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    posted a message on Confirm/Deny: There needs to be a better way to deck test

    In all honesty, that is a ridiculous statement. First of all this game allows you to get all the cards for free and even if you do pay for your cards, you will probably spend a 1/4 of what you would spend for a mtg or yugioh deck, my buddy has a mtg deck that ran $500 and I had one that ran $300. For heath stone I can make pretty much every deck archetype and I have spent maybe $200 over the year (less than $20 a month) this game has been released and this includes the adventures. That is a fairly cheap investment for a card game. Idk if you have a background in other TCG's but the availability of this game is amazing. You have to look at this game as an investment and put a little into it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dragon Consort (Paladin)

    Well pally dragons are thing. this definitely makes a dedicated dragon deck work (to a degree, have to see if a dragon deck is viable but the dragon cards are very strong). Kind of wish that this is a neutral so all the classes can make dragons work, like druid (ramp). But I still love this card and pally is one of my preferred classes to play.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] QuietPenguin's MechMage! Legend with 75% Win Rate! Post Undertaker Nerf!

    Pyroblast is probably a good replacement for leeroy since you are using the damage for burst damage anyway. just a suggestion for people asking for leeroy replacements.

    Posted in: [LEGEND] QuietPenguin's MechMage! Legend with 75% Win Rate! Post Undertaker Nerf!
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    posted a message on Sen'jin Shieldmasta vs. Arcane Nullifier X-21

    I have only found Arcane nulifier to be superior to senjin only in mech shaman, just because of the powermace to buff the card. Now the spell protection is nice against these mech mages and hunters so they cant burn through it, but the problem with Arcane nulifier is that it just does not trade well. There are a lot of 3 health minions that are popular right now and I believe the most important aspect of senjin is that it trades "evenly" with piloted shredder.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Hunter Mark.

    Hunter's Mark is fine and if they did take it out they would run two owls same thing, they just want to get around your taunts to do direct damage. Every class has something annoying/good and that is the reason you want to play that class.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What's up with People saying 'thanks' after you concede?

    There is playing well and that is what separates the good players who are consistent from the bad players who blame RNG for their lack of skill.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help against Hunter

    Playing unstable ghoul would help because of the low health minions. Also a silence is great against hunter, neuters undertaker and prevents traps from mad scientist. 

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Higher level advice

    Usually, there is more control and mid-range decks at ranks 10+, but the meta does change a lot at ranks 5+, the majority of matches are mid-range/control. That does not mean you will not face aggro so you just have to make a meta call and tech your deck for what you are mainly facing (coming from an MTG background you know this) but just stick to 1-2 decks, usually that do not share the same weaknesses. TBH the real games do not start until rank 5. That is when the real grind comes in. 

    I cannot tell you how to win more, but I can tell you how not to get frustrated and go on a tilt. If you lose 2-3 games in a row just take a break and watch some Vids/streams/friends and relax and go back in after a few minutes. You do not want to get burnt out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on GvG fails in creating more diversity - discuss

    So you have a lot of complaints and I feel that some are really justified but it is very early in the season, most players liked to play aggro to get to ranks 10+ and switch to something else, this is because the meta seems to stabilize a little bit more. So last season with the release of GvG I tracked 50 games from rank 10-5 and I faced every class with Rogue being the least common and having Warlock a 60/40 split between Zoo/Handlock respectively and Warrior being the most.  This set has let this game become very diverse in the competitive meta, every class is viable and can have decent match-ups against others, of course there are some match-ups that are very slim, for example: Priest-Handlock. 

    On the topic of net-decking, I think this is the most ignorant complaint I see across all card games. The reason players do it is because they either do not like building decks and rather play something good and not waste money on cards that are not going to work for them, and they may not be good at building decks and may look at others to base their decks on. Calling someone out on net-decking is like calling someone out on playing a good deck. Thats why they choose to use someones deck idea because it is good.

    I have mixed feelings on the nerf to Gadgetzan Auctioneer because it gave Miracle Rouge a dirt nap, but I think it was a necessary evil because it inhibits game design. Blizzard would be hesitant to make low level, High powered spells because of Auctioneer. There are other cards that do that as well,  like Undertaker. This card restricts game design because every time you make a low lv, high powered/impact deathrattle minion undertaker gets buffed indirectly.

    On the coin, I think it is alright and I do not see it needing change. What I think does need a change is the extra card draw the second player gets. Basically, they get 2 more cards than the first player and I feel like that is why many aggro decks can get better starts is because of the extra card they get. If they made the second player get the coin plus the 3 cards then it would be ok.

    Like I said before this game is at its most diverse. The problem is not which classes are more competitive (all classes right now can be very good) it is the actual laddering system. Like I said before, alot of players like to play aggro to rank up fast: they can have quick games and aggro, from a Magic the Gathering stand point, has a good win-rate game 1. Playing 1 game against aggro and winning is very difficult because your deck has to be good across the meta which means you are going to have some bad cards against aggro and do not have enough impact against these decks. I think having a ladder system like Starcraft for this game was a mistake. This is a card game and so many variables take place. There needs to be a new mode where you can play best 2/3, a Tournament mode, with the same deck and a sideboard and this will cut down aggro decks in that mode, because aggro, again from an MTG standpoint, has a harder time winning the 2nd and 3rd game in a series.

    I know that this game is not MTG but there are a lot of fundamentals from that game that carry over to this one.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Black Knight no go in current meta?

    It is still good because most control decks run belcher but there are a lot of aggro and mid-range decks who do not run it so I think it is a preference and a meta call

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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