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    posted a message on Day 1 Impressions for Standard WhizzBang Release?

    What's your first impressions?
    1) What's your fun build?
    2) What are the tougher classes that is screaming for nerfs?
    3) Which classes are at the bottom of the release?

    For me, I feel like the meta is getting faster.
    1) Unable to be a Shadow priest, I'm playing a Ra-Den priest and there isn't much new support from new cards. But it's still fun.
    2) Handbuff death knight and Giant rogues are crazy strong and can kill me in a few turns.
    Haven't fought much to comment on the rest, but Dragon Priest look strong?
    3) No idea.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 4

    posted a message on Patch 28.6.2 - Balance Changes Preview - Constructed & BGs - Coming Thursday!

    Was hoping for a paly nerf.
    A highlander warrior nerf would be nice too.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Highlander Warrior is overpowered?

    Anyone else finding the new highlander Warrior too unbeatable? 

    Yes, I’m a control priest and this is meant to be a bad matchup. But it feels the moment they have Brann (permanent battlecry) and Astalor… I’m a goner since I can’t kill them by turn 10.

    Any other classes finding highlander warrior too overpowered, or is it a cakewalk for Aggro?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on OMG! Prismatic Beam is awesome in Wild!

    Paladin can easily swarm a board. So its pretty easy for them to use Prismatic Beam.
    - cheap since they always can easily put sticky minions on the board.
    - deal 3 damage to enemy minions (while their minions take no damage).

    I would even argue it makes an overpowered class even more powerful.
    I hope it gets nerfed in the next round.

    A salty Priest

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Highlander Shaman for Standard?

    Staff of the 9 frogs looks fun... and I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for a highlander build in standard.
    I'm at diamond 5, and just wanna have some fun - happy to be stuck here, but wondering if anyone has some fun deck ideas.

    Highlander elemental?
    Any cards which can possibly net me Rhea from druid's highlander card... that one looks awfully strong... other than copy freeze when fighting them?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Way to nerf the Azerite snake without killing it

    I'm thinking this (health steal from 10 to 5) is the easiest solution, and still deserving for a tier 4.

    Without a nerf, a health steal from 10 is effectively a difference of 20 hp... he is 10hp harder to kill, and you are 10hp easier to kill.
    Which is really overpowered.

    We don't want the meta to become an aggro one because everyone is trying to kill off warlock asap.
    And kill off all the highlander decks who need a bit more turns to have some Reno fun. =)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Obnoxios decks

    I'm ok with the strength of Titans personally, there are more overpowered legendaries like Odin and Sif that I dislike playing against.
    What I do not like are the ways that certain classes can steal the Titans (eg. Mage's reverbation, priest's duplicate) - don't wanna fight so many Titans in a game, lol.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Mini-Set Meta First Impressions?

    I like subtle abnormalities that are fair to everyone.
    - golden card (duh)
    - 1 mana hero power

    But there are some abnormalities that can be detrimental to specific builds
    - Card reshuffling can drastically the chance of combo builds looking for their win condition card (eg. Sif).
    - Having the 1 attack each turn is advantageous against paladins with their divine shields and 1 health minions.
    - Having a minion dominated build benefits from the +1 health to minion per turn.
    - Having a 1st spell cost 1 mana less is welcomed only by mage and other spell classes.
    And so on.

    Good thing the abnormalies will be gone soon, looking fwd to a more "normal game".

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Mini-Set Meta First Impressions?

    How's the mini-set meta so far?

    My impressions...
    1) Anamolies too random for my liking. 
    2) Hunter new cards seem good, they get really aggressive on me now.

    Which are the classes that benefitted most from the mini-set, based on your actual encounters? =)

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Control tech against Odyn Warrior?

    How do control decks generally fight Odyn Warrior?

    I play as a Shadow Minion Priest, and have used general cards like
    - armor vendor (+4 armor) x2
    - sunfury clergy (+6 heal) x2
    - watcher of the sun (+6 heal) x2
    - dirty rat (sometimes it pull him out)
    - Theotar (hope to discover his card)

    but I know the moment my opponent plays Odyn, it's pretty much an auto-lost for me. - I can't afford a 20+ damage in one turn. Dirty rats are my only taunts.

    Just wondering if there's any cards that I can use, since I'm facing a ton-load of warrior at Diamond 5?
    Or do I just accept this as the rock to my scissors? Thanks! =)

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on How to counter Sif?

    Thanks for all the suggestions, Guys!
    Good point on the "just gotta accept this is one of those bad matchups", and "tech cards will come at the expense of fighting other builds".

    I guess I will live with it, or add 2 Plaguespreaders.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How to counter Sif?

    I'm running a control priest, and realised I always struggle against mage, because of Sif.

    (Was hoping that Sif will be nerfed in the next patch, but oh well)

    Till that happens, are there any other useful tech cards other than dirty rats?
    Thanks. =)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Minion Control Priest

    Very refreshing deck.
    I replaced The Stars Aligned with Snapdragon - adds +1/+1 to battlecry guys in deck.
    This way I don't get headaches when I see The Stars Aligned with Ra-den in my hand. (cries)

    I also remove the AOEs for shadow spells just to accommodate my shadow priest play-style - I know it's a bad decision, but II'm a hardcore shadow priest. Still trying this out in diamond 3.

    Posted in: Minion Control Priest
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    posted a message on Mercenaries - Your Mythic Boss Impressions?

    The scaling seems linearly proportional to me, at least for those I tried, though the required reown cost goes up exponentially.

    Posted in: Mercenaries
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    posted a message on Mercenaries - Your Mythic Boss Impressions?

    What are your impressions on the new Mythic Boss mode?

    My thoughts
    1) It's cool to be able to do further upgrades using reown... but I didn't save up my reowns previously, used it recklessly to max up other character skills (just for completeness). =X
    2) The BIG issue I dislike about this new upgrade is that there is no undo button. 
    I used up ALL the reowns to power up my nature team... but it would be cool if I can undo in future and power a fire team or something.
    3) There are characters that are outrageously strong.
    One example is Bruken... just maximise the lightning bolt skill and lightning bolt equipment. And hope to get a lightning bolt hit neighbour upgrade.
    4) The mythic fights are ok, but there's no replay value... fighting the same mythic boss stage again gives you like... 2 reowns?
    5) All in all, it was fun for a while, but it gets boring fast.

    So ya, I guessed it's time to quit this mode. 
    What about you? Your thoughts, or any strong teams you created?

    Posted in: Mercenaries
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