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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    I'm guessing because it's easy to play?

    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    Okay, I haven't played for a few weeks now. This deck is something that you master by playing many games with. As for strategies against the 4 decks u mentioned. I can only give you my replays for asteroid shaman. Asteroid Rogue and Taunt warrior I did not face them during my runs, and for paladin honestly just hope and pray because paladins are the worst matchups. I believe I only have a 50%+ against them but I can send you replay against paladins too.

    "What I'd like to know is which cards to swap to match the current meta better." 

    You'll have to experiment it yourself for this. Like I said it's been a few weeks since I last played. Hard to find time to play now that work has started, but if I find any replacements I'll let you know.

    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    Oh noooo.. you caught me. Aw man why you got to expose me like that. Lol you’re a nobody to me so I couldn’t care less if you believed me or not.

    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    16-5(76%). Dark Alley Pact and Endgame are crucial. Getting those big minions on the board to tank the asteroids. Loken to hopefully get a 15/15 out on the board, Forge of wills to get an extra big minion. 


    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    Use it to draw out the key cards for the matchup. Usually I keep it in hand so I can play it turn 1. Best case scenario would be fracking turn 1 and one of the options is furnace fuel which means you'll draw 3 cards total. (Furnace fuel draws 2 cards if discarded) But 95% of the time, don't be too worried about the cards that are discarded. Again it depends on the matchup but if you're gonna win via wheel of death, key cards to have in hand would be Ceaseless Expanse, Fanottem, Sargeras and Kil'Jaedan. Wheel of death destroys the deck so you can play Fanottem in the same turn. If you already have forge of wills on the board then that's good for you, you get an extra 15/15 for free. Sargeras is there for constant 3/2 or 3/4 imps as well as board clears. Ceaseless is there for board clear and Kil'jaedan is to firstly, negate fatigue and secondly constantly roll out buffed up demons. Definitely went off track but just use fracking whenever you have the spare mana. Just take note that the number of cards you have in hand when u play fracking, if you discard 1 furnace fuel, you draw 3 cards so you might mill yourself.

    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on 60% WR Counter meta warlock

    I think you'll have more success with my deck, take a look

    Posted in: 60% WR Counter meta warlock
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10

    Let me know how it goes


    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10


    Posted in: WheelLock LEGEND 89% WR 77-10
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    posted a message on Warlock 22-4 to Legend


    You mentioned wheel of death is controversial, here's my deck list for Wheel of death. Currently 66-9 88% winrate.

    I faced someone playing your deck and I won


    Posted in: Warlock 22-4 to Legend
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