It really should cost 7, or even 6, for that effect. If you look at similar cards, it just seems incredibly overpriced. Cenarius costs 1 more mana, but has a 5/8 body attached and is a choose one card. Blessing of the Ancients is the same buff, minus the taunt, but only costs 6 mana, and you can spread it out over two turns if need be. Power of the Wild is only 2 mana for +1/+1, and Mark of the Lotus was only one mana. I only use it in my Treant deck for Garden Gnome consistency.
Wow, got lucky and won on my first try! Replaced on the hunt and quick shot with Fresh Scent and Snake Trap, that's what won me the game. Turn one Alley Cat, turn two Hyena, turn three Tracking + Fresh Scent, turn 4 Fresh Scent (twinspell) and snake trap, turn 5 Unleash the Hounds + Razormaw (untargetable, in case he had obliterate), turn 6 Deadly Shot to his single taunt minion, Animal Companion for the win.
At first glance this looks like a worse flanking strike, but when you look at it in context with Zixor Prime it becomes much stronger. Whether or not Hunter will work out with slower control decks is another question.
Much better than normal wild growth... unless you don't draw it before turn 8. Assuming it gives the regular excess mana card, and not something else/nothing.
Worst case scenario it's a Siphon Soul with a 3/3 body instead of the tiny heal. Best case scenario it's a top-deck board clear that saves your life, lets you keep 1-2 minions alive, and still have up to 4 mana left.
Good with Kael'thas Sunstrider and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, or some other card with 0 mana synergy. Might be good in a mill deck where you want to avoid overdraw. Other than that, pretty meh buff.
Chaos Gazer, kinda? If it gets hit, they either play it or lose it, and some decks would rather take a risk then lose card advantage.
It really should cost 7, or even 6, for that effect. If you look at similar cards, it just seems incredibly overpriced. Cenarius costs 1 more mana, but has a 5/8 body attached and is a choose one card. Blessing of the Ancients is the same buff, minus the taunt, but only costs 6 mana, and you can spread it out over two turns if need be. Power of the Wild is only 2 mana for +1/+1, and Mark of the Lotus was only one mana.
I only use it in my Treant deck for Garden Gnome consistency.
I don't have Zephrys, but I do have Kanrethad Ebonlocke, is that a good substitute?
Wow, got lucky and won on my first try! Replaced on the hunt and quick shot with Fresh Scent and Snake Trap, that's what won me the game. Turn one Alley Cat, turn two Hyena, turn three Tracking + Fresh Scent, turn 4 Fresh Scent (twinspell) and snake trap, turn 5 Unleash the Hounds + Razormaw (untargetable, in case he had obliterate), turn 6 Deadly Shot to his single taunt minion, Animal Companion for the win.
Thank you!
Finally, Deathwing is no longer a death-sentence for my hand!
Can't hit your own minions if they're dormant.
Better stat line, works better with Corpsetaker, better to recruit, better to evolve into... the list goes on.
Can't wait to use this with Knife Juggler and Phase Stalker, and maybe even Dragonbane since it's in the deck. Awesome secret, better than Snake Trap, its closest relative, IMO.
At first glance this looks like a worse flanking strike, but when you look at it in context with Zixor Prime it becomes much stronger. Whether or not Hunter will work out with slower control decks is another question.
Hand-holder and Treant-hugger
Much better than normal wild growth... unless you don't draw it before turn 8. Assuming it gives the regular excess mana card, and not something else/nothing.
Fate Weaver
Practically impossible with the nerfs to wild growth and aviana. You need to have particularly good RNG now.
Worst case scenario it's a Siphon Soul with a 3/3 body instead of the tiny heal. Best case scenario it's a top-deck board clear that saves your life, lets you keep 1-2 minions alive, and still have up to 4 mana left.
Good with Kael'thas Sunstrider and Gadgetzan Auctioneer, or some other card with 0 mana synergy. Might be good in a mill deck where you want to avoid overdraw. Other than that, pretty meh buff.