• 0

    posted a message on Air Elemental

    With the existence of the other 2/1 Elemental that Freezes, this card seems underwhelming. Well, while Freeze is a better mechanich, it doesn't stop pings and spells, while this card does it.

    Posted in: Air Elemental
  • 0

    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    I think you cannot activate it if you're not a Shaman because you don't have targets.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
  • 0

    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    The main weaknesses of Control Shaman aren't other Control Decks but Midrange decks (except Midrange Hunter), the power plays just arrive too late. The only Control deck that can do something is Reno Priest.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
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    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    Do you really think that Brawl is gonna easily remove an Ancestral Spirit-ed Earth Elemental? Brawl kills everything but one minion, meaning that EE can survive, and if it dies, another one will pop out. Also, CW vs CS is slow on its own, meaning that you can easily make Earth Elemental + Ancestral Spirit + Faceless Manipulator in one turn after a Thaurissan tick. That board means that if you kill both of the Earth Elementals with Brawl (won't always happen), 2 of them will pop out. With the new expansion, White Eyes is gonna do the same thing but with 10/10s in the deck, something that CW just cannot remove as easily as you might think. Every minion that has a pesky deathrattle is a pain in the ass for CW. Just think of Savanna Highmane.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
  • 0

    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    lol Control Warrior? Ancestral Spirit + Earth Elemental is a pain in the ass for CW. You can even put 2 of them with Faceless Manipulator, I don't think it's easy for a CW to deal with 4 Earth Elementals plus all the other shit you're going to put in the board. The same reasons apply for Renolock and Handlock. White Eyes is even stronger since it will shuffle huge threats that will completely deplete any remaining removal. Freeze Mage can run Polymorph but it's not ran because the deck prefers to use Babbling Book, Cabalist Tome or Arcane Conjurer to fish for answers, so it may not appear. And Control Shaman can easily heal after an Alextraza (Healing Wave and the new Jinyu card). Control Priest has Entomb and it may be difficult to counter, but it's not as though as it seems.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
  • 0

    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    the current Control Shaman absolutely crashes other Control decks. The deck plays huge minions, put Ancestral Spirit on them, and copies them with the Faceless cards.. no control deck can deal with Earth Elementals popping out of Earth Elementals

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
  • 10

    posted a message on Finders Keepers

    Hearthstone Community is SHITTY. No one seems to think that NEW KIND OF DECKS can be made. It seems an utopia to most players, they undervalue cards, decks and classes until they get wrecked by them. I remember what happened when WoG was released: Shaman wasn't called cancer because C'Thun Druid was overhyped and "cancerous", bla bla bla. Everyone seems to value things AFTER they get exposed because NO ONE HAS FUCKING LONG-TERM VISION in this game. Did someone expect Token Druid or Maly Druid (Control-ish decks) to be strong after WoG and Kharazan? Nope, no one. Just an example.

    SO, SPEAKING ABOUT THIS CARD: obviously it's NOT a card you want to play in Aggro or Midrange Shaman. It's a fucking obvious thing. But does this mean it's a bad card? Obviously not. This card is clearly designed for Control Shaman (like the new Shaman Legendary) because you can discover removal or board presence, according to your needs. It's not a card to play on turn 1 so it's almost trash for aggro and midrange, but Control Shaman doesn't to anything on turn 1 and 2 so this card fits perfectly IF you want to play this on turn 1. You don't want this because it's a card that searches for tools and answers: Jeweled Scarab is a similiar card that saw play in control shaman for the chance to get the good 3 mana shaman cards, aka what this card exactly does. Except for 1 thing: there are a few overload cards, and only a few of them are bad by themselves. Some are good but not enough to be worth the room in your deck. This card discovers what you need in a critical turn, so it's good for Control Shaman. Who cares for Overload in Control Shaman? Remember that Control plays ELEMENTAL DESTRUCTION (5 overload) and Lava Shock.

    Posted in: Finders Keepers
  • -1

    posted a message on Jade Claws

    I consider Spirit Claws + Thalnos + 2 Azure Drakes + 2 Maelstrom Portal engine THE core of Midrange Shaman and I thought it would be really good in Jade Golem Shaman, but this card conflicts with Spirit Claws so It can be really bad to use both of them. This is a nice card though.

    Posted in: Jade Claws
  • 1

    posted a message on Gadgetzan Ferryman

    "Current Meta"? This card won't be used in a deck that is not called Jade Golem Rogue. The Jade Golem mechanic seems to be really weak to Aggro and strong against Control, like every Midrange deck ever, so the 2/3 statline is much better than 3/2 against Aggro AKA what would counter a midrange mechanic like Jade Golem.

