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    posted a message on TL;DR version of the Announcement
    Quote from Sanelis jump

    Playing with cool decks does not seem like "nothing". It seems fun.

    That is literally why we play Hearthstone.

    The pre-built brawl decks are never "cool decks."

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Power Creep Getting Out of Hand?
    Quote from DragonConsort jump
    Quote from SaintKriptik jump
    Quote from DragonConsort jump

    Man, the card game playerbase are the biggest bunch of suckers of any.  I don't know if it is brainwashing by magic or some other card game, but they'll gladly accept any type of BS, not only that but furiously defend it.  

    In other competitive games, any crap like this won't be tolerated, but card games....lol.  

    New things coming out that are better than old things? You must've never played any MMO that's literally every fucking game. Take wow for example, new raid new arena season new better gear, you gotta work for the new better shit or you wont be competitive.

    Nope.  MMOs are an obvious cash grab.  Played fighting games though, play Heroes of the storm as well.  You know what would happen if they released a character in Street fighter, that had the exact same frame data as Ryu, but 100 more stamina and released it as paid DLC or something you were forced to unlock?  They would riot, cause that stupid shit doesn't fly.  Again though, card gamers....gotta love their naivety.  

    Yes, but Magma Rager isn't really the Hearthstone version of Ryu.  It's just not really an analogy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Power Creep Getting Out of Hand?

    Dr. Boom is "strictly better" than War Golem, which was never played anyway, since it's worse in almost all situations, but not "strictly worse" than Boulderfist Ogre, who was never played in competitive constructed, but at least offered solid value for arena and for players with limited card collections. 

    Magma Rager is maybe the worst card in the game; unplayable in any format.  The "strictly better" Ice Rager still dies to 1 drops and most AOEs, but at least it doesn't die to hero powers, Mortal Coil, Wrath's 1+draw option, and Whirlwind anymore.

    Booty Bay Bruiser is another never-used card that was outclassed by a number of similarly-costed cards.  In vanilla, if your deck needed a midrange taunt to slow down aggro, the pick was always Sen'jin Shieldmasta, because Bruiser's 5/4 stat allocation is undesirable generally, and especially bad on a taunt minion.  Bruiser dies to some three drops, trades unfavorably with Shredder, and dies to shadowbolt, flamecannon and soul burn.  Evil Heckler, a 5/4 taunt at 4, probably still won't be used, but its matchups are at least a little bit less hideously one-sided.

    If you really want to talk about power creep, you need to look at cards that used to be played a lot, and aren't now, and consider why.  Sludge Belcher isn't "strictly better" than Shieldmasta, since Belcher costs one more.  But Tazdingo dropped out of the meta when Sludge Belcher became available.  

    Cairne Bloodhoof used to be an insane value and a top legendary. Not so much anymore, in large part due to Shredder.  You also see less Ragnaros, because powerful early cards make slow cards like Rag difficult to use.  It will be interesting to see if Tournament brings in a slower meta and Rag comes back.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Shaman Card - The Mistcaller
    Quote from RegalSmeagol jump

    The fact that shaman has cards like al'akir and neptulon and any other big body that can now be added have been buffed, and he can come out relatively cheap and can reincarnated with one of the shaman's card is sick. I see a lot of upside to this card, while being 4 damage which helps him avoid shadow words in priest which I feel is going to have a strong presence after tgt.

    Reincarnate doesn't trigger battlecries again.  This could possibly make mech shaman a thing, since you can bounce him back to your hand with spare parts.  

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed
    Quote from sluwbor jump

    warsong is 3 mana, shredder can't summon it

    Faceless manipulator vs a warrior. Full board clear, even vs patrons.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - Icehowl
    Quote from rapshade jump
    Quote from Tehstool jump

    Icehowl more like niceowl! I like it. It's a pure board control minion. Not sure how good it is though.

    Yes board control turn 9 sounds amazing...

    Maybe only ramp Druid could get an earlier benefit from it but it will be useless against aggro and it doesn't help against control as others have stated.

    It clears a win condition off the board, and leaves something for them to deal with. It gets value. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card - Icehowl

    This is good for controlling the board.  He kills the biggest minion your opponent has when you drop him, and then they have to use something else to kill him, or he'll kill another minion of your choice.  He is always going to get value.  In all those situations where you drop Rag and have to hope he hits the right target, this is better.  He also instagibs Ancient of War and has 5 health left after.

    The Aviana ramp Druid deck might use this.  Control Warrior and Control Pally might use it as well.  If we see the meta shift toward control, this is a good card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed
    Quote from iamserjio jump

    opiopi drop for piloted skygolem

    There will be a video of a warrior getting this out of a sky golem and then dropping Warsong Commander and frothing Berserker for OTK

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed
    Quote from DarkArchon21 jump

    The hell are you talking about? Void Terror has way better targets then this and Poweroverwhleming like Eggs and Imp Bang Boss imps. The 4 mana for a 1/1 is a massive tempo loss and way to slow in a aggro deck. Plus the 1/1 is fucking useless. Zero play in both constructed and arena.

