nah fuck that. priest needs to be deleted from the game. All they do is rope and discover.
I can't tell if you are missing the point accidentally or strategically. Yes, right now the endgame plan of control priest is drag out the game and systematically eliminate all threats in their opponents deck, while simultaneously generating as much value that they can to fuel this game of attrition.
OP is saying that this has become unfeasible and, as such, must be changed to no longer be the case. They want to end the current priest play style of long, last man standing strategy with something that allows the priest to bring about a decisive ending to the game without forcing their opponents to fatigue. Or, in other words, do something besides rope and discover.
Most other control decks do seem to have powerful "for the rest of the game" effects to build enough pressure to close our the game, if not combo one-shot like we saw with odyn warriors, but priests lack even the most basic of win conditions in standard. Even something like "for the rest of the game, healing enemies damage them instead" could be used to replace the current strategy of boring the enemy to death.
I like "Discard your hand and draw three cards. Take an extra turn after this one."
Admittedly, I don't actually play wild, but I feel like that would at least hurt time warp combo potential, and also still let you do something like play a bunch of giants and attack with them.
I like the idea of "for the rest of the game, your hero takes double damage, but no more than 10 per turn."
Stops combo one shots at the cost of increased attrition damage from small sources, not to mention fatigue.
Or if you wanted something more broken, because let's face it: everything is either broken or trash these days, then "for the rest of the game, if your hero has full health at the end of your turn, deal 6 damage to it and give it immune until the start of your next turn."
Honestly i forget the last time we get an actual AoE speed that can dealt 3 damage before turn 5.
Lightmaw Netherdrake I think. And I agree, it's annoying for priest to lack both any sort of inevitability and the means to deal with classes that do. It wouldn't be as bad if they committed to priest's passivity and reactive control style and printed something that countered "for the rest of the game" effects. Like if they made a card that said "Restart the game using both players current hands, decks, and life totals." Sure a lot of people would hate it, but those people hate control priest already.
It's funny to hear someone make a complaint against discover while running the infinite discover card themselves.
Don't get me wrong, it's entirely valid to dislike discover and I've heard the view shared by others here on this forum, but it is not one I personally have. I love discover and how it's one of the biggest things a virtual card game like hearthstone can do that a physical one like MtG can not.
A 20 health swing with a 5 card requirement is fine, if it only happens once. Just make it only happen the first time. You shouldn't be able to be reuse or refresh it.
Well if we wanted to keep the card mostly the same while preventing it being used back to back, then I like the idea of just adding the requirement "If your hero has less health than your opponent's" to it. You can use it once fairly easy, using it twice would mean letting your health drop from near forty to below 20, and killing off your opponent with the snake would mean letting your own health drop below 10. The card would still be good, especially at getting your health high in a pinch and/or out of otk range, but more likely you would try killing your opponent with something else once you softened them up.
I mean, I have killed people with it around 15 damage a few times in standard. In duels, I played one with 20+ in all values and have enjoyed it a lot more than in constructed play. I am afraid it is not a good card, however much I want it to be though. It is a lot more work and less reliable than, say, excavating four times and bouncing a snake a few times. What sort of justice is this?
How about dropping it's number down to 5, but add "deal another five if you excavated 8 times this game", like The Azerite Scorpion? Still combo material, but pushed further back in the match.
Worth noting that this card also helps counter reno dragon Druid by removing the nest summoned by Rheastrasza. Reno priest will also be looking to snag another copy of this with Tram Heist as well.
Identify Theft, and every other thief priest card that sees play, is personally a favorite of mine.
I'm sure it is, because this card is the primary reason why concede priest exists lol
So people say. In my experience, I can't recall the last time someone conceded to me at match start on the standard ladder. But hey, if you don't like a match up, then conceding out of it is totally valid. People should play games for fun, after all. For me, that means priest and other slow decks. When the meta gets too aggro, well then I check out Duels for a bit or leave Hearthstone entirely for a season.
Clean the Scene requires you to let three minions die while it's in hand, unless you are referring to its uninfused state. Xyrella required you to have desperate prayer in hand and be damaged. One ignores minion health, the other minion attack. It feels rather comparable to me.
Identify Theft, and every other thief priest card that sees play, is personally a favorite of mine. You get to play with all sorts of cards, and winning with you opponent's strategy before they can makes me feel that certain spark of joy. Just a real "get rekt!" moment. When people complain about me using their own cards cards, calling it over overpowered or unfair, I just shrug and smile, because if it is such bullshit for me to win with them, then why were they in your deck to begin with?
Contentious, for sure and I know other people disagree, but everyone has they favorite playstyle and somebody is going to hate it.
Not just the bottles, but you can dup Funnel Cake, Priestess Valishj, and Crimson Clergy. If I am reading Bottle Springwater right, you can use it prepare a one cost spell that will fully overheal a Heartbreaker Hedanis by healing a minion for 1 or 2 damage so there might be room for a miracle otk with all that mana refresh.
On the other hand, you could make two bottled springwaters, draw two Shadowtouched Kvaldir, then play this card a few times. Main problem there is hand size, so if there was a better option like Embrace the Shadow available, then perhaps.
No. No they’re not. You’re confused and misinformed. This was discussed by blizzard itself in a blog. There’s a distinction between Blizzard bots and third part bots. Please go ahead and read about it. The information is right there, at your fingertips:
I am not saying that every bot on the ladder is put there by Blizzard. The OP mentioned that they are reporting every bot they come across, but some can not be interacted with. That is indicative of an AI player placed by blizzard. The existence of these players was confirmed back in patch 24.4
"Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks."
