• 4

    posted a message on Ysera

    1) Alexstrasza. very unique card that can be used for healing, for pushing and for Reno Jackson deny.

    2) Sylvanas Windrunner. A great utilite that can be combed with different spells like Power Overwhelming or Naturalize for X mana Mind Control against heavy creatures. Also forces your opponent to do weird tradings or spend silence.

    3) Ragnaros the Firelord. Read my review.

    4) Ysera. Same.

    5) Cant definitely say about neutral ones, but in the new meta may become The Black Knight if i get or craft him.

    Posted in: Ysera
  • 4

    posted a message on Ragnaros the Firelord

    The Black Knight will be observed after meta shifting ends. At the moment my review may not be actual. Harrison Jones is not planned, cause his effect can easly be substitutted, and i plan to do unique legendary reviews. If you like my jobs, follow me in profile to be up to date.

     UPD: Done.

    Posted in: Ragnaros the Firelord
  • 4

    posted a message on Baron Geddon

    Oh, hello, aggro-rogue. Youve got perfect turn 1 into turn 2? Pff, I've got Turn 2 Coin into double [Innervate] into Baron Geddon. Guess who won... Hint: No Sap, no Eviscerate, no Deadly Poison.

    Posted in: Baron Geddon
  • 46

    posted a message on Ysera

    Greetings. Im in mood for another informative legendary review, and now it's time to observe Ysera. I've crafted her lately and now can fully describe it from user's hands. 

    First of all, her stats are amazing. 4/12 body would take a lot of damage spells or medium minions' hits to get rid of . It dodges both Shadow Word: Death and Shadow Word: Pain. Unfortunately, nowadays most decks run a lot of removals such as EntombPolymorphHexEquality, so leaving Ysera live longer than 1-2 turns is your little victory in that. If she manages to do so - you've got huge tempo advantage. The longer she stays, the more dangerous situation becomes for you opponent. You can get situational cards that can turn the game into your favour if nessessary ones come in time.

    Now, let's revise her Dream Cards. I've done it already, so i´m just quoting:

    Just for note for the new players. Dream cards:

    Dream: Get enemy minions(taunt, dangerous, unpleasant) out of play or use your battlecry minions again.

    Nightmare: buff that helps with trading or lethal damage

    Laughing Sister: minion that trades with enemy stuff, just another creature to play.

    Ysera Awakens: Mass removal, sometimes lethal option

    Emerald Drake: High mana-valuable threat

    So her cards are really mana-worthy and powerful, compared to analogues. You basically draw 2 cards, 1 of which is superior and doesnt fatigue you out. That's one of reasons why she is really good in late game shenanigans. When you are running out of minions to play, she saves you(not always, tho. Enjoy 3x Dreams. One is good, but not at three).

    Another good thing is that she is a Dragon, so if you use her in Dragon Decks, she won't be a completely dead card in hand because of Synergy activation. Another aspect that i notcied lately is that she has a chance to give you a dragon back for further synergy activations, if there remained any. Her Dream can allow you to use, for example, Blackwing Corruptor several times.

    So, the right time to play Ysera is when your opponent is running out of stream, in situations like that:

    Your opponent is on 1 card which is most likely not to be a removal, bacause he's already spent it earlier.

    Your opponent has a lot of cards, but your previous high-threat wasnt answered.

    (That was a test run for my heavy decks). 

    People say that she is too slow, and i agree. She is a redundancy card, not a "win me the game right now". She's an option to keep fighting when anything else is gone. Treat her like that. Also, Ysera sometimes gets handy in Taver Brawls, what is another advanatage.

    As meta slows down in WOG expansion, she may actually be not so slow, because you get answers from her to unpleasant enemy minions, and keep in mind her insane Deathwing, Dragonlord synergy. Ysera is one of those dragons which has no battlecry and you would be happy if she comes into play earlier (Dragon Consort, Innervate) or by other means rather than playing her manually. Hello, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound and Varian Wrynn!

    But, to be honest, for long time I've been substitutting Ysera with other cards like AlexstraszaArch-Thief Rafaam, even Nefarian. These cards are different, but they give you lategame advantage as well. By the way, Rafaam is a great replacement for this card, and can trade perfectly into Ysera being self-buffed. If you have him, you may consider crafting other legendaries instead.