    This thing gives you a paladin hero power for free every turn for the rest of the game. If it cost 3, it would be clearly better than imp gang boss.  It is probably too slow for aggro, but it might very well fit into a midrange demon deck, especially if there's one or two more cards in the set that synergize with it.  The combo with anima golem is already pretty strong.

    People think anything that doesn't replace Sylvanas and Boom is garbage, but this is a cool card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Dreadsteed
    Quote from Dudu42 jump

    Overwhelming power,Sacrificial Pact,Void Terror...

    You guys are not seeing the broader picture.

    Tend to agree.  This has a lot of potential synergies.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Druid Card - Astral Communion

    Do you cut Wild Growth for this? I can't see running 2 of these, 2 WG and Nourish.  I am not sure this is better than Nourish, which can be used to draw late in the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Grand Crusader
    Quote from Slayardarklaws jump

    I don't think it's bad. I like that card.

    I consider it as a 5/5 for 6 with  " battlecry : draw a card"

    A creature with decent stats and the ability to draw a card is never bad. They always get to see some play one day or another. I consider it a bigger novice engineer or gnomish inventor. It's not Azure drake, but it's not far.

    Of course, there is the randomness factor. With a usucal cantrip creature, you draw a card from your deck, wich is built according to your gameplan. Always better than drawing some random stuff some might say. Except that, it works both ways: if you draw a random card wich may or may not contribute to your game plan, your opponent can't guess what it could be ( except that it's a paladin card.)

    It's the opportunity to have tools outside of your class pool. Plus paladins usually have nice cards. I'm not excited to see the "Grand Demonologist" who draws you a warlock card. That guy would suck.

    "Add a random card from x class" is not as good as "draw a card," because drawing a card from your deck will generally help you to do whatever your deck trying to do, while a random card may not. 6 mana for a 5/5 with "battlecry: draw a card" would be better than this, but still probably not good enough to see play in the 6 slot.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - Grand Crusader

    Yeah, in the 6 slot, we've got Sylvanas and Emperor.  Cairne is already falling out of the meta, and this card is not as good as Cairne.  I can see this seeing play in arena, since the battlecry is good value, but in constructed, it's just not good enough.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - The Skeleton Knight
    Quote from Sisuwolf jump

    Not a big fan of the stats. Not really sure why it has 'em. The DR makes you want to run it in a control, late game deck, but the stats make you want to go face. I wish it was 4/6 or something that encouraged trading.

    The Skeleton Knight seems to have the same problem as Justicar Trueheart. Text that is made to be run in control, trading, late game decks, and stats that are for complete the opposite type of decks. Why Blizz, why? These cards should be traders, not high attack, make you want to go face. High attack ends the game quicker which is kind of the opposite of what you want with their text. the text is meant to be run in decks where you plan on playing for much longer.

    Justicar Trueheart has a powerful ability that continues to influence the rest of the game, even after she dies. Her high attack means that whatever hits her will die, and that she's enough of a threat that the opponent needs to run something into her.  The fact that she can be killed by a smaller card due to her low health balances her huge buff to the hero power.

    This guy, similarly, has a pretty powerful effect.  The opponent will trade a 4-drop into him and then there's a good chance he comes back.  That said, I think Cairne is better.  I think this guy could have been something like a 5/4 for 5 with "Deathrattle: Return this card to your hand," and Cairne might still have been better. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Crowd Favorite
    Quote from skitzy129 jump
    Quote from AllRoguedUp jump
    Quote from skitzy129 jump
    Quote from AllRoguedUp jump

    Funny how every card posted is half "this card sucks!" and half "No, it doesn't." bottom line is nobody is going to know until they get their hands on it.

    That's not true at all and its been proven with every content release that the minority of intelligent players are able to very accurately assess cards pre-release and we get better at doing it with every new block of content.  This card is far too ineffectual and will not be seen beyond the first couple weeks.

    Take a look at MTG which has been around for way longer. There are still cards that seem bad and are overlooked but surprise everyone by creating new archetypes and play styles. Multiple times I have seen pro MTG players say a card is not good and it becomes a staple of the meta. I am not saying this card is going to be amazing and change everything, I am just saying even the best, most analytical players can be wrong about cards. Dr. Boom is a great example of this.

    This is all completely irrelevant because MTG is just an insane magnitude deeper than Hearthstone.  On a mathematical level, Hearthstone is ludicrously simple when compared to Magic.  The ceiling is SO much lower in this game due to the way its designed.  We have Hearthstone figured out practically entirely until some new global mechanic is implemented.

    Also Booms capability was pretty split amongst good players so it wasn't like it was completely overlooked.  Grim Patron is actually a better example but even that slipped in to an already viable deck Math Warrior.

    This isn't a card you build your deck around, but if it synergizes with the cards that are in your deck it is a strong contender for the 4 slot, especially since Grand Tournament has added some 2 drops you probably don't want to get out of a piloted shredder.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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