    This card is not abusably good but it has its uses. Youthful Brewmaster will always return a minion to the hand, so you cannot play it for tempo if you have another minion in play. Guess what? You can with Ferryman. This gains a point for the new card.

    I repeat, it's not a card that Rogues definitively needed, but it can be really good in the Jade Golem Deck. In short, you can bounce a Golem-summoning minion to play it again the turn after, or you can even bounce black the Jade Golem to replay it since it will probably be buffed. This depends from the cost however, but the sure thing is that you will get value out of this card in Jade Golem decks, AND you can play this card for tempo.

    Posted in: Gadgetzan Ferryman
  • -1

    posted a message on Call in the Finishers

    There are also other reasons why Murloc Shaman has never been a thing. The lack of support was due to 1) Incompetence (see Siltfin) 2) Shaman has a lot of burst damage, so giving Shaman tools to make an Aggro Murloc Deck would have been really risky since the rise of Aggro Shaman (thanks to 1 only card called Tunnel Trogg).

    Also, with the rotations, if Blizzard makes a Murloc card for a class every 2 or 3 expansions, it will become useless at a certain point. In April 2017 LoE will rotate out so Everyfin is Awesome will not be in standard. This leaves Shaman with only this card as a Murloc Support, much like when GvG rotated out.

    Murloc Shaman is a failed mechanic because Shaman has a snowballing playstyle that can only be fueled by strong cards. Murlocs are not strong by themselves. Compare Tunnel Trogg to Murloc Tidecaller, the former is much better than the latter for A LOT of reasons. Also, the right supports would make Murloc Shaman too strong due to the huge bursts Shaman already has, and I don't think you want this. The Murloc playstyle is something that belongs to Warlock due to its Hero Power, because they need draw power or an AoE will make you concede instantly.


    Since the card is Common it can have an impact in arena but it doesn't seem really powerful. It's just a turn 4 Muster for Battle with 1 more token but without 4 pings attached to them. It's not enough, and Shaman's 4 mana slot in arena is really good on its own (Master of Evolution, FwF, Fireguard Destroyer). Do you really want to judge a card for future Tavern Brawls? It doesn't make any sense since Tavern Brawls only last one week and if you make a card only for a week you're wasting a card slot, and in this case it's a class card slot. Much more precious than the generic slot. I can see this card only in Evolve Shaman if the Murlocs are valued at 3/4 mana.

    Posted in: Call in the Finishers
  • 3

    posted a message on Gadgetzan Ferryman

    well this card may seem awful and underpowered but here's a point.

    Youthful Brewmaster doesn't see any play because of several things, including the fact that you have to return a minion to the hand even if you don't want to, the effect is mandatory.

    This card instead, has better stats (2/3 is better than 3/2), and it's not mandatory since it's a Combo effect, and this means that if you want to play it without returning something to the hand you can.

    It's not that bad as everyone seems to think because this card has its uses, but it's not something that Rogue really needed. Maybe Blizzard wants to push for Jade Golem Rogue since Miracle Rogue is a playstyle they don't want in HS. And if you think about it, this card is very good in Jade Golem Rogue because it's a board-centric tempo deck, so you need early drops and to play in curve, and this card can also bounce your Golem-summoning minions without bouncing the Jade Golem itself. But it's something that has to be supported, we'll see the other cards.

    Posted in: Gadgetzan Ferryman
  • 0

    posted a message on Jinyu Waterspeaker

    I'm really happy for this card! It's a great drop for both Midrange and Control. Shaman always needed an Heal attached to a relevant minion: Healbot was a shitty card in Mid Shaman because Shaman is board-centric and Healbot has poor stats. It's the same reason you didn't find Healbot in Midrange Hunter.

    Posted in: Jinyu Waterspeaker
  • 3

    posted a message on Jinyu Waterspeaker

    Wrong, Shaman always needed an Heal attached to a minion. Healbot though, was too much a loss of tempo during the times it was around because Shaman was really weak.

    Posted in: Jinyu Waterspeaker
  • -5

    posted a message on Call in the Finishers

    I can stand that Shaman is too strong and that Blizzard wants to balance things. But c'mon, at least make some cards that suit more different playstyles instead of refreshing an old FAILED mechanic for Shaman (Murloc Shaman never worked). They could have made a control card for Shaman instead of this shit! Why not? Control Shaman is not even a thing and will be completely erased as TGT will rotate out in spring.

    Posted in: Call in the Finishers
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    posted a message on Felfire Potion

    I think that Renolock already has a bad matchup against Malygos decks, or combo decks in general

    Posted in: Felfire Potion
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