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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battletag: Crawford#1677

    Trade only: Yes, you go first

    Region: NA

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    posted a message on Descent of Dragons Review - The Meta Defining Cards So Far

    When you've played this game long enough, you see why these predictions are always wrong.  Breath of Dreams is only a meta defining card if Dragon Druid is a meta-defining deck.  Same goes for all the "breath" cards.  Hearthstone is full of cards like this that almost nobody has ever used because they were high-powered cards that only fit with low-powered deck archetypes.  This set contains cards that seem intended to drive several different dragon decks.  One will probably be really good, and the cards that support the rest of them will never see play at all.  The likelihood of Breath of Dreams, Candle Breath and Lightning Breath all being good cards is extremely low, because for that to happen all three of these dragon decks have to work. 

    The same goes for Fate Weaver. If you can build a deck that has room for all the Galakrond mechanics while also having room for whatever combo this card is supposed to power that also has room for the stuff that keeps Priest from being killed by faster, simpler decks, this might work.  But if it is not better than the existing Divine Spirit/Inner Fire combo priest decks, people will just play those instead.

    Nozdormu is really interesting, because it is a fantastic card for a big Paladin deck, which is an archetype that doesn't currently exist.  If you draw Nozdormu, and you play your 8/8 and then get 10 mana crystals to make another big play, you've likely engineered a tempo swing that many opponents won't be able to counter, even with their own mana crystals unlocked.  Many aggressive decks need to kill big decks before they get to 10 mana crystals, because they cannot compete card-for-card once the late-game threats start hitting the board.  The trouble is, how does the Nozdormu Paladin deck win games where you don't draw Nozdormu? Paladin doesn't have a lot of ways to cheat out big cards, accelerate its mana curve or tutor a big card out of its deck.  This card would be insane in Druid.  In Paladin, there isn't currently a deck that can take full advantage of what Nozdormu does.  

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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battle tag: Crawford#1677


    trade only? Yes. You go first.


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    posted a message on I won t buy this expansion!

    The game costs $400 per year, and the standard cycle pushes $400 worth of cards into the dumpster each year. There are really only a handful of Wild-viable decks. It would be nice if the game gave us more options for older cards. I think it would be cool to have a “standard plus” format that includes two older expansions which rotate each month or something.

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    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Quest Card - Untapped Potential

    I played Fandral back in the day, and people would go hard to kill him immediately, because the effect was extremely powerful.

    Dropping Fandral, and then using Wrath to do 4 damage to a minion and draw a card was often enough for Fandral to put you ahead, after whatever it cost your opponent the next turn to kill Fandral.  If you could play Fandral on turn 4 and then play Nourish on turn 5, you usually won the game, especially if you could use your 2 mana left over from Nourish to cast Wrath.  

    Late game combos with Fandral could be very strong.  If he was alive on turn 7, he turned your Ancient of War into a 10/10 taunt for 7.  If you could keep him alive on Turn 9 or combo with Aviana/Kun, you could use his effect on Cenarius, who would generate two 2/2 treants with taunt and then buff your whole board, including the treants, with +2/+2.

    Fandral would only live long enough to have his effect on one or two cards most of the time, so it was a bad idea to use Choose One cards that wouldn't be good without his effect on them. The benefit of having the Fandral effect on the quest reward hero power is a big deal, because you don't have to worry about what happens when you don't draw it or it gets killed, and the effect can't be removed.  This means you can consider Choose One cards that are great value when this effect is added, but aren't good enough to play otherwise, including:

    Druid of the Claw: This card used to be premium value in the 5 mana slot, but has been power-creeped out.  If you can get 4/6 Charge+Taunt all the time, he starts to look pretty good.

    Mark of Nature: +4/+4 Taunt for 3.  

    Mark of the Loa: Give a Minion +2/+4 and Taunt and summon 2 3/2 raptors for 4

    Starfall: 5 damage to a minion and 2 damage to all enemy minions.

    Druid of the Scythe: 4/4 Rush/Taunt for 3. My guess is you won't use this one in this deck, though.

    Ancient of Lore: Draw a card and restore 5 health

    Tending Tauren: two 2/2 Treants and buffs all minions +1/+1 including the treants.

    Also keep in mind that you can generate a ton of value with Keeper Stalladris.  

    A couple of other possibilities:  Splintergraft can also give you another Cenarius.  If you use Splintergraft on Ancient of War, you will get a 15/15 taunt.  Floop can duplicate the Cenarius effect or the Splintergraft effect. Psychmelon will tutor Ancient of War, Splintergraft and Cenarius out of your deck.

    I think this might be the new ramp druid.

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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    Battle tag: Crawford#1677

    Region: NA

    Trade only: Yes, you go first,

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)



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    posted a message on RoS - What are your first crafts?

    Catrina Muerte and Kalecgos are my golden crafts this time, unless I get them as bundle legends.

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    posted a message on Big Priest just got more broke...

    If you res him, he casts res again. If you get him from mass res or Spellstone, he casts that again.

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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Darkest Hour

    Rafaam's scheme sucks too much to combo with this.  Possible some wild cards like Implosion will work with this.  Also might be a cool thing to cast after you kill your own voidlord.

    With Bloodbloom or Thaurissan or something like that, you can cube your Voidlord, cast this, and get 2 voidlords plus 4 minions from your deck.


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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Convincing Infiltrator

    This is the card that makes Resurrect Priest work in the standard meta.

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    posted a message on New Card - Batterhead

    Why does this cost 8?  There are a bunch of spells that hit the enemy's board for 3 that cost around 5.  Even Flamestrike only costs 7.  It's too slow to counter zoo or aggro, which can often kill you by turn 5 or 6.  Akali the Rhino synergy looks okay, but you can't summon both in the same turn, so whatever threats are on the board get another turn to hit you before buffed Batterhead comes out.  I don't see any immediately compelling ways to cheat this out earlier.  If it was a Mech it could have some interesting magnetic synergies, but it isn't and it doesn't.  

    Maybe this is an arena card, but I can't see where it fits into constructed.

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    posted a message on How many packs to get a complete set?

    You get two legendaries from the bundles, and usually they give away one random one for logging in during the launch.  Beyond that, the odds of a legendary are one in twenty packs. 

    My guess is somewhere around 300 packs, you should get most of the set, and more than enough dust to craft the rest.  Probably 200 packs is sufficient to get most of it, and then you can just craft the legends you need and ignore the ones you don't get that you don't plan to use.


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    posted a message on Quick Survey: "Well Played" emote, how do you use it?

    I prefer to use "Wow" sarcastically when my opponent misplays, and "Oops" earnestly when I make a mistake.

    The most popular usage of Well Played seems to be to boast that the game is about to end right before you deliver lethal, especially if you use it on your opponent's turn when it has become clear that they won't be able to do anything to stop you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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