not every legendary in the set or anything but a solid chunk of the most utilized commons, rares, epics, and a few neutral legendaries. Things like Savannah Highmane for Hunter and brawl for warrior.  Make them non disenchantable so people aren’t just using it to buy essentially.  I think this would massively help the new player experience or even the player who’s been playing for a couple expansion.  

     They really should be more open toward rotating cards or reprinting them. It could go a long way to opening design space.
    Back in the day MtG had a core set where you expected certain evergreen cards, but the power level of those cards would change each time a new core set was printed. Think of it this way, Yeti is evergreen, but if a mech expansion is coming around, or one that cares about 1 mana spells, rotating it out and rotating in Mech Yeti changes how valuable the card really is. The same could be said for reprints in sets where it makes sense for rotated out cards, just give them a new art or something and allow people to use old versions if they want. Even without new art I'm sure they could cross filter it. 
    Part of the issue with all the power creep, nerfs, and cards going to hall of fame, we haven't seen any return. So not only is the game super constrained by forced synergy and the like, we keep reducing the core set without adding to it. 
    Posted in: News
  • 16

    posted a message on Ostkaka and Powder Leave Alliance, Rethinking Their Hearthstone Involvement

    I think certain aspects of the game are good right, but what I think really hurts it, is the absolute power of RNG right now. I don't mean just random effects, but look at it this way, the difference between drawing Prince K for turn 2 or not drawing him is big, you essentially warp the game based on the RNG of draws with that one card. Add to that the RNG of drawing Patches versus Captain first, and it stacks even higher. 

    This isn't limited to aggro, as Warlock changes a lot based on if it draws Lackey before it draws Voidlord for example. While decks with Spiteful Summoner are also doing well now, but they have this huge spread of which order you draw things in... Not to mention the 7 mana 5/5, drawing that at the right time is huge too as it's just a 7 mana 5/5 unless you've held it for some time. Anduin Combo too, was Raza/Anduin in your last 10 cards or did you get it early? How about Quest Mage builds, did you get unlucky with where Antonidas ended up in your deck?

    It's just not a good place to be, when based on when you draw a couple of cards, in some cases one card, it completely warps how the game is played in terms of power level. Think about it, in Prince K mirrors, based on a single draw in the first two turns of the game, you can end up playing a strictly worse deck somehow, despite playing all the same cards. 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Hunter Spell - To My Side!

    Summon an animal companion or two, whatever, you know man! 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal: To My Side!

    "Summon an animal companion or two, you know, whatever." 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Rogue Weapon - Kingsbane
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from richarq >>

    All this things are really good. But there is one big problem there is the need to find the weapon. Otherwise [card]Doomerang[/card] and all the poisons are death cards. So, for me like now it is a bad card. I hope to see a card that will allow to draw a weapon in the remaining cards. 

     Explain to me how deadly poison could EVER be a dead card in rogue? And 2 shadowblades + Kingsbane are more than enough to have very consistent Doomerangs, you would know it if you had any experience with rogue, I only have 200 rogue ranked wins and I play rogue better than you lol, are you a new player? 
     You do know Kingsbane actually makes Deadly Poison a dead card in hand, right? 
    The reason for this is if you use the Deadly Poison or whatever on your Shadowblades or hero power, instead of the Kingsbane you literally end up with a bad Light's Justice in your deck that keeps shuffling in, making it a possible thing you draw when you really hope you don't. So essentially if you're running poisons and Kingsbane in your deck, you have to be very conservative with those poisons. 
    Miracle and MIll have enough tools to draw their whole deck every game, they can be even more reckless about it now that rogue can become immune to fatigue, so tutored search for this weapon isnt needed.
    So maybe this is an argument for Mill Rogue, but Mill Rogue already has things like Shadowblade for the turn it intends to kill the opponents in order to prevent its own death. On the other hand this is bad for Miracle as Miracle decks way before the opponent so if you're at the point of having to stave off fatigue using this, you're probably just buying time until they finish you off anyway. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Weapon - Kingsbane

    I knew they'd give Rogue the best legendary weapon. To be honest, I don't play Rogue, but this makes me happy for some reason.

     It's actually the worst legendary. It's been explained already, that without starting in your hand, this card is just bad. It requires a ton of commitment, takes up a deck slot, and then requires you to redraw it. 
    Let's put it this way, early game it's not much better than Deadly Poison + Hero power, and requires you to use an extra card. Late game, if you draw it unbuffed you basically lose since you just drew a worse Light's Justice. It has no synergy with the Death Knight or regular hero power. 
    The only time it's good is when you draw it in your opener or early, along with buff spells, get value off of it, and then draw it again later on and it has to be enough. If you draw it even as a 3/3 or 6/3 late game, it might not even matter any more than drawing an Assassin's Blade at that point. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -4

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Weapon Reveal: Kingsbane
    Quote from Oberon_Umbra >>

    If Rogue gets its own version of Forge of Souls in the next 2 years so help us Murky!

     Even then it's only just ok. 
    Posted in: News
  • -3

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Weapon Reveal: Kingsbane
    Quote from Oberon_Umbra >>
    Quote from Demagogue >>

    Garbage tier, it's a worse Light's Justice late game. 

    Light's Justice is still a 1/4 late game, while this card could be a 5/3 with Lifesteal & Poisonous (or more)
    Quote from Oberon_Umbra >>
    Quote from Demagogue >>

    Garbage tier, it's a worse Light's Justice late game. 

    Light's Justice is still a 1/4 late game, while this card could be a 5/3 with Lifesteal & Poisonous (or more)
     Yea, if you draw it, buff, it and destroy it... If you don't draw it early, as we all know Raza lives in the bottom of out decks, it's a 1/3 for 1 which is worse than Light's Justice. 
    Posted in: News
  • -11

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary Weapon Reveal: Kingsbane

    Garbage tier, it's a worse Light's Justice late game. 

    Posted in: News
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