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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    Hahahahahahaha 3/10 card. Aww I love the couple weeks after an expansion when all my predictions come true. Yep, no control decks run Phaoris...oh wait

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed - Pharaoh's Blessing

    You killed my mother and raped my father. Revenge is finally mine! *runs of maniacally laughing then trips and hurts knee and cries*

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed - Pharaoh's Blessing

    Dear lord, he's gone full mental. Wtf are you talking about? Those have nothing to do with Pharoah's Blessing. I picked the spells in Paladin that are the most applicable, you dunce. But hey, everyone else, take your card costing advice from the PlayBoy Pikachu who has a tenuous understanding of card games, card text, and it seems like reality in general.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed - Pharaoh's Blessing

    It gave it to a random friendly minion... Literally there is a 1 mana card that gives divine shield and a 1 mana spare part spell that gives taunt for 1 mana and that's pretty much it for Paladin. Otherwise the other cards have similar but not actually the same effect so aren't actually comparable

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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    K...think I'm wrong lol. Spiteful summoner only summoned 1 and you had to build your deck around her and she broke the game for a while. Granted she came in at 7 mana which is huge for cheating out a big 10 drop and you could run 2 of her but still. I will say this expansion has some powerful ass Legendaries so it may get over shadowed. But N'Zoth was only run in a few control decks by the end since most of the time, N'Zoth is a win more card, frankly more so than Phaoris. You have to have all of those deathrattle minions die off first. N'Zoth was incredible when you build a deck around him. Phaoris is strong in most control decks as they are. Kinda a huge difference. They wouldn't be played in the same spot at all. The comparison merely comes from the RELIABLE board swing. Like Gul'Dan and N'Zoth. That's literally the only reason those are broken over the other cards. Reliable board swing with no actual cost to the deck (i.e. Deathwing and discarding your hand or Post nerf Yogg where you had to increase the amount of spells in your deck for something that might just kill itself and do nothing). Also the randomness of the minions seems to be weighing way to high on people's minds. It could swing bad but it could also just instantly win you the game with the right combo, so random minions are pretty inconsequential and the pool for minions is pretty good. There are not a ton of hard whiffs anymore. I would know, I love creating boards of random minions. 

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed - Pharaoh's Blessing

    ...And it's a Shaman card. You do realize classes are weighted and balanced differently due to their hero powers and minion synergies?

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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    Lol it's called playing control... all you need is 2-3 higher cost spells to pull off a good play. Plus high cost spells are hard to use...so control decks often bank those. Stop playing aggro so much dude and try out a control deck. There's a whole different side to this game

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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

     Is it just me or does this seem like an auto-include for most control decks? It's kind of like N'Zoth and Medivh had a baby.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Revealed - Pharaoh's Blessing

    ...except having all 3 effects in 1 card is worth at least 1.5 mana. So it is a 7 mana worth card for 6 mana. It is definitely not as broken as Sprikeridge but it is a strong, perfectly costed card that might find it's own place due to the more aggressive nature of it

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    posted a message on Mechs and Beasts Collide! Mechbeast Huntah Deck Guide

    You should have been running hecklebot for the mirror matchup anyway. They would say the person with more bounce back effects would win but that's a much more minor way to win. Hecklebot your opponent's elsyiana into a shield slam or whatever and the game is over; they no longer have fatigue protection and you do. Simple as that. Plus it still runs over most aggro decks. In fact, it seems hecklebot is getting worse to play because of the recent pop-up of egg and deathrattle decks in the meta

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