    To sum up, I would give Ysera 4th place of "must-to-have" neutral legendaries out of Expert set. She may be a staple in lots of control and dragon decks, so if you consider playing them, think about getting the Emerald Queen.

    UPDATE: Try to live to the moment you played and it she attacked. Will never see it once. Aggro and zoo decks ill just laught at your dragon. Unless you taunt her.

    If you've enjoyed reading this review, follow me in my profile to stay tuned and check out my other observations(Links):

    The Expert Set:

    Neutral legendaries: OnyxiaBaron GeddonMalygosDeathwing | Bloodmage Thalnos | Cairne Bloodhoof | Leeroy JenkinsHarrison Jones |Sylvanas | Ysera | Ragnaros | Alexstrasza | The Black Knight 

    Class ones: Al'Akir the Windlord | King KrushCenarius Edwin VanCleef | Archmage Antonidas | Tirion Fordring | Jaraxxus |  Prophet Velen[Remastered in 26.10.2016] |Grommash Hellscream 

     The Whispers of the Old Gods Set:

    Neutral legendaries: N'Zoth | Soggoth

    Other Sets:

    Kel'Thuzad | Arch-Thief Rafaam |

    My forum thread(Link)

    Posted in: Ysera
  • 45

    posted a message on Ragnaros the Firelord

    Hello there. I think it's time for me to write another review of a legendary. 

    To begin with, when i started to play HS i was a true fan of Ragnaros the Firelord, but some time later i reduced my evaluation of this card due to its "misses". Then I got it from a pack(some of you may know this story if you read my Alexstrasza comments). I tried him in a few decks. It turned out to be a lot different from what I expected. So, let's break him down.

    It's a 8/8 for 8 legendary, that throws Flame Lance into something hostile to you. One huge advantage of him over any other minion is that he doesnt consume his health while shooting. He can easly kill 95% of minions in the game just for free (well, not exactly, he consumes your luck. After few crucious shots he will miss everytime you need him to kill a thing), you only played 8/8 for 8 and got a free kill OR took down 25% of enemy's health (dont mention armour). This is insane advantage. He's just a sentry that purges with fire something out of board. Even if it gets removed right away, he's already released his shot and sometimes this 1 shot is enough to start winning back by rising tempo. Also, remember all these "YOLORAG" situation when you have like 7 hp and out of 5 targets he chooses your face. Also, Ragnaros the Firelord hard counters Lord Jaraxxus, because it either kills his Infernal or consumes 50% of Lord's health. Both are acceptable options, in my sight.

    Now let's talk about his "misses". Yes, playing Ragnaros against aggro is useless, unless you taunt him with something, but in control or midrange matchaps he can help you a lot, even turn the tides into your favour. If you have a board, you just clear what you can and leave medium-high threat on the board to let Ragnaros the Firelord decide wether it's affrodable for it to live or not. Even killing a 2/3 or 4/4 gives you an advantage, because you dont need to spend a weapon hit/spell/other minions' health to get rid of it. Also, when it misses and becomes a Faceros, it gives you a lot of opportunities to push for lethal, because in late game every point of health matters, and he burns the 1/4 of enemy hero. Yes, there are moments when he kills a 1/1 out of 8/8 and 7/7, but if he always killed the right target, that would be the most imbalanced legendary out of them all. By the way, if you are a lucky-ducky, Rag will always hit what you want.

    When Ragnaros the Firelord loses the high-threat or desirable target, even that is acceptable. because your enemy would really like to get rid of your sentry. He would run his minions into it in most cases, because ignoring it would be not a wise decision. He may just spam his board in hope that Rag will lose his damage into something, but in a control deck you should have measure to deal with minions right away. It's drawback of being "BGH-able" is also kind of a good thing, because if you run several huge minions, getting Rag killed means that your enemy would have 1 less removal for your remained stuff.

    What is more, that legendary has one more unique advantage. It doesnt trigger attack-required spells like Bear TrapBlessing of Wisdom(I wonder who would cast it on Rag), Ice Barrier and so on. Also Ragnaros the Firelord is kinda not that afarid of Humility-styled effects, unless your opponent is trading with it.

