• 3

    posted a message on Shop Update - 31.2 Battlegrounds Content Patch

    So sad that they pumped the prices of Diamond cards to 60 bucks. And don't come to me with "but you get signature leggos with it!" I literally just want the diamond card because they actually look cool on the board. I love my Diamond Shudderwock and I would have loved having Diamond Finley and ETC back when it was possible, but I didn't grab them, now Kil'Jaeden who's a fun tech card is 60 bucks. Sigh. I would 100% buy it if it was 20/25 bucks, 30, maybe, but anything above that, hell no.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Snooze Priest : The Most Annoying deck to play against

    I sadly have to agree. Shadow Priest kills on turn 3, and even if you get to survive until turn 4 and play the resident, you will get double mindblasted from hand anyway.

    Posted in: Snooze Priest : The Most Annoying deck to play against
  • 0

    posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In Wild


    That doesn't sound half bad! I like the idea.

    The argument you made for the key cards is valid, however that shouldn't be much of a concern regarding when a player absolutely hates that specific deck, they can choose to ban the key cards from that deck. So it really is a personal choice thing. You don't want to face ice block? Fine, you won't encounter hostage mage. You want to play as torture mage and don't want opponents to run eater of secrets or ashen elemental? That's fine too, it will also mean that the other person who runs eater of secrets won't face you. So both parties are happy. The person who runs eater of secrets clearly hates secrets, so they should only be happy about it.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In Wild

    Can we just have a custom ban function already? Just ban 3 cards yourself that you don't want to see in players' decks and then go into queue? Every single time during expansion release or miniset, there is a broken combo. People hate it, have to wait for the devs. If you can just ban the key card of that combo so you won't face that, you don't have that problem. Nobody plays casual gamemode, so if you really want to play a fun deck when everyone is only playing the most meta-broken decks, what fun is there really? For Wild: Holy Wrath (Would now replace that with Lamplighter), Demon Seed and Archbischop Benedictus for me.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on When is Zilliax leaving?

    When playing a Reno deck in Wild I try to create a specific combo and the rest is dedicated to value and board clears, disruption. So it is as you say. It just gives you an extra edge. I want to play big hunter but there is a lot of aggro, so what do I do? Just make it reno, so I can heal to full without relying only on hollow hound, have zeph to clear the board, etc. That is actually one of my favorite decks and the only disruption it has is Mukla. 

    My Shudderwock decks always have a specific combo in mind, and lots of other wincons. If I am against OTK druid, I'm only interested in drawing Loatheb, Okani, Macaw and Neophyte. Because you HAVE to, if you want to win a game against such decks. Against aggro, you try to look for devolve, devolving missiles, schooling or zeph. Against combo decks you look for mutanus or dirty rat, boompistol bully. You have to. In all other cases, I try to actually go for the combo: Board full of Moarg Forgefiends, OTK the opponent with Azerite Snake, steal minions with Griftah, give them windfury and go face. Going an all out deck is vulnerable if it's goofy, but going reno is when you get to actually play it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Tavern Brawl 6 wins Asteroid Shaman

    Took me down as DK from 40 health in practically 1 turn.

    If you were playing a crewmates deck, then I guess it was me who beat you lol.

    Connect the pieces

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl 6 wins Asteroid Shaman
  • 1

    posted a message on When is Zilliax leaving?

    As a Reno enjoyer, I don't quite get the issue with overall good neutral legendaries. Literally the only neutral legendary that seemed to be completely busted in any deck was Denathrius, since it was literally a 0 effort OTK, you play it, your opponent dies immediately. You would only really have troubles with Astalor against highly synergized decks like Anub'Rekhan Druid (thank God that's gone), Reno priest with Voidtouched Attendant or a Shudderwock deck(which is based, unbiased btw). In all other decks, it was a very big pressure of never having an empty board otherwise you get rekt. 

    Having to face the same cards in multiple archetypes is fine I think, you expect it, you can play around it. I actually think highly synergized decks (in Wild) infuriate me way more. You see a Priest and they turn into Shadow mode, you know you will die turn 3 if you have bad draw. Now that is something I absolutely hate because you can do nothing about it.