I was simply pointing out that some of them bot being faced by the OP were legit.
I can't tell if you are missing the point accidentally or strategically. Yes, right now the endgame plan of control priest is drag out the game and systematically eliminate all threats in their opponents deck, while simultaneously generating as much value that they can to fuel this game of attrition.
OP is saying that this has become unfeasible and, as such, must be changed to no longer be the case. They want to end the current priest play style of long, last man standing strategy with something that allows the priest to bring about a decisive ending to the game without forcing their opponents to fatigue. Or, in other words, do something besides rope and discover.
Most other control decks do seem to have powerful "for the rest of the game" effects to build enough pressure to close our the game, if not combo one-shot like we saw with odyn warriors, but priests lack even the most basic of win conditions in standard. Even something like "for the rest of the game, healing enemies damage them instead" could be used to replace the current strategy of boring the enemy to death.
I like "Discard your hand and draw three cards. Take an extra turn after this one."
Admittedly, I don't actually play wild, but I feel like that would at least hurt time warp combo potential, and also still let you do something like play a bunch of giants and attack with them.
I like the idea of "for the rest of the game, your hero takes double damage, but no more than 10 per turn."
Stops combo one shots at the cost of increased attrition damage from small sources, not to mention fatigue.
Or if you wanted something more broken, because let's face it: everything is either broken or trash these days, then "for the rest of the game, if your hero has full health at the end of your turn, deal 6 damage to it and give it immune until the start of your next turn."
Lightmaw Netherdrake I think. And I agree, it's annoying for priest to lack both any sort of inevitability and the means to deal with classes that do. It wouldn't be as bad if they committed to priest's passivity and reactive control style and printed something that countered "for the rest of the game" effects. Like if they made a card that said "Restart the game using both players current hands, decks, and life totals." Sure a lot of people would hate it, but those people hate control priest already.
It's funny to hear someone make a complaint against discover while running the infinite discover card themselves.
Don't get me wrong, it's entirely valid to dislike discover and I've heard the view shared by others here on this forum, but it is not one I personally have. I love discover and how it's one of the biggest things a virtual card game like hearthstone can do that a physical one like MtG can not.
Well if we wanted to keep the card mostly the same while preventing it being used back to back, then I like the idea of just adding the requirement "If your hero has less health than your opponent's" to it. You can use it once fairly easy, using it twice would mean letting your health drop from near forty to below 20, and killing off your opponent with the snake would mean letting your own health drop below 10. The card would still be good, especially at getting your health high in a pinch and/or out of otk range, but more likely you would try killing your opponent with something else once you softened them up.
I mean, I have killed people with it around 15 damage a few times in standard. In duels, I played one with 20+ in all values and have enjoyed it a lot more than in constructed play. I am afraid it is not a good card, however much I want it to be though. It is a lot more work and less reliable than, say, excavating four times and bouncing a snake a few times. What sort of justice is this?
*looks at my two newest decklists.*
Personally, I feel attacked...
How about dropping it's number down to 5, but add "deal another five if you excavated 8 times this game", like The Azerite Scorpion? Still combo material, but pushed further back in the match.
Worth noting that this card also helps counter reno dragon Druid by removing the nest summoned by Rheastrasza. Reno priest will also be looking to snag another copy of this with Tram Heist as well.
So people say. In my experience, I can't recall the last time someone conceded to me at match start on the standard ladder. But hey, if you don't like a match up, then conceding out of it is totally valid. People should play games for fun, after all. For me, that means priest and other slow decks. When the meta gets too aggro, well then I check out Duels for a bit or leave Hearthstone entirely for a season.
Clean the Scene requires you to let three minions die while it's in hand, unless you are referring to its uninfused state. Xyrella required you to have desperate prayer in hand and be damaged. One ignores minion health, the other minion attack. It feels rather comparable to me.
Identify Theft, and every other thief priest card that sees play, is personally a favorite of mine. You get to play with all sorts of cards, and winning with you opponent's strategy before they can makes me feel that certain spark of joy. Just a real "get rekt!" moment. When people complain about me using their own cards cards, calling it over overpowered or unfair, I just shrug and smile, because if it is such bullshit for me to win with them, then why were they in your deck to begin with?
Contentious, for sure and I know other people disagree, but everyone has they favorite playstyle and somebody is going to hate it.
Spanish, if I had to guess. Italian?
Not just the bottles, but you can dup Funnel Cake, Priestess Valishj, and Crimson Clergy. If I am reading Bottle Springwater right, you can use it prepare a one cost spell that will fully overheal a Heartbreaker Hedanis by healing a minion for 1 or 2 damage so there might be room for a miracle otk with all that mana refresh.
On the other hand, you could make two bottled springwaters, draw two Shadowtouched Kvaldir, then play this card a few times. Main problem there is hand size, so if there was a better option like Embrace the Shadow available, then perhaps.
I am not saying that every bot on the ladder is put there by Blizzard. The OP mentioned that they are reporting every bot they come across, but some can not be interacted with. That is indicative of an AI player placed by blizzard. The existence of these players was confirmed back in patch 24.4
"Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks."
I was simply pointing out that some of them bot being faced by the OP were legit.