    In the WOTOG Expansion that guy should be more demandable. Because overall meta will slow down in some degree, and the new packs have brought us some heavy minions like C'Thun's servants or other medium-high creatures. So Ragnaros the Firelord will be happy to purge new targets.

    Keep in mind that Ragnaros is one of those legendaries which arent afraid of silence. Sometimes you would even silence it by yourself to make sure it hits the right target. I would advice you to put a silence source in your deck if you gonna use Rag. Not complementary, though. 

    Little Note: Stealthing Ragnaros the Firelord is pointless, because whe he shoots, he deals damage and it breaks stealth. 

    So, to sum up, I would like to say that this legendary definitely worths to be in your collection. I would give it a 3rd place out of all neutral Classic Legendary(oh, yeah, Ragnaros will always be Standart-friendly). 

    P.S. PLEASE, dont make this review be flooded out with "SOO TOON" commentraries. Respect the other's job done.

    If you've enjoyed reading this review, follow me in my profile to stay tuned and check out my other observations(Links):

    The Expert Set:

    Neutral legendaries: OnyxiaBaron GeddonMalygosDeathwing | Bloodmage Thalnos | Cairne Bloodhoof | Leeroy JenkinsHarrison Jones |Sylvanas | Ysera | Ragnaros | Alexstrasza | The Black Knight 

    Class ones: Al'Akir the Windlord | King KrushCenarius Edwin VanCleef | Archmage Antonidas | Tirion Fordring | Jaraxxus |  Prophet Velen[Remastered in 26.10.2016] |Grommash Hellscream 

     The Whispers of the Old Gods Set:

    Neutral legendaries: N'Zoth | Soggoth

    Other Sets:

    Kel'Thuzad | Arch-Thief Rafaam |

    My forum thread(Link)

    Posted in: Ragnaros the Firelord
  • 3

    posted a message on Deathwing

    4 mana Deathwing. Feels pretty balanced. That was this Idol of Azeroth brawl, i've got Brann Bronzebeard into Dragon Consort into 2 turns of Emperor Thaurissan. Felt fun.

    Posted in: Deathwing
  • 6

    posted a message on Baron Geddon

    At this moment, Baron Geddon became my favourite legendary:

    Note for those whi ddidnt get it: I used discounted Poison Seeds, enemy's Deathlord pooped out my Baron Geddon and he burned the entire wood of Treants.

    Posted in: Baron Geddon
  • 6

    posted a message on Ysera

    Just for note for the new players. Dream cards:

    Dream: Get enemy minions(taunt, dangerous, unpleasant) out of play or use your battlecry minions again.

    Nightmare: buff that helps with trading or lethal damage

    Laughing Sister: minion that trades with enemy stuff, just another creature to play.

    Ysera Awakens: Mass removal, sometimes lethal option

    Emerald Drake: High mana-valuable threat

    Posted in: Ysera
  • 11

    posted a message on Majordomo Executus

    I think i have an interesting idea about that card. How about if card text was like that: "If your hero takes lethal damage, destroy the minion and replace your hero with Ragnaros the Firelord"? I guess, it would be a cool buff, Majordomo would finally see some play. Some kind of Ice Block, but while the minion is alive. So an enemy should either lethal you and then do another 8 damage, or kill Executus first. I guess, its not so imbalanced, other legendaries seem a lot stronger. Hope you get what I mean.

    Posted in: Majordomo Executus
  • 3

    posted a message on Dr. Boom

    Dr. Blyat. Ultimate swear caller.

    Posted in: Dr. Boom
  • 3

    posted a message on Kel'Thuzad

    I wrote wide revews for some other cards as well. Maybe you will enjoy reading them too.

    Posted in: Kel'Thuzad
  • 14

    posted a message on Curse of Rafaam

    2 Mana Ice Block Penetrator. Now 33% more salty. Does great job with "Happy fist of winter whale!"

    Posted in: Curse of Rafaam
  • 4

    posted a message on Spellbender

    Anti-Entomb. Enjoy your own 1/3 elf, priests. And leave my Archmage Antonidas to where he belongs.

