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    posted a message on Correlation between budget players and salt levels this expansion?

    I'm with you, this is hands down my favorite expansion and I've been here since GvG. And as for the point of your post, I'm a paying player and already have almost all of the legend cards from this expansion, so I've been able to try almost all of the new archetypes as well as refresh some older ones. I imagine if you haven't gotten much of MSoG yet, it would feel like a very disjointed expansion, because it really is very synergistic. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Sergeant Sally

    This looks pretty good for a Grimy Goons MR Pally deck where it can be both a developed threat as well as an additional board clear mid to late game; it will force trades (not bad at all if you are playing MR Pally) or take down your board. MR Pally seems very sleeperish in this expansion, but I can see it having the tools to be a T1/2 deck once the meta settles.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on The new tri-class legendary rant
    Quote from Amphidsf >>

    His effect supports his gang rather than being supported by it. I for one like the idea that he backs up his crew.

     This. Don could have went two ways, either he gives buffs or synergizes with buffs, we've seen both so far. As this is a new archetype, I think I'm happier that he supports the mechanic in a huge way rather than just benefitting from it. It's not lazy design, it just makes sense that the 'buff-in-hand" archetype legendary would provide the biggest buff to fully support this type of deck.
    I'm perfectly fine with it, and this card only increases my excitement for this new play-style as it gives a big finisher to round out your buff providing cards. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Don Han'Cho (Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors)
    Quote from BuyoBopFever >>

    The Battlecry is a bit underwhelming in comparison to Kazakus, but Kazakus also needs to have a deck built around him, where this can be tossed in any Hunter/Paladin/Warrior deck. I guess Don Han'Cho's effect doesn't need to be flashy. It gets the point of the Goons across, and flavorwise, the Goons are practical, not fancy.

    All in all, I actually really like how they went about doing the hand buff mechanic.

    Now, I can understand the "all of these hand buff cards are so boring!" sentiment, but with each one that's revealed, the others are improved. More hand buff cards means more consistency, which means it's more likely that you'll pull the synergies off and the archetype will actually be viable.

    The three classes only have around a third of their class card spots "taken up" by hand buff effects. A bunch of the remaining ones actually have interesting and creative effects that ALSO scale with the stat buffs. A +1/+1 stat buff can often be more than just a +1/+1 stat buff. It could be a card draw, it could also be +1 armor, +1 damage, +1 healing, extras 1/1s in stats through tokens, etc. The creativity is shown in the design of the synergy cards. And those wouldn't be as viable on their own without a consistent supply of buff cards.

     This. So many players are looking at these Goons +stat cards in either a vacuum, or as "repetitive." But, this is a totally new archetype being pushed, and with only a few +stat cards there would be no consistency and the archetype would never manifest which would make the theme of an entire expansion for 3 classes a complete waste. With enough base support cards for this archetype right away, the next expansion can even provide a few more unique synergy cards that furthers the archetype, rather than "finally" establishing it. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Don Han'Cho (Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors)

    If you get to the late game with one of these Buff decks, it might be a snowball of value and can exhaust removal resources. I keep seeing "save removal for it" but when it finally drops and has been buffed, after other value cards, will you still have removal? Will you have removal for the crazy overstatted follow up? I like it, not amazing by itself unless it hits a charge minion, but as a member of an entire Buff in hand deck, this card can break the camels back per say.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Rat Pack

    So many comments about how set Hunter is at the 3 spot. However, there is no need to play this on turn 3, it can make a great turn 5/6/7+ play once it is buffed and you can stay mana efficient. These buff-synergy cards beg to be viewed in a new light guys, you have to think differently as these cards are more value and growth centric; hence, these cards don't scream to be played on the first turn that they can be afforded. Buff in hand synergy pushes cards to value above their mana spot, so while the Hunter 3 spot might be crowded, maybe in the kind of archetype they are pushing it is the card itself that matters more than the mana cost. This whole archetype looks to flip normal curvestone thinking, which I for one will welcome. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Rat Pack

    Very sticky with good Goons synergy. Yes the 3 spot is stuffed for hunter, but I think not running a secret package or cutting the EB alone may be the way to go. I think with what I've seen so far KC and AC will continue to be staples in MR/Buff Hunter (Buff and reach). Unleash depends on the meta. But overall, Hunters have always fit in a lot of 3 drops without much issue, that's just the value spot. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dopplegangster

    This might end up being the most broken card in the set. Insane value, can be great on curve but with patience you could flat out take a game if you drop 3 5/5, 6/6's or more and still have mana left over.. There will be nerf calls for this en masse. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone else owning with Secret Hunter on ladder right now?

    Yes, no matter how you build it, it's just nasty with Cloaked Huntress. I went 4-1 with a Yogg n' Load version, then 6-1 with a minion based version that felt even stronger (modeled after the Secret Pally tempo style). It's just too much fun right now and can snowball fast. 

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on My case AGAINST Sap
    Quote from brucemk >>
    Quote from Poodris >>

    You're making a case against bad players,  not sap. 

    Edit: to answer your question;  sap constantly wins games by removing taunts when you have lethal....

    Also, I've literally never heard anyone 'praise' sap - to me it's just a useful rogue card, but I wouldn't call it OP or anything. Although to be fair, sap vs turn 6 Savannah Highmane is really, really good.
     ^And this. Sap is a HUGE tempo loss gain against Highmane, while playing MR Hunter it is my biggest fear against Rogue when dropping SH; far too many games wrecked/lost by this "underwhelming" card. Yes, it gives you your card back, but now SH costs me 2 turns and 12 mana which can lose you the game right then and there.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]

    Rag Lightlord is pretty important to this deck, because he brings healing with a big body. That being said, you can fulfill the big body and soft taunt function with Rag1.0 quite well, among many other big body immediate threats. Alex, mentioned elsewhere, may be worth a shot.

    Posted in: WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]
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    posted a message on WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]

    I hope to add a guide tonight or tomorrow.

    If you have run the list, please comment with results, or maybe substitutions you've made that have worked out. I'm interested! 

    Posted in: WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]
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    posted a message on WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]

    Tyrion is very tough to replace in this deck, he's a late game taunt that this deck really needs, and that weapon is a great way to soften armor-up warriors. That being said, while there is no straight replacement for Tyrion, any 8/9 minion with a big body should suffice, personally I would probably slot in Rag1.0 for the soft taunt ability. 

    Posted in: WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]
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    posted a message on WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]

    I'm glad it is working for you, that's definitely a good jump with the deck! If you are drawing your clears and murlocs the deck feels unstoppable, when your clears/murlocs sit at the back of the deck, it can feel bad for sure; but honestly that's just the nature of a combo deck!

    Posted in: WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]
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    posted a message on WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]

    I wouldn't personally cut a humility for her, as it's a great card for the current meta and I find a lot of use out of it. I think if you add her on top of Rag2 and Tirion, you start to get away from what the deck is about; if you didn't have Tirion or Rag though, Alex could be tried as a substitute. At turn 9 she won't set up turn 10 though (I imagine that's the theorycraft here) if you have managed to drop your 'locs (I just like to find different ways to say murloc honestly) and are holding Anyfin, because it will only go off for 2x6=12 damage total. 

    Posted in: WotOG Murloc Paladin [Guide]
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