Magma Rager for example, is now a 3 mana spell that deals 3 damage to all enemy minions (instead of being a Magma Rager). This effect lasts only while Rakilishi is on the battlefield.
Is this a battlecry or an effect that lasts only while this minion is on the board? Interesting with battlecry, but pretty bad otherwise
Ok guys, a sad post. I crafted a Kingsbane because I am a rogue main and I needed it. When I played it for the first time I regreted it in the same moment. It just looked horrible on my golden portrait so I just got pissed and disenchanted it and crafted a golden one. And thet guys is how I spent all of my dust for this expansion. I'm f2p by the way
Zola the Gorgon and Master Oakheart also seem like very solid arena neutrals. Both can work wonders in the mid game either giving you extra value or thinning your deck removing low attack minions.
I like that you guys are theorizing with some minions, but wouldn't it be too inconsistent? You generally want to close the game asap, and the odds are more often that not you won't be able to play To my side and the weapon for full value. IMO if it's going to work you either need an strong early package with Hemet or go full spell.
Gotta love those coins from Hoarding Dragons when you manage to draft Antonidas. Happened twice already in my run lol.
Guess I was a bit too late to submit ;-;
But here it is, fun RNG fiesta creating a colourful Christmas tree to your hero! I hope you guys like it!
Yes, it will always start dormant
inactive, don't craft it.
They are not even comparable imo. Toggwaggle is just bad. Skull is literally unplayable. I'd even pick The Darkness myself before it tbh.
Good that you guys are having good results! Post your successful decklists here!
I still haven't opened my packs cause I didn't have much time to play, but I do hope to unpack the Hunter weapon this weekend, wish me luck!
Bad streaks happen, just learn from your mistakes and git gud :)
I think you're confusing Hunter's Mark with On the Hunt
For arena that can easily be mid-game, late-game is when you're on topdeck mode.
Zola is just a bit inconsistent if you topdeck her, but if you save in her in you hand and get an extra 4-6 drop it's very good value.
Zola the Gorgon and Master Oakheart also seem like very solid arena neutrals. Both can work wonders in the mid game either giving you extra value or thinning your deck removing low attack minions.
the one on the right is the better one, good flavor!
I like that you guys are theorizing with some minions, but wouldn't it be too inconsistent? You generally want to close the game asap, and the odds are more often that not you won't be able to play To my side and the weapon for full value. IMO if it's going to work you either need an strong early package with Hemet or go full spell.