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    posted a message on Do you think that The Caverns Below will be nerfed?

    Quests in general look like they are having a massively awful impact on the game, I think they really fucked up this time.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Nice meta

    That's weird because all I saw was Quest Warrior, and it seems like probably the best deck in the game right now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Are Quests the new control killer?

    So after opening 80 packs of Un'goro I decided to begin The Year of The Mammoth with Control Warrior, and following 40 games on ladder I'm starting to believe Quests are the worst mechanic Blizzard has added to the game since Jade. I didn't get the Warrior Quest in a pack, so I decided to play C'thun Warrior and proceeded to lose vs every Quest deck promptly. Control as we used to know it can't beat a lot of the Quests' value, for instance you can't win a Control Warrior mirror without the Warrior Quest and the Hunter Quest or the Rogue Quest either overload or outscale your removal until you are forced to concede. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty aggrivated how Blizzard has basically made another mechanic that "counters" control and has no interplay, decks are more concerned about playing solitaire than they are about interacting in order to win the game and unless you spend the dust to craft a single Legendary you can't play an entire archetype that's practically required to win the control vs control match up and the decks practically build themselves because you have to build the entire deck around the Quest.

    Is any one else really concerned with what they're seeing on ladder right now?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Disturbing lack of Legendaries

    I was dissappointed as well, 80 packs and 2 pitty timers for 2 shitty legendaries - I've never had a worse pack opening before.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why priest is going to be op in ungoro

    I don't think Priest will be terrible, the C'thun package is still there and unlike at the start of the last season Priest has a lot better removal right now. With Warlock gone, it might find a place as the better control deck in the control mirrors if Pirate Warrior is still popular or get shelved if Jade Druid is still popular. I mean some classes are way more fucked than Priest right now, they aren't that bad.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Priest really dead now?
    Quote from n3r0s1 >>

    Seems like the two Heroes I enjoy, Priest and Warrior, is once again treated like sh!t.

    What was the purpose of printing cards like Drakonid and then remove most other dragons, print Kazakus and Reza, then remove Reno etc.


     What?! Warrior has Pirate Warrior and Control Warrior as archetypes going into the new Standard year and it doesn't look like Jade Druid will be able to survive vs Pirate Warrior without it's 1 mana spells and Azure Drake and Brann Bronzebeard so Control Warrior should be the premier deck going into the rotation especially cosidering they got a 5 mana 3/6  Beast with Taunt and Deathrattle to fuel The Curator and N'Zoth and Warlock control was deleted from the game.
    Warrior is bat shit insane because it literally defines the meta from both ends of the spectrum, a class hasn't done that since launch Warlock with Zoo and Handlock.
    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on New Card - Volcanosaur

    This card is a lot better than people would have you believe, I was using it as a win condition with Brann Bronzebeard or just a 5/6 Taunt + all day in Renolock and went from rank 3 to legend with it. I could easily see Hunters curving out with this in the new Standard year, adapting twice makes it pretty consistent.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Am I right in thinking Rogue is completely screwed in Un'Goro?
    Quote from Sc0rPiO >>

    Miracle is unarguably dead. The whole point of Miracle was to Conceal an Auctioneer and draw until you reach an combo to kill the opponent instantly. While some may argue that the large amount of 0-1 cost spells Rogue has may allow Auctioneer to be useful without stealth, this still does not solve the less noticed combo problem. Simply put, there is no more combo for Rogue to use. Thrassian's rotation has made Malygos combos impossible without saving all the Preparations you would ideally be using for Auctioneer, Leroy has never dealt quite enough damage and has not seen play for quite awhile, and Arcane Giant and Questing Adventurer are not instant kills and are completely unreliable without Conceal giving them stealth.

    Quest Rogue is not and will not be a thing. Mimic Pod is far too unreliable and does not impact the board when it is played. Elementals can be easily destroyed by aggressive decks the turn they are played. To activate the quest a lot of cards that are completely useless draws post-activation and provide no tempo such as Preparation and Shadowstep must be included. If you're hoping these terrible topdecks aren't necessary and you think that you can build a midrange deck that does noting the first five turns while Pirate Warrior exists, then go ahead.

