This is the saltiest thread I have seen in quite some time. Wild is pretty balanced, you need to stop wasting time complaining. If you hate Priest, play Quest Mage or Mecha'thun Warlock, if you hate Quest Mage play Demon Hunter and so on. If you hate everything then don't play.
IMO the best thing about wild is that you don't ussualy see matches decided by RNG, ppl just play OP decks with OP cards, so they know exactly what's gonna happen whey they play them, no need to RNG fiestas.
It's day 1, we need to wait at least 2 weeks (and maybe some nerfs) to see wich decks are good, but yeah, don't think it will see play, maybe in wild if the meta is full of combo decks, but we need to wait
But if they play Azalina the next turn you can't keep their deck right?
Raza priest with Coldarra Drake (unlimited Hero powers), mages with walocks AoE and Hero power, DH + Hunter would kill you on turn 3 with toxic reinforcements, and ther would be many others.
Nice idea, but it would be so toxic to play.
Imo HS needs something new, not just mixing old things
If you want to kill a Tier 3 deck, what should be done to Tier 1/2 decks? Wild needs frequent balance changes, yes, but this is far from being a solution imo. You just seem to hate this deck and want to see it omeganerfed
I agree with you, Blizzard gave DH the best draw engine and the best aggro tools, and that's quite dangerous. But I think the real DH problem is in standard, when you don't have enough board clears. IMO they should nerf/remake the class, but for the standard expirience. I've been playing wild since the AoO release cause standard meta bores me, and in my expirience Wild DH is tier 2. Is a good deck, that can overwhelm you if you don't have the tools, but only beats 1 of the 3 tier 1 decks, quest mage. The other 2 (Raza priest and cubelock) usually crush demon hunters, ofc drawing good is important, but I think those 2 decks have enough removal and healing tools to easily beat them
Wouldn't be Hanar good in this deck? I'll give it a try anyways :)
First time legend with this deck, I cut Godfrey and merchand for 2 sac pacts cause too many aggro but thanks man, great deck :D