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    posted a message on Is the priest became an obnoxious class?

    I think priest is now less obnoxious than ever. I am referring to the galakrond/veilweaver archetype, Res priest is still obnoxious to me but luckily you see very few of those. 

    Ultimately the priest overhaul was successful I think, hopefully they don't push the Res mechanic anymore, atleast until the 5 mana deathrattle taunt is in standard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I DE Hanar?

    I don't understand all the people saying to not dust it. There's a full refund right now! The best option is to dust it period. Obviously if right now you are playing it and you enjoy it, no point to dust it if you know you gonna re craft. But if you have even a slight doubt just dust it.

    If the question is: will he see play in future? I think it's never going to be bad, but this is not necessarily enough for him to see play. Rogue has so many good cards, the secret package might not be the best alternative.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I DE Hanar?

    Just DE you don't lose anything. If you DE it's win/win for you. If you don't you might regret

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What decks are you using to get to Diamond 5 and beyond?

    I used spell druid this season, i don't know what is played in diamond right now but spell druid is fast enough to climb regardless ,and it seems like it's even a bit better after the patch. Dekkster did a yt video on it today.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Most fun VS the Least fun battleground cards (Opinion)

    I disagree on brann, it can enable a lot of different builds other than murlocs, like any sort of managerie, or mechs, or divine shields + taunts. It allows you to multiply your chances to get triples, its great for murozond, and it's great with the murloc discover even if you are not playing full murlocs, to maybe get a poisonous mackerel or a triple.

    You can do the brann + khadgar combo and generate so many triples in a single turn with tokens.

    Expecially if I see him early I pretty much always pick him, it allows so many things. The simplest one is to look for a bronze warden and you can start buffing it like crazy, it's more powerful than most ppl think.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Opinion: They have released the solo adventure way to late this year and here is why:

    The most used word in your post is New.

    I want to ask you a serious question, have you ever been satisfied by anything after it ceased to be new? No, because it's the nature of the human being. 

    Now you have a complaint about blizzard not being efficient in satisfying your needs for new entertainment, you have the right to do so. But atleast you should know you are not going to be satisfied ever this way.

    And as I said you have the right to complain, but now what? If you want to make use of this"service" you do it. Otherwise do something else. But if you don't want to be in a situation, but still you stay in it, then there's something wrong

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skydiving Skipper build for warrior

    Your idea might work in future but not right now. Right now, warrior doesn't have any reliable card draw (battle rage requires to have skipper, otherwise it's mediocre at most). If you cut ancharr and Corsair cache you have no card draw left. If you cut livewire and the other 1 drop pirate, you have no value generators. No draw and no value generators, your hand is going to be empty all the time.

    So maybe in future if some new card draw engine gets released, you could think of getting rid of the package. Right now it's just solid enough. Galakrond package is too slow atm, it can maybe work in some sort of control deck. Not having town crier and acolyte anymore you need the card draw from the ancharrr package, which is also proactive on board and thats also important.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Your favorite game type.

    4. I face an aggro deck with my warrior. They take me down to 8 hp by their turn 5. My turn 5, I play coin, skipper, armorsmith, mercenary on armorsmith. Clear the board and armor up for 10+.

    Or I'm playing control warrior Vs aggro, same situation. I'm very low hp, opponent has 3 minions in play. At 9 mana I play vicious scraphound, magnetize zilliax on it and sweeping strikes. Clear the board, heal for 15 and armor up for 15.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold Issues

    If you say you really want to play mage, then I would save the gold... Doing quests and all you might get there in 2 or 3 weeks, and the card with be played for the next year. Buying 30 packs you might get 1 to 3 legendaries on average, and probably you are not going to play them, so you might as well get the one you want

    The highlander deck is expensive tho, do you already have the highlander stuff? Otherwise spell mage seems also decent

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Climbing Platinum to Diamond

    Well it depends on what you are facing, but warrior has the best deck right now, and generally fast decks are better if you just want to climb, just because you can play more games.

    As you keep playing more games you will also keep improving/learning matchups/learning to make adjustments to your deck if needed.

    So... Priest is ok but I would say you should play a faster deck just for the purpose to climb. When you will hit a rank you are happy with, you can enjoy your long control games :D

    Faster decks doesn't necessarily mean playing aggro all the time. I played spell druid this season from bronze to I think diamond 5. It's not the best deck, it's inconsistent, relying on highroll, but it doesn't matter if you lose some game, the more you know your deck, the more you learn to create the situations for your power plays to happen. Eventually you will get the win streak that you need.

    So yeah my advice is to play a proactive deck!

    Good luck 😁

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on How do you think the meta will shift?

    Tbh I don't understand the sigil runner argument. yes I see your points, but still, the only scenario where it really gets worse is if you play it turn 1. Otherwise it's still a cheap cycle with good synergy with your other outcast cards. 

    About paladin who knows, maybe the buff will actually be enough to see librams playable in ladder.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you think the meta will shift?

    Lately I've been playing the warrior deck (yes that one) and this morning I got a win streak facing almost exclusively dh. Like not even in the release day I ever saw so many. Some of them sent me a friend request to express their opinion about my mother and other topics.

    im not really an expert but I feel like the warrior nerfs will impact on the deck and on the meta more than people seems to think. Many times after a swing turn with skipper+ armorsmith I ended up having a 3/1 bloodworm mercenary on my board, plus all the other stuff of course. It's not a small deal.

    At the same time dh doesn't seem to be hit That hard. I'm afraid there will be even more aggro dh dominance after the update. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about the nerfs, i just feel dh powerplays are untouched.

    Also the buffs to paladin and shaman are cool but it's not going to change the state of those classes, hopefully I'm wrong.

    So, the question is do you think the meta will be more various and maybe more towards control?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Battlegrounds - who to watch for tips?

    You should definitely check Dog' s yt videos. I learned so much from him, like the khadgar + tokens combo which is insane. But even in "normal' games without crazy stuff involved, he is very informative, he explains his decisions.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on how many rounds of freeze is ok?

    Just wear a cap and a shawl you will stay warm.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Advice to get better at BG (lowkey desperate)

    Hey, I also play at your same elo so its not like i am better, but still I'd like to write my thoughts.

    I am sure you do have a good understanding of the game, however basing on your arguments, I think you might be (just a little bit) stuck in some patterns of... things you consider good, both in terms of builds and heroes.

    Yes bad luck can happen, losing streaks happen to everyone. But if you get frustrated, this is also going to have an impact on your decision making (and afterall we play the game for the fun of it so take it easy :D)

    For example, you have 2 hyenas and you are rolling, looking for beasts. And let's say you are frustrated because last 5 games were really unlucky. Now maybe even if Bob is offering you a B plan, you are not able to see it because you are blindly looking for beasts. Now this is a bit exaggerated but you get the point.

    For me, it helped playing with only 2 heroes to choose from. Probably i do win less on average, because i dont get the t1 all the time. But i improved on making the best out of bad heroes. Actually the most fun games I had, started from bad heroes/bad builds and somehow you make it work. And by the way Alexstrasza, Pyramad... are pretty good heroes!

    As you said you see streamers win with bad builds. Maybe it wasnt that bad for their position in the game. Could it be that you are overestimating the value of synergies in the mid game, and wasting time looking for it? Mid game is just supposed to be a bridge to your final strategy (assuming you can afford it, not everytime you can play for the first place).

    Hopefully you can find something useful from this, otherwise please forgive me :D

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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