@Deception5 (Forgot to quote, can't delete this to better reply) Not on the previous patch. I.E the new spellcraft generated from golden on make sense. But not getting any spellcraft as the minion turn back into normal doesn't at start of a new turn.
- Deception5
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Member for 10 years, 5 months, and 20 days
Last active Wed, Apr, 5 2023 12:16:09 -
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b1ak1ce posted a message on 23.4.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes in Constructed, BG and Mercs & MorePosted in: NewsI thought they already nerfed Caria by making me draw Xhilag on turn 6 every game.
ethanadragon posted a message on Patch Notes and a new Balance Patch are coming Tomorrow!Posted in: NewsI miss the fatigue days of hearthstone honestly
Tarious posted a message on Patch Notes and a new Balance Patch are coming Tomorrow!Posted in: News"Get ready for a summer classic, the announcement of the announcement."
Hell yeah. And here I am on hearthpwn, reading the announcement announcing the announcement of the announcement.
RomanKnight posted a message on How to fix Abyssal WarlockPosted in: General DiscussionThis deck needs to be nerfed to oblivion, not buffed! It is completely uninteractive, the damage you get is almost infinite and unavoidable. That is really bad deck design. The only good thing against it is hyper agro. Control needs to sit with the full hand and burn their cards. Terrible game experience. Horrible design!
mortizcor posted a message on Have you tried Diablo "Immoral"?Posted in: General DiscussionI don't have phone
DjGrapejuice900 posted a message on About time to increase starting HP?Posted in: General DiscussionPower creep and ultra aggression at an all time high, I think it’s about time add 5-10 hp, cause why build a deck with 30 cards if it’s over < turn 6. They obviously are not interested in bringing down the general power of cards.
DatMageDoe posted a message on What Questline should I craft?Posted in: General DiscussionPer class, for Standard:
- Druid: It's gimmicky but gaining some traction. At this point, hard to tell if it's just a fad deck or if there are some actual legs to it.
- Hunter: It's currently one of the top decks and one of the Quests currently seeing play. If you're looking to climb Ladder, this is a great choice.
- Mage: Irrelevant now that all its best cards rotated to Wild. You can try to build it, but good luck making it work without Cram Session, Incanter's Flow or Primordial Studies
- Paladin: Most of the good 1-drops and Silver Hand support rotated, leaving this one largely stranded.
- Priest: Mostly seen in a gimmick Reno Jackson deck as the win condition. Not super good, but it's pretty fun.
- Warlock: Another more gimmicky one. Like Mage, it's largely stranded as the good self-damage cards rotated, but it's got the makings of a potential deck or two, and could be built many different ways. Worth mentioning it's currently Banned in Wild.
- Warrior: Most popular quest on Ladder, but mostly at low ranks. Easy to pilot, curves out easily, but it's a really vanilla tribal deck. Was recently nerfed so you can try it if you want.
RendInFriend posted a message on Quest Hunter: Why on Earth?Posted in: Card DiscussionI have been playing Hearthstone since beta. The most brutally insufferable deck of all time has to be machine gun priest. Fast forward to today. Someone thought it would be a good idea to make machine gun hunter which is much faster… why on earth?!
My favorite deck of all time has to have been Razakus Highlander machine gun shadow reaper priest. Quest hunter is one of the few hunter decks that is actually fun.
ArcyroX posted a message on Golden Cards QualityPosted in: General DiscussionI completely agree. I really like to craft golden hero cards, did many of DK hero cards. however, the new hero cards' golden animation does not have the spark as the older cards.
take a look at older expansions, naxx, blackrock mountain cards, etc. they have crazy good golden animations
https://outof.cards/hearthstone/cards/?card_set=15&collectible=yes&golden=onI really think they should add a gallery mode for golden cards into the game. hell, I would even argue that it would increase the sales. they put so much work and effort to make these and most of the work goes unnoticed, even the whales dont see all the goldens. The animation team might have started taking things easy since it does not accomplish much.
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Deck worked great, thanks! Quick win (opponent conceded after I attacked with a 14/15 Trogg and put down a Braggart).
Just to add, you don't have to complete all of the tasks if you have enough coins. Just up to task 7 to unlock.
This is possibly the worst brawl I can remember.
Maybe, but it seems a lot of work to get a slightly higher MMR just to play against tougher opponents.
A hotfix is a development term for a code change that bypasses the normal release process.
Actual quote - seems correct.
As a software development manager, my guess is that PVE content takes a significant amount of development and testing and often requires that many of the cards are completed anyway as the new bosses will often use them. They essentially have 2 approaches - they could stagger the releases or wait until both are done before releasing.
The advantages of staggering the releases are that they get revenue sooner (always good for a business) and that they are able to release in smaller chunks which is always safer than trying to do a "big bang" release.
Disappointing. So many neat things that could be done with brawls, this seems like the laziest possible option.
For most of us, this is fine and I include myself in this category.
For those competing for the top spots where their edge is marginal, it is an essential purchase.