    Currently in the Tavern Brawl, I agree that Unkilliax is absolutely horrendously annoying. But this is what I mean, it is a very highly synergized deck to summon Unkilliax 4 times on average(not counting reborn). It's not that these other decks rely on Zilliax, they just want to topdeck it on turn 9, or when the board is full is all. It's an extra push when they get lucky. You don't think it's fun on your own end when you're at 1 hp and your enemy is out of steam but you topdeck it to survive it just barely to win the game? It sucks for the opponent but you managed to win because you had a value card like that. You rather would just lose because you hate to have general value and everyone plays it instead? That wouldn't make sense.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Wild Combos in the Great Dark Beyond

    If you think Murmur is going to be strong in Wild. You haven't seen anything yet. You can run Bounty Board to make all legendary battlecries cost 0. 

    So finally you will be able to run Magatha, Bane of Music to miracle your deck and eventually play Kil'jaeden to make sure you can't fatigue.

    But the main use for this is to play infinite Astalor Bloodsworn in a single turn, if you play Bolner Hammerbeak and second form Astalor while bounty board and murmur are on the board. You will be able to play infinite 0 mana astalors.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on Patch 30.4.3 Teaser - Mage Nerfs - Shaman Buff - Battlegrounds Changes

    Weakness is tempo and disruption. I never lose with my reno decks against it. Example is, play Mukla on turn 5, burn a card and have a 10/10 on board.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on I am wrongly accused of using bots

    Yeah this kind of untransparant BS is really infuriating. My friend had a case in League of Legends where someone hacked and was playing on his account (characters he never played in his match history with crazy stats). He got banned and made a case he never even plays those characters in his 9+ years of playing on that account. Got ignored for 7+ months until he got unbanned.

    If your account is valuable to you, make your case as clear as possible, don't leave out any details. Tell them what kind of conditions you play the game on (computer, phone, tablet, Windows, IOS, etc) what programs you have running alongside it usually and the state of your internet connection.

    If you play Standard only, tell them that. If your account was hacked and bots were used on Wild, they can see that. And same in the other way if you only play Wild. 

    I really hope you can get your account back. Good luck

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Carniverous Cubicle

    A tad bit nuts with Therazane. Could also be funny with Shoplifter Goldbeard.

    If you kill a big taunt with the cube in Death Knight, you can Adaptive Amalgam with Death Growl to make the Cube retain the effects even after it dies and gets Shuffled. So you can next time play it again when you draw it or tutor it, kill something else, and it will summon two minions every turn instead of one.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Deck containing only 20 cards
    Quote from gomulo >>

    Can anyone explain me, how is this possible to do? Warlock having only 20 cards in the deck since the game started. Thanks.

     It's one of the random roulette decks from Whizbang. The Warlock only has 20 cards and tries to destroy its deck asap.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Deck containing only 20 cards

    That's probably a replay from Firestone or something comparable

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 30.2.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Buffs for Hunter, Mage, Rogue & Warrior - Wild Nerfs - BG Changes

    I'm glad Wild is getting touched. However I feel like it's very difficult to properly pinpoint the nerfs here. For some reason only the specific scam rogue deck is getting nerfed due to its speed. Personally, I never lost to that deck, even with double gnoll on turn one. But man, having to both defend yourself against aggro decks which now kill on turn 3 while at the same time having to rush face against demonseed warlock and not make a board against boar priest feels kinda terrible.

    Petition to make Tamsin quest reward faster, but the battlecry becomes: "Damage you deal to yourself during your turn also damages the enemy hero". Make Swordfish either 4 mana or 2 durability, remove the self-buffing from the new 1/2 pirate boy. Make dread raise 1 mana instead of 0 to tackle both shadow priest, questlock and boar priest

    Posted in: News
  • -1

    posted a message on 30.2.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Buffs for Hunter, Mage, Rogue & Warrior - Wild Nerfs - BG Changes

    I really hope it goes to 4 mana. In Wild I play a Zul'Jin Stranglethorn deck so mystery egg won't be resummoned by stranglethorn, which is finally a reason to include it in the deck.

    Posted in: News
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