Maybe they printed this to make us hate 9 Mana CotW less.
Think about it. You see this and say "Man, for 3 more mana I could always summon all three and it has no restrictions!"
Maybe Blizzard just wants us to forget that CotW sucks too.
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I think certain aspects of the game are good right, but what I think really hurts it, is the absolute power of RNG right now. I don't mean just random effects, but look at it this way, the difference between drawing Prince K for turn 2 or not drawing him is big, you essentially warp the game based on the RNG of draws with that one card. Add to that the RNG of drawing Patches versus Captain first, and it stacks even higher.
This isn't limited to aggro, as Warlock changes a lot based on if it draws Lackey before it draws Voidlord for example. While decks with Spiteful Summoner are also doing well now, but they have this huge spread of which order you draw things in... Not to mention the 7 mana 5/5, drawing that at the right time is huge too as it's just a 7 mana 5/5 unless you've held it for some time. Anduin Combo too, was Raza/Anduin in your last 10 cards or did you get it early? How about Quest Mage builds, did you get unlucky with where Antonidas ended up in your deck?
It's just not a good place to be, when based on when you draw a couple of cards, in some cases one card, it completely warps how the game is played in terms of power level. Think about it, in Prince K mirrors, based on a single draw in the first two turns of the game, you can end up playing a strictly worse deck somehow, despite playing all the same cards.
Summon an animal companion or two, whatever, you know man!
"Summon an animal companion or two, you know, whatever."
Garbage tier, it's a worse Light's Justice late game.