Just played against this deck with beast hunter (ratking build) & got rekt!
- ConCuThanKy1292
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TylerNFTCreator posted a message on Vanndar DR Priest (with Mida)Posted in: Vanndar DR Priest (with Mida) -
Mxller posted a message on [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winratePosted in: [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winrateLooks really fun :D will give it ago
BourbieSpeedrun posted a message on [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winratePosted in: [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winrateI don't have Grumble and the second dirty rat is there a replacement for them?
Biomass posted a message on [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winratePosted in: [Legend] - Clean and Fun Shudderwock Shaman with 72% winrateGrizzled Wizard without Finley?
Armakus posted a message on Reno Quest Thief RoguePosted in: Reno Quest Thief RogueSo just checking back in after a day: I'm actually doing pretty well with the deck. 10-7 right now, which is a 59% winrate. Definitely too small a sample size to say definitively how good the deck is, but it's enough games to say definitively how fun it is!
Armakus posted a message on Reno Quest Thief RoguePosted in: Reno Quest Thief RogueI've only played one game so far but it was by far the most fun game of hearthstone I've played in a while. Thanks so much for sharing!
DrJ posted a message on [LEGEND] - 88% WR Quest WarlockPosted in: [LEGEND] - 88% WR Quest WarlockThanks for the deck, made a few minor changes and hit legend. Here are my Brutal changes that I feel speeds up the deck.
Posted under: Brutal Warlock Quest Legend
Main Upgrades: Double Flame Imp for more damage, Bloodmage to extend damage and draw
Drops: One Armor Vendor (I am thinking of changing the other out for an Alter of Fire. One Manafeeder because I think the Bloodmage is better.
ZeusyZeus posted a message on [LEGEND] - 88% WR Quest WarlockPosted in: [LEGEND] - 88% WR Quest WarlockGuide? Or atleast tell me how I can Best no skill mage. All I run into.
AnOldLady posted a message on Reno Triple Quest Double N'Zoth PriestPosted in: Reno Triple Quest Double N'Zoth PriestYou can only play 1 quest at a time… :(
SaltStone posted a message on [LEGEND]- Top 130 Odd Questline HunterPosted in: [LEGEND]- Top 130 Odd Questline HunterThanks for the deck to destory all the brain dead quest warlocks which just brainless throwing like 10+ cards in one turn
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When I see protagonist decks like this, I always upvote.
I used this deck for 2 seasons straight. Maybe I was lucky for the whole 2 months.
1 Ice Fishing is for Flurghl + Toxfin. And that's the combo, :)
The aim of the quest is to complete it faster than the mage and refrain to playing minions on the board so that opponent cannot use frost spells besides Ice Barrier. But, the thing is that Quest Mage tends to complete the quest faster than us so we have to play efficiently as well as praying for their draws to be bad.
That's why it's a challenge :)
Tks for the question. I will update the strategy soon.
Back to your question, the tips are to search for spell that deal damage like Rapid Fire and Wound Prey. Rapid Fire is auto-kept in every matchup. Moreover, when deciding to use between Wound Prey and On the Hunt, if op has board, use WP to make use of the Rush effect.
Against Warlocks, prepare to one-shot them by setup the OTK instead of wasting all spells earlier for tempo advantage.
The reason they don't nerf the quest:
1. It's a new card. If they nerf it, it proves that the card is the real problem.
2. They want the meta to be worse so that people spend money on Mercenaries and also BG (because if they hate constructed, they will switch to BG, which is pushed by the skin bundles).
Tks for posting these decks. I appreciate your effort in the current disastrous state of Wild. I am sick of those questline warlocks and have to play aggro to hunt them down. At least there are guys like you.
Hey man, great to hear that u got good results with the deck. Do u have any tips on cards replacement?
I found out that most of my matchup are not affected by void caller into ticky because I have Raise Dead. Kelidan is added because he is a good extra board clear.