I can agree with the ppl saying this set feels a little bit underwhelming. But I think this is because Team5 is finally starting to figure out the direction they want to take this game to. And it seems they learned from mistakes from the past by not printing that many clearly overpowered cards and toning down the overall power level. If this in the long run makes the game more skillful and thus more fun for me and for the likes of me, then so be it. We'll have to wait and see.
- DarthBaeus1826
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viczone posted a message on Witchwood Releases April 12 - Final Card Livestream on April 9Posted in: News -
RaptorWithWings posted a message on Holy WaterPosted in: Holy WaterWater blessed by god himself; I'll just throw it at someone.
Posted in: ChameleosBasically priest gets 4~5 turns/chances to copy a Rin, the First Disciple OR her seals OR Azari himself.
This is going to be fun...for sadists.
HyerJohn posted a message on Rogue Death Knight Revealed - Valeera the HollowPosted in: NewsIt'd copy the coin then
Vernula posted a message on Devour MindPosted in: Devour MindTell me about the high end 1 drops you will get
Mistress of Mixtures, Zombie Chow (I play wild, sue me), Babbling Book, Crystalline Oracle, Potion of Madness, Swashburglar, Hallucination, Jeweled Macaw and Glacial Shard all seem like decent things to pull, even in the late game. -
Kiloriffic posted a message on Archbishop BenedictusPosted in: Archbishop BenedictusI feel like Blizzard underestimated how strong Gadgetzan Auctioneer plus Jade Idol was going to be in the control meta. And now they have to make cards like this and Dead Man's Hand for Warrior to make other control decks even somewhat viable against Jade Druids. Not fatiguing is definitely an upside, but you are adding so much useless crap to your deck by doing so. Same reason why Burgle Rogue never worked, synergy between classes, besides the Meanstreets families, is hard to come by. You might as well run Mind Vision, Thoughtsteal, and Curious Glimmerroot while you are at it to try and get more cards to help out. But in most cases you will just have a bigger, worse deck, than your opponent. Even if you play this immediately on turn 7 you are getting what? 20 copied cards? Added to the 20 left in your deck. 40 cards you still have to draw and find uses for, before just dying. Fun card, but not competitive.
zarmutek posted a message on Embrace DarknessPosted in: Embrace DarknessCreated by Lyra the Sunshard
En_Joshi_Godrez posted a message on Archbishop BenedictusPosted in: Archbishop BenedictusI'm gunna give you a like just for making a thesis on a digital card game.
Lakedown posted a message on Archbishop BenedictusPosted in: Archbishop BenedictusI hate it too, but it's not worse than Jade Idol. At least this card will give the priest a bunch of randomly terrible draws. Jade Idols ensure you have good draws forever.
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Not exactly.. It can be beneficial as a deck thinner
Ahh yes. We have a lot to learn about how it applies. Still, freeze mage uses burns so it always has at least 3 options when it's on the board. And you USUALLY have a lot of minions, so I see it as potentially winning games vs freeze mage
Finally a Freeze Mage Counter for my lovely control priest?? YES PLEASE YES PLEASE.
No no guys you're missing the obvious point. Turn 1 mind vision coin smuggler's run. Turn 2 Mana Geode! TADA!!!
Nah man keep Cabal cause it lets you line against controllier decks better. Cabal is strong against swarm WITHOUT this card. Shadow madness and this are more questionable with the 3 damage shrinking as killing each other off will be harder.
I FOUND THE WAY TO MAKE PURIFY GREAT!!!!!!! Crazed Alchemist a 2-health enemy Corehound. Cabal it. Next turn you PURIFY IT and hit them for 12 XD Works like a charm!!!!
You know I actually think this is a good card. Resurrect can't be used as a turn 2 play when playing priest.. But when comboed with cards after you've lost an injured blademaster it summons 4/7's. It is an incredibly EFFICIENT card even if not 100% reliable.
Priest is notorious for not playing much in the early game. A doomsayer/shadow word pain may be all that is used. When you play it turn 5 after you've played potentially an injured blademaster turn 3 and a shifting shade or elise starseeker or something along those lines turn 4.. You've suddenly got GREAT value with this card turn 5 most likely.
And under the situation where you top-deck this late game the value has most likely increased greatly. Suddenly you could be getting 5 mana yseras and ragnaros's.
This card is good. All you have to do is survive(easier said than done).
Greedy priestly is the way XD Now to see if I can make a deck with the 2 RELEVANT new priest cards hmmmm....
op op
I just love the part where your profile picture says "Let me change your mind!" XD