    Posted in: Spellbender
  • 24

    posted a message on Kel'Thuzad

    Ive been lookng for informative opinions and breakdowns, but couldnt find one, so i decided to write my own. Maybe somebody will find it useful.

    So, Kel'Thuzad is a hyped card that on the first sight comes OP. But suddenly it appears not to be so overwhelming.

    First of all, In current meta there are a lot of Midrange and Aggro decks, that dont give you time to establish a board, unless you are a heavy control deck(control priest, control pal, control warrior). So, in current meta KT will most likely sit in you hand and you will have no real chance to play him.

    Another issue is that in curent meta there are bunch of decks that have hard removals(Equality, Polymorph, Hex Entomb and so on), so getting rid of Kel'Thuzad won't be such a problem, as it may misseen at the first time. 8 hp is quite a lot, but sometimes not enough.

    But let's talk on the positive sides of the Card. It may be powerful in midrange and zoo decks, because if you have at least 2-3 minons on the board, you can drop KT and efficiently trade with other minions for 1 turn. Also reviving will neutralise enemy debuffs from your creatures(like Humility, SIlence and other stuff). So it is like 1 turn Mass Reincarnate for you minions if you manage to kill them with trading. Dont expect Kel'Thuzad to live more than 1 turn. If he does, he overvaluates himself.

    Another positive side is combodecks with him. Ones with Warlock, Shaman. Here this card is really powerful, cause you can use him instantly after summoning through some means. But combodecks now are mostly fun decks, and not ladder-viable, cause of swift meta. 

    Counter to my previous statement, KT can be efficiently played after you baited your opponent's removals and cards for other dangerous stuff. In that case summoning Kel'Thuzad may be a crucious gamechanger. Only in case that you are ahead your opponent or on the same spot. If you are behind, KT wont help you in any way. I played against Kel'Thuzad a lot  and only few times i couldnt handle him. Most cases of him being played were countered.

    About "OP" synergies like Sludge Belcher, Sunwalker, StalaggFeugen, Legendary taunts: A i said before, there are plenty of ways to get rid of a powerful creature, so KT may just not work as you expect him to do. It works "sometimes", but dont expect it to occure frequently.

    So, to sum up, I would like to say that Kel'Thuzad is a powerful card if used in specilally created decks. His main drawback is the lack of universality, that persists in other legendaries.For example, Rafaam, Dr.Balanced, Alextrasza or Ysera can be just dropped and instantly realise its value without the reuirement of right conditions. If compare him with Stalagg & Feugen: You can just drop these 2 in your deck and it will be more pressuring, cause your opponent will have to deal with 4/7 and 7/4, and then with 11/11 Thaddius. These boys are great for baiting removals and silences. KT is hard to realise and easy to counter in current meta. So i would not call him an OP legendary due to announced reasons. You can share your own opinion here and discuss things i missed in my "review". Hope my thought s helped you with evaluating of that card.

    If you've enjoyed reading this review, follow me in my profile to stay tuned and check out my other observations(Links):

    The Expert Set:

    Neutral legendaries: OnyxiaBaron GeddonMalygosDeathwing | Bloodmage Thalnos | Cairne Bloodhoof | Leeroy JenkinsHarrison Jones |Sylvanas | Ysera | Ragnaros | Alexstrasza | The Black Knight 

    Class ones: Al'Akir the Windlord | King KrushCenarius Edwin VanCleef | Archmage Antonidas | Tirion Fordring | Jaraxxus |  Prophet Velen[Remastered in 26.10.2016] |Grommash Hellscream 

     The Whispers of the Old Gods Set:

    Neutral legendaries: N'Zoth | Soggoth

    Other Sets:

    Kel'Thuzad | Arch-Thief Rafaam |

    My forum thread(Link)

    Posted in: Kel'Thuzad
  • 4

    posted a message on Arch-Thief Rafaam

    Arcane Missiles and Avenging Wrath are class specific cards. Rafaam's one is allclass, And it's no wonder tha neutral cards are overall weaker than class limited. It is likie comparing Voidwalker and 1/2 taunt for 1 mana (dont remember the name).

    Posted in: Arch-Thief Rafaam
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