First try (and at legend), thanks!
- Coruu
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Dec 26, 2021Biomass posted a message on Achievement Do You Wanna Build A Snowtroll Alterac ValleyPosted in: Achievement Do You Wanna Build A Snowtroll Alterac Valley
Palathropus posted a message on Are the achievements bugged?Posted in: General DiscussionYes, there are several achievements that are bugged since day 1, many of them have been reported, but they haven't fixed it yet.
SirJohn13 posted a message on My (almost) complete guide to the achievements that offer XPPosted in: General DiscussionHi all. As you know the new battle pass contains hundreds of achievements. Some of them, in the 'Gameplay' section are more important than the others as they offer actual XP that contributes towards your battle pass level progression. They also often tend to be much harder to achieve than those that merely offer 'achievement points'. I enjoy such challenges and I've spent quite some time trying to complete as many as I can based on what is in my collection.
Remember that they can only be completed while playing on ranked mode (standard or wild) or in Duels. I tried to complete most of them in the fastest way possible, which means that I often had to build a special purpose deck that is quite bad and perhaps doesn’t even have a win condition. In some cases I even had to kill my own minions to get an achievement done. So my advice would be to do that at the very start of the month or whenever you find yourself at some rank floor. If you really want to protect your hidden MMR, then trying to get them done in Duels is often a viable alternative. If you want to get them done while also winning, this might be quite challenging for some of them.
Below is my almost complete guide to these achievements. Feel free to comment:
- Demon Hunter:
- Deal 15/30/100 damage with Il’gynoth’s effect: This is quite straightforward. If you have Il’gynoth, you play the OTK deck with Mo’arg Artificers, Felosophy, Ethereal Augmerchants and Felscream Blasts and you should get it quite fast. If you get a nice Skull discount it is possible to do up to 72 damage with a single Felscream Blast.
- Destroy 5 minions with Throw Glaive: The main issue is that Throw Glaive is not a good card that you want to run in a competitive deck. So in order to be done with this achievement as quick as possible, just put up a deck with a bunch of 0- and 1-drops that have 1 or 2 health, 2 copies of the spell plus some card draw and set up a play where you cast 5 times Throw Glaive using your own minions as targets as well.
- Control a 10+ attack Redeemed Pariah: I built the below deck in order to get this achievement done: and I was surprised by how good this deck was. The synergies it has are great and if the opponent cannot kill either a Redeemed Pariah or a Line Hopper (played possibly on curve), the deck can snowball quite fast. Give it a try!
Outcast DH is more than a meme! Tempo DH Deck by SirJohn13 - Nov 18, 2020
Minion (12) Ability (16) - 2x Eye Beam
- 2x Demon Companion
- 2x Skull of Gul'dan
- 2x Chaos Strike
- 2x Consume Magic
- 2x Double Jump
- 2x Spectral Sight
- 2x Twin Slice
Weapon (2) Loading Collection
- Druid:
- Summon 20/100/200 Greyboughs: I haven’t completed this as I don’t have the card, but even if I did the card is just bad and doesn’t fit in any halfway decent deck. And it’s definitely not worth playing a ton of games with a bad/mediocre deck that runs Greybough until you eventually get to summon 200 of them, so I’ll pass on this one.
- Guess the weight correctly 10 times: The card is good, fits in most Druid decks and more often than not it is a 2-mana draw 2. So if you play any Druid deck (even some wild decks run it) you will get it sooner or later.
- Play 6 eclipses in a single game: If you have Kiri, Chosen of Elune then you can add him to whatever Druid deck you want that already runs the eclipses (Guardian Druid, Carnival Druid, etc…) and you’ll eventually manage to cast 6 of them in a single game. I am missing some Druid epics so what I did instead is put together a deck with Kiri, the eclipses, a bunch of spells for ramp, card draw and token generation (Glowfly Swarm) and buffs. as well as the new Yogg and even went 2-2 until I managed to cast 6 eclipses. If you don’t have Kiri then you’ll need to either (a) get very lucky from both Nature Studies or (b) play Duels and hope to pick up Kiri and/or multiple copies of the eclipses from card buckets.
