The daily quests should be those "Play X number of cards", that way if you don't like it you can just reroll it and if you can't it's not a hard quest to complete. Having it for weekly quests just funnels you into playing something you don't want to do that's much harder to complete than dailies.
The people that play Burn Shaman are the same kind of people that still cry over the death of the queen. Like how the fuck do people still want to play a deck after being nerfed into the ground? why do people STILL try and milk every single bit of damage they could possibly get like actual desperation? like for real it's like watching someone beat a dead horse. I find it hilarious that a single heal card beats this deck. Just fucking give it up already!
Feels like every class is playing a scam win deck and I hate these kind of decks with a passion. I don't wanna play the game until people stop playing most of these decks.
The one I hate the most right now is Zilliax Rogue. You just fucking lose to this deck if you aren't a control DK and even then you have to draw all your asphyxiates and horseman. Warlock beats every single deck what else is new? Shaman chucking every burn spell under the sun out of the blue, Mage blowing up with perfect spell discovery and Sif, Warrior tendi and odyn spam, Hunter puking out full boards that kill you in one turn if you don't remove it for a single turn, Paladin is the same as Hunter except runs charge minions so a more toxic version of token hunter. Fucking priest is even doing a scam win deck.
Curious to see how they plan on nerfing shroomscavate. Here's to hoping it gets nerfed 6 mana so it can't be played alongside Leeroy but most likely will just be a 1 mana increase which I don't think matters really. The best thing they can do with it is just remove windfury and give it a different effect because windfury in Paladin is a big mistake.
I thought after the rotation blood control would be dead in the water without Mograine, but looking at your list and the other options DK has it actually looks kinda stronger. Although your only late game value generator is the new Hero card and have to run 1 unholy rune I think it's a better mograine in most circumstances, and I think that's worth running BBU over triple blood just for Vampiric Blood. Maw and Paw is a decent substitute and the corpse generation for your corpse spenders.
With this new 1 mana shaman spell Wandmaker is going to be a staple card in every shaman deck (totem shaman won't be a thing anymore with the new standard rotation so don't even mention it)
The daily quests should be those "Play X number of cards", that way if you don't like it you can just reroll it and if you can't it's not a hard quest to complete. Having it for weekly quests just funnels you into playing something you don't want to do that's much harder to complete than dailies.
Those requirements are absolutely atrocious. Who's fucking idea was this?
The people that play Burn Shaman are the same kind of people that still cry over the death of the queen. Like how the fuck do people still want to play a deck after being nerfed into the ground? why do people STILL try and milk every single bit of damage they could possibly get like actual desperation? like for real it's like watching someone beat a dead horse. I find it hilarious that a single heal card beats this deck. Just fucking give it up already!
Feels like every class is playing a scam win deck and I hate these kind of decks with a passion. I don't wanna play the game until people stop playing most of these decks.
The one I hate the most right now is Zilliax Rogue. You just fucking lose to this deck if you aren't a control DK and even then you have to draw all your asphyxiates and horseman. Warlock beats every single deck what else is new? Shaman chucking every burn spell under the sun out of the blue, Mage blowing up with perfect spell discovery and Sif, Warrior tendi and odyn spam, Hunter puking out full boards that kill you in one turn if you don't remove it for a single turn, Paladin is the same as Hunter except runs charge minions so a more toxic version of token hunter. Fucking priest is even doing a scam win deck.
Curious to see how they plan on nerfing shroomscavate. Here's to hoping it gets nerfed 6 mana so it can't be played alongside Leeroy but most likely will just be a 1 mana increase which I don't think matters really. The best thing they can do with it is just remove windfury and give it a different effect because windfury in Paladin is a big mistake.
I thought after the rotation blood control would be dead in the water without Mograine, but looking at your list and the other options DK has it actually looks kinda stronger. Although your only late game value generator is the new Hero card and have to run 1 unholy rune I think it's a better mograine in most circumstances, and I think that's worth running BBU over triple blood just for Vampiric Blood. Maw and Paw is a decent substitute and the corpse generation for your corpse spenders.
Reska has a signature art card
I might be reading it the wrong way but does it only cast 1 spell per cost or if you cast multiple 1 cost spells will it cast those too?
Rogue always runs lots of 1 cost spells so I think this will be a staple
My god this card is awful. I feel like it should cost 6 mana and even then it wouldn't see play.
These are all pretty solid cards and would run them all in highlander DH
With this new 1 mana shaman spell Wandmaker is going to be a staple card in every shaman deck (totem shaman won't be a thing anymore with the new standard rotation so don't even mention it)
Might be worth trying Crimson Expanse in a deck like this with Chemical Spill
Daddy Dr. Boom making toys out of whatever scraps he finds lying around
Flavor-wise I like it. It's the old Chinese lady shop owner/manager trope