    Of course Water Rogue is still viable. But what is Water Rogue, really? It was created at the absolute worst point of the meta, when you were either playing a Pirate deck to rank up or a meme deck to try and get some semblance of fun. When everyone becomes motivated to construct viable decks again, I believe that Water Rogue will not survive.

     Miracle Rogue is not dead, altho' I agree Miracle Rogue loses a lot between Azure Drake and Tomb Pillager, Miracle has never needed Conceal in order to beat control and Hipster combo (Southsea Deckhand, Cold Blood and Faceless Manipulator) is an evergreen mechanic. I'm not certain what will replace Azure Drake, because it's rotation makes Fan of Knives virtually unplayable, but Violete Teacher can replace Tomb Pillager and Envenom and Hallucination looks like really damn strong cards
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    If you're playing Direhorn Hatchling and The Curator, I think you're better off with a 9 mana Dragon and N'zoth at the top of your curve so you can recur your Taunts. If you're going to concede a third of your starting hand to the Quest, you'll probably want to play with 2xDoomsayer or you're not going to be able to consistently stabilize with removal.

    I think the Quest is really sketchy, in a meta full of Pirate Warrior you are dedicating a lot of your resources into a weapon that may not necessarily be any better than Gorehowl.

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on what hope is there for control warrior in these garbage expansions

    Control Warrior looks like it's in great shape, Control Warlock is dead, Dragon Priest rotates, Control Priest is weak, Pirate Warrior loses Sir Finley, Shaman loses its early game threats, Jade Druid loses it's early game removal and filtering vs aggro and everyone loses their midrange threat/draw with Azure Drake rotating.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Best deck in Wild currently?
    Quote from ImLikeWhoaaa >>
    Quote from Poach >>

    Half of the original Undertaker deck has been nerfed over the years. Undertaker used to give +1/+1, Ironbeak Owl costed 2, Knife Juggler was a 3/2, Leper Gnome was a 2/1, Flare costed 1 mana, Hunter's Mark costed 0 mana, Arcane Golem was a 4/2 with Charge, Abusive Sergeant was a 2/1, Leeroy Jenkins costed 4 mana. 

     Pleaaaaase...COST..not costed...costedisnot a word. My eyes hurt from reading such nonsense.
     Costed is correct, the past participle is added when the verb is used to mean the card was determined to have the cost of 4 mana. Blizzard costed Leeroy Jenkins at 4 mana or Leeroy Jenkins was costed at 4 mana in the passive are both correct use cases.
    Costed is a word, it's in Merriam Webster and a common accounting term.
    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Best deck in Wild currently?

    Easily Anyfin Paladin, I think it literally beats every thing but lucky aggro starts since Finja was released.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Yogg still worth crafting? Coming from a (Maly) druid main

    Yeah he still has fringe uses in deck's that don't have a reset button, I think he's pretty clutch in Druid builds for instance.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on New Card - Gluttonous Ooze
    Quote from Nellast >>

    With this card, im 99.9% sure that weapon based aggro decks will disappear

     I doubt it, with Reno Jackson on the way out and Jade still in the metagame this is hardly enough to make Pirate aggro even blink, I bet a lot of decks don't even play it over Acidic Swamp Ooze just because the life gain comes at the cost of the card being mediocre on curve. It's a good card, but it's fighting for the wrong slots IMO.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [WILD] #1 Legend Demon Reno Zoo

    I've used Reno Zoo for a long time in Wild, and I don't think the Voidcaller and demon package add much in terms of value over having a more consistent, lower curve. In essence it's a midrange deck with a trump card vs aggro, you don't really need the combo finishers because if you get to that point in the game you've probably lost. Just stuff like Sea Giant and enablers like Doppleganster or that stupid card that summons kitchenware are fine I think, they give you that faster clock.

    Posted in: [WILD] #1 Legend Demon Reno Zoo
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