- Hunter:
- Deal 50/150/500 damage with Darkmoon Tonk: If you have Oblivitron I recommend the below deck. It performs quite well (I went 10-5 with it at legend) and Darkmoon Tonk itself is insane on its own and even more in combination with Oblivitron as well as with Nine Lives. You can sometimes discover more copies of these two via Carrion Studies to do even more broken stuff. 500 damage might sound like a lot, but it piles up fast
Secret Deathrattle Hunter Deathrattle Hunter Deck by SirJohn13 - Dec 2, 2020
Minion (13) - 1x Oblivitron
- 2x Darkmoon Tonk
- 1x Khartut Defender
- 2x Phase Stalker
- 2x Animated Broomstick
- 1x Inconspicuous Rider
- 2x Mystery Winner
- 2x Ursatron
Ability (15) - 1x Jewel of N'Zoth
- 2x Nine Lives
- 1x Snake Trap
- 1x Flare
- 2x Pack Tactics
- 2x Petting Zoo
- 1x Tracking
- 2x Carrion Studies
- 2x Freezing Trap
- 1x Open the Cages
Weapon (2) - 1x Rinling's Rifle
- 1x Eaglehorn Bow
Loading Collection - Control 3 identical deathrattle minions: This is not a Hunter specific achievement and can be completed by any class. It’s easy with Hunter where Carrion Studies (or perhaps Pack Tactics) can give you the 3rd copy that you want, but it is also possible in Rogue (e.g. shuffle multiple copies of a deathrattle minion with Togwaggle's Scheme, use the new legendary to draw them all, or use Shadow of Death on a deathrattle minion) and possibly in a Duels run with any class as you can pick multiple copies of the same minion over time. There are also many ways to get this achievement done in wild, for example in playing Cubelock and using cards like Carnivorous Cube and/or Faceless Manipulator or playing some N’Zoth deck (the OG one) with Khartut Defenders, etc…
- Launch a minion for lethal with Maxima Blastenheimer: It took me around 15 games (of which I lost around 70%) to get this done, playing a spell-heavy Hunter deck where the only minions were Maxima, 2 tonks, a Plagued Protodrake, a Colossus of the Moon and a Scrapyard Colossus. One problem of this deck (compared to the one I have listed above) is that it has a really poor early game (due to the lack of minions). Another problem is that when you have a chance to play Maxima for lethal, the opponent is often losing so much that they are likely to concede before you get your chance (happened to me twice)
- Deal 50/150/500 damage with Darkmoon Tonk: If you have Oblivitron I recommend the below deck. It performs quite well (I went 10-5 with it at legend) and Darkmoon Tonk itself is insane on its own and even more in combination with Oblivitron as well as with Nine Lives. You can sometimes discover more copies of these two via Carrion Studies to do even more broken stuff. 500 damage might sound like a lot, but it piles up fast
- Mage
- Draw 5/20/50 cards with Sayge: If you play wild and you play secret Mage then it is only a matter of time. If you only play standard Sayge is still a great card, but Secret Mage is just meh, mostly because the pool of secrets in standard is much weaker. But once again, it is only a matter of time.
- Deal lethal damage with Mask of C’Thun: I don’t remember how exactly I got this done, but I think I was playing some Rogue deck and discovered it off a Wand Thief to deal lethal;) The fastest way to get this achievement done is probably in Duels where on the first round heroes start at only 20 health.
- Control 4 Occult Conjurers: Once again if you play Secret Mage (wild or standard) you are running this card and you will eventually get it.
- Paladin
- Restore 100 health with High Exarch Yrel: I haven’t completed this as I don’t have the card, but if you have it, add it to your Pure Paladin deck (which is at worst a tier-2 deck) and you will get it eventually
- Deal lethal damage with Oh My Yogg!: Also not completed. Obviously this achievement, apart from playing a deck that runs this secret, requires a huge amount of luck. Good luck;)
- Give 10/30/100 dudes divine shield: The easiest/fastest way to get this done is to play Odd Paladin in wild. Even if you don’t have (or you choose not to run) Lothraxion the Redeemed, there is still Steward of Darkshire.
- Priest
- Steal 3 enchantments with The Nameless One: I haven’t done this as I don’t have the card. Once again a problem is that the card is not so good to begin with. However if you have the card the simplest way to get this done is to build a deck with lots of cheap buffing spells (such as Power Word: Shield, Embalming Ritual, etc…) and steal the enchantments from your own minion (or cast the enchantments on an enemy minion and then steal them).
- Spend 10/30/100 health to play cards as priest: I haven’t done this as I don’t have G’huun the Blood God. Technically it might be possible to get this done without the card thanks to Duels, where one of the starting treasures is a minion that makes every 3rd spell you cast to cost health instead of mana, but it will probably take you a while (and require multiple Duels runs.
- Summon a Fortune Teller with 10+ attack: Got this easily in a Duels run, where I was not playing to win, but solely to get the achievement done.
- Rogue
- Summon a 10+ cost minion with Shadow Clone: Yeah, good luck with that, I am not even bothering.
- Deal 10/30/100 damage with Prize Plunderers: The card is decent and seems some play in a few agro and tempo Rogue decks, even in wild. If you play such a deck it is a matter of time to get this done.
- Draw 5 cards with a single Grand Empress Shek’zara: If you have the card, I recommend to go have some fun in wild with some Pogos. A tier-4 deck at best, but quite fun. I was able to draw 7 Pogos in one go with the Empress to get this done and even ended up winning that game;) In standard you probably need a big Togwaggle's Scheme, but the targets for it as not as attractive and cool as Pogos.
- Shaman
- Buff 10/30/100 totems with Grand Totem Eys’or: If you have the card and play Totem Shaman it is only a matter of time. I don’t have it, but I am already at 64/100 thanks to Duels. I build a starting deck with some totem and some overload stuff. When overloaded, the upgraded hero power has a 25% chance to give you Eys’or. Furthermore, you might get lucky and pick up a copy of it from a card bucket later on.
- Transform 14 minions at once with Revolve: I am anyway playing some (R)evolve Shaman so what I did is that I replaced 1 card from my deck with a copy of Mad Summoner. Eventually, on a game that I was anyway losing, I managed to draw and play him + Revolve to at least get the achievement done. Don’t forget to cut him from your deck right afterwards!
- Deal 16 damage from hero attacks in a single turn: You don’t even need Inara Stormcrash and double Stormstrike for this. Just play Soul DH and you will get it done sooner or later!
- Warlock
- Play a Darkmoon Rabbit for 1-mana: If you have Deck of Chaos then you just need 1 game (with a bit of luck) with a stupid deck that runs these 2 cards, some draw and some removal.
- Destroy 5/15/50 minions with Cascading Disaster: If you play any Control Warlock deck (Tickatus Warlock in standard, Renolock in Wild, etc…) you are running this card and you will get it done sooner or later.
- Draw 2 minions with Free Admission where the both cost 0: If you just want to be done with this quick just build a deck with every single demon that costs 2 or less and no other minions. You’ll probably only need 1 game.
- Warrior
- Play a 0-cost Tent Trasher: I got this done in duels after picking up the treasure that makes dragons cost 2 less. This made it much easier as the discount required is now much smaller. Playing Athletic Studies before also helps discount the Trasher and makes it easier to get it down to 0.
- Trigger 5/15/50 E.T.C., God of Metal: If you have this card, try the ETC OTK Warrior as it is a really strong deck. The combo is to play ETC, damage it (e.g. with Pen Flinger), copy it twice with Bloodsworn Mercenary and finally play Animated Broomstick (works as long as there are adequate enemy targets). Achieving the OTK combo twice is enough to get this achievement fully completed.
- Destroy 5 minions with a single Minefield: This is quite difficult to achieve under ‘normal’ cirumstances. What I did is I built a deck with a bunch of cheap 1-health minions (including Animated Broomstick), some draw and the Minefields. Eventually, I faced some aggro deck that plays cheap minions (it was some Hunter) and I managed to set up a turn where I played a bunch of 0- and 1-cost minions including the Broomstick and did the ‘right’ trades so that I leave 5 minions alive on the board, all with 1 health.
- Neutral
- Play a Horrendous Growthy with 7+/15+ attack: For this achievement I recommend the following deck that Regis was playing one day as it seems fun:
- Play 15/50/150/500 corrupted card: If you play any deck that runs corrupt cards (Carnival Druid and Tickatus Warlock are the most popular) it is only a matter of time. I am playing a Quest Shaman with Y’Shaarj, the Defiler, Circus Medics and Dunk Tanks.
- Play a 0-cost corrupted card 1/10/30/100 times: Same as above, but your deck now needs to include Y’Shaarj, the Defiler. Will probably take a little longer than (b) to complete.
- Control a board full of Carnival Clowns: All you have to do is to corrupt and play the card once, probably easiest in Druid.
- Destroy 5/10/25 minions with a Darkmoon Rabbit: I haven’t completed this as it is fine to play 1 game with the Rabbit + Deck of Chaos for a single achievement (see above in Warlock), but I have no intention of playing multiple games with a deck that runs such a trash card just to get these 400 XP points.
- Kill your opponent from full health with C’Thun, the Shattered: I haven’t done this as I don’t even have the card. It is not easy to achieve as it is very unlikely that you will get to play C’Thun on a fully empty board and with your opponent at exactly 30 health. Might be a bit easier with some Quest Shaman where you can deal 60 damage, but once again you will need quite a bit of luck to have the opponent at 30 (or more) health. Zeddy did this in wild with a fun combo that includes Aviana/Kun, Ysiel, a C’Thun to clear the opponent’s board, Tree of Life to heal him back to 30 and a 2nd C’Thun via Floop for the lethal. But of course this combo needs a ton of legendaries that many of us don’t have.
- Resurrect 6 minions at once with N’Zoth, God of the Deep: Also haven’t done this as I don’t have the card, but it doesn’t seem too difficult if you build the right deck that runs minions from 6+ tribes. The main problem is that N’Zoth is probably the weakest of the 4 ‘new’ old gods and N’Zoth deck are just not that good.
- Spin Yogg’s Wheel + win the game: If you play a deck with the new Yogg (he fits in so many decks), you will eventually get the Pyroblast fiesta and if you are lucky, it will be your opponent that dies. My first Rod of Roasting ended up with me dying from 43 health while the opponent was at 12 when I played Yogg….
- Get all 6 outcomes from Yogg’s wheel: Chances are that by the time you get your first Rod of Roasting you will have already gotten the other 5 outcomes (and probably multiple times each).
- Demon